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Key: (F/S) - Favorite Show

(Y/N)'s POV

++ Somewhat Time Skip 'Til Night ++

I walk down the sidewalk, getting closer to my home. It was dark with the sky having a dark blue and black color mixed up, the stars and moon already lighting up. I turn to walk up the stairs to the second floor where my apartment is, my bed is awaiting my arrival! I smiled at my own thought knowing that I was going to finally lay down on my bed and watch (F/S) with some good, nice, and warm coffee.

Once I arrive at my front door, I take out my keys and fumble around with them to find my house key. When I find the key, I put my hand on the handle as the handle turns down slowly. That is when I notice that my apartment door is unlocked.

I sigh already knowing who was here. I turn the handle the rest of the way and enter, closing the door behind me. I take off my shoes at the entrance and place them neatly there and hang my coat on the little hanging racket right above.

From the kitchen I start hearing a hum, the usual little tune. Next I hear a question, "Hey (N/N) is that you?" Yup that's Yuu alright... I smell the unappetizing food that Yuu started to cook. It may smell uninviting and nauseating, but at this point I have gotten used to it. This happens most of the time, since Yuu has a key to my apartment of his own, he comes in and starts cooking for himself.

He says he would enjoy to cook for me as well, I quote his tease, "I would cook for ya, but since you are a human-eater, then I wouldn't have to worry, seeing that I am human myself." I still remember when he said that and when he did he snickered afterwards well-knowing that he can annoy me that easily.

"Yeah it's me. And didn't I tell you to lock my apartment at all times dumbass?" I walked to the small living room area and sat down on the couch that was facing towards the kitchen. Yuu walks out in his white apron with a spatula in his hand and his other hand placed on his hip. He playfully turned his face into a sad frown, "Now you're calling me a dumbass? After all the cleaning and cooking yours truly has done?" He had a habit of calling himself "Yours truly," which made me form a small smile at his childish behaviour he had aside his smart, intelligent side.

"Tch, yeah a dumbass for not locking the door. And nobody told you to clean, plus you cook for yourself." He smiled and murmured, "Touché,"  he then exclaimed, "Well unlike you! I actually welcome you back home! So! Welcome home (Y/N)!" I kept my smile, "It's good to be home. How long have you been here for?"

He winked at me and walked back into the kitchen responding, "I've been here for about two hours or so!" I hummed back in response and lied my head back onto the couch, relaxing my body. I was relaxing in the peaceful silence along with Yuu's humming, next thing I know, I feel something.. no someone rubbing against my legs.

I look down in surprise as the white feline jumps onto my thighs. "Yuu? You brought Eli this time?" He only kept cooking as he answered, "Yeah Elizabeth was a little clingy today, so I brought her over!" I looked down into Elizabeth's beautiful ocean eyes as she meowed once.
(A/N: If you get my reference, then I love you more)

I put both of my hands in her fur, she's warm. I start scratching behind her ears, she purred and lied down onto my lap turning over. I started petting her as she continued to purr nonstop. Ah she is clingy seeing that she's letting me pet her... I take the moment to feel her snow-white fur since she dislikes me for some reason.

As I continued to pet Eli, I think back to today when I was talking away with Midoriya. I think about the idea that he offered me, "Hey Yuu?" I looked up to him as he came out back into the living room with his food in his hand, no apron on this time, "Yeah (N/N)? What's up?" He sat down on the couch across from me and started to eat his 'Special Homemade Spaghetti',  "Do you think you can make me a fake profile?"

At this question Yuu looked at me and raised an eyebrow, signaling his curiosity, "For?" "For a fake school account-" Yuu interrupted me, "You wanna apply to some school or something? I didn't think you'd be one to be, even the slightest, interested in school."

My serious tone did not change, "Yeah I know, but I might apply to U. A. High School-" Again I was interrupted by Yuu, but this time he was choking on his food, "You good there buddy?" He drank some of his orange juice and cleared his throat' "Y-yeah.. I'm j-just thinking..."

He took a moment to process my request, "But why? I mean you are already titled as a villain, so why a hero now?" I stayed silent and looked down to Eli curled up on my lap, Yuu knew my answer already but decided to question it, "Do you really think that you can find her that easily?"

I looked at him with a determined face, my eyebrows casting downwards, "I can get more connections and raise my probability to find her." He frowned at this, "So what? That's a school. You won't find her that easily." "But if I give it a try I might even find her." "But what if you don't?" I started getting irritated, "I'll find a way to find her and go back!"

Yuu raised his voice, "But why?! Why are you so damned determined to go back?! Are you not happy here?! Or am I doing something wrong?!" I flinch slightly at his tone but answer without hesitation, "No you're not doing anything wrong and I am happy here. But I..." I have told him about myself and my kagune, but I never went as far as telling him about my shitty life in the past.

"You what (Y/N)? Why do you want to leave so bad?" Eli shifted on my lap and spread out while I continued to calmly pet her, "For personal reasons." He seemed to have gotten annoyed by that answer, "Aw, don't give me that bullshit again!" I narrowed my eyes, "Don't question my motivations, I just need your help. Please."

He calmed his tense state, "Fine, whatever. If you want to leave so bad, then I'll help you go away. Besides that what best friends do right? They help each other no matter what." My eyes widened at his words, ouch...damn, I got him mad... I felt apart of me crack, "Come on Yuu, I'll still come for visits every now and then-" "So you're going to kidnap the girl?" I thought about his question, "Well... If it means seeing my best friend, then yeah. I'll treat her good if she behaves too."

Yuu only smiled a small smile, "You would hold someone kidnapped, only to come see me? Sure." I smiled back, trying to cheer him up, "I'm serious! I will do it! You are my little brother after all!" I knew that Yuu could not resist smiling every time I called him my 'best friend' or my 'brother'. "Tch, not even! I may be younger than you by a couple of months but I'm taller than you!"

I chuckled, "Ha ha, okay whatever." Honestly, even though me and Yuu would argue rarely, we could not manage to stay mad at each other. We have been so close this past year that he is someone I can really trust and care about. Yuu went on, "I'll help you out with this! Just like I promised it to you three months ago. But in return! You better come to visit me every weekend!" I looked at him, still holding my smile, "That can be arranged." "Alright let's get this started then!

"Shall we?"

Honestly though... how do you even put up with my crap and wait patiently for me to update? I thought you would have like yeeted me and my slow updates along with this book off a building... BUT!!!! I keep going for all of you my children! Thank you for supporting me and reading this book! Much love and hugs!

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