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(Quick Q: What do you think will happen to Yuu? 🤔)

(Y/N)'s POV

"Just don't leave me alone.." I complied with his request, "Okay.." He slowly let my hands go and he sat down as I copied his action. "What's on your mind Todo?" Todoroki profoundly took a deep breath in, "I just.. don't know what to think anymore.." I raised an eyebrow, "Well just blurt out what you're thinking about right now."

He seemed to search my eyes for something, "Just things about my father, things that Midoriya told me, and... you." I tried to keep a cool composure, "Um, what about all of it.." He seemed mentally exhausted, "I honestly don't want to think much about it.." He wanted to push it aside, but I wanted to know what he was thinking about me.

"I don't wanna be pushy, but," he locked his eyes onto my own (E/C) eyes, "What about me were you thinking..?" With some hesitation he answered, "Your smile, how kind you are, and your strange personality." A small irk appeared on my forehead, "My strange personality?" He gave a small, innocent nod, cute..

"Well, your smile doesn't leave my mind. And I like that I get to hear your voice, it soothes me.." He looked at the table and brought his hand to his chin, "..I... think..?" I slumped in my seat, "The only one strange here is you, weirdo."

He looked back at me, "How am I strange?" I put my foot on the edge of the table and leaned the chair back, "You don't show any emotion, you can't really express yourself, you look like you wanna kill someone, you never really talk," Todo changed his slightly curious expression to a 'really?' look.

"Annnd.. and I'm just describing myself, too.." Todo crossed his arms, "Exactly, but my point is that no matter how strange you may be, I can't stop thinking about you." I feel like I'm losing my composure bit by bit as I lightly blush and set my chair down.

I looked to my lap where my hands fidgeted, "Well it's not bad, is it?" "Hm?" I try to keep my cool, trying to sound cocky, "It's not bad to think of me, I mean I'm just that great.." I looked back to his heterochromia eyes and he smiled a little bit, "Well no. It isn't I guess."

I feign being hurt, "Wow! You guess? What's that supposed to mean?" He let out a short laugh and my heart skipped a beat, "You really are something (L/N)." I feel my face warm, "Yeah, yeah.."

I stand up and bring a chair with me to sit next to him. Once I sit, I just lose myself staring at his eyes, "What is it?" I just hummed thoughtfully, "Nothing, I just find your eyes captivating." He quickly looked away, changing moods, "How? There's nothing special about them.."

I chuckled, "Yes there is. Something about your eyes is always getting my attention." He frowns at me, "Yeah right, you're only saying that so I won't feel bad about my scar.." I furrowed my eyebrows, "What? That's not it. Todoroki, I don't pity people. I hate that shit. I should know.."

"How do you know?" I looked up at him and gave him a small smile, "Just like you said, I'll tell you some stuff if you go to eat soba with me." There was a short pause. I put my hand over his, "Just know that your eyes are amazing and that there's nothing to be ashamed about. Accept yourself, okay?"

Todoroki's gaze went from my eyes to our hands and he hesitantly put his other hand on top of mine, "(L/N), I-" Just then the door gets kicked open. Both Todoroki and I look at who kicked it open, Bakugou.

Bakugou gave a confused look, checking outside the door. Yelled and then shot an angry glare when he looked to our hands, "The hell are you two doing?!" Todoroki looked away and I quickly retracted my hand, onto my lap and chuckled, "Uh, hi?"

Bakugou started to bicker while Todoroki kept his calm. I put my hand onto his shoulder and squeezed it lightly. Todoroki asked him if Mido was always as kind as he was now. I looked at Bakugou who got pissed.

I stood up, "Now, now," I slowly waved my hands around, "Let's not-" "Who the hell cares?!" He kicked the table over and I backed up a step, sighed and mumbled, "Really?" The pomeranian-look-alike kept yelling and I was slowly heading out, he's so loud..

"(L/N), where are you going?" I looked back at Todoroki and smiled, "To the stands. I wish you the best of luck!" Bakugou shouted, "Don't ignore me two-face!" The ash-blonde turned around, leaving, "I'll crush those flames like I do everything else."

He left and I sheepishly smiled at the bicolored hair boy, "What a temper, huh?" I chuckled, "Do your best!" He nodded and I left. As soon as I was on my way, I felt someone pull on my collar and push me up against a wall.

He put both his smoky hands on either side of my head. I glared at him, "The hell?" He didn't yell though, "What's up between you and that icyhot bastard?" I noticed that he wasn't completely angry.

It was like he didn't know what emotion to show. He had a mixture of sadness, anger, and concern. I expressed my concern, "Are.. you okay?" He growled and in a low tone he demanded, "Answer my question."

Shivers went down my spine and I responded, "Nothing. We're just friends." I go under his bulky arms and stand at his side, "Why?" He turned around, leaned his back onto the wall, and looked to the ground with a blank face.

I was nearing my arm until he got a hold of my wrist. He faced me completely and in a calm tone said, "You better root for me, Squid." He left for the other break room and I stood there, worried,

I wonder what's bothering him.

I AM SO SORRY! I started college again and I have heavy lectures. Though I'm glad to say that I will be updating weekly as I said! I swear I'll do everything I can to keep it up!

Thank you so much for your support and love! Much love and hugs!!! 😍❤️❤️❤️😊😁🤗🤗🤗

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