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(Y/N)'s POV

The Indoor Antipersonnel Battle Training started. "Watch closely and try to learn something, everyone!" So far Izu and Ura infiltrated the building, walking closer to their destination until Mineta screamed out, "A sneak attack!" At the same time you could see through the cameras that Bakugou leaped from around a corner and set off an explosion. I immediately got tense.

Comments about how Bakugou's move was nasty started to fill the room, I started to get annoyed. Don't lose your temper, just focus on the battle at hand.. I looked back up to the TVs.

Bakugou swinged his arm towards Izu once more but Izu grabbed ahold of it, turned on his heel, and pulled Bakugou over him so that he would land on the ground. I tried to not change my deadpan expression although I could feel my eyebrows furrow in concern.

Izu and Bakugou were talking to one another, I can't hear shit.. Eij pointed out that we couldn't hear anything and All Might responded with explanations over the transceivers, capture tape, and time limit. As the others said 'Plus Ultra' out loud, I kept observing the battle and Aoyama suddenly said, "Ah, monsieur Bakugou is.."

I crossed my arms over my torso. It seemed like Ura was running to get the weapon while Izu distracted Bakugou. As Bakugou swung his leg towards Izu's face, Izu immediately blocked and nearly put the tape over Bakugou's leg.

Bakugou then went for his right hook but Izu dodged quickly, I took a glance at his notebook the first time we met and read through it a few times.. I guess his notetaking really paid off... Izu turned a corner, he's not giving up is he? No.. he's most likely coming up with a plan.. I could see that Bakugou was screaming as he set off small explosions.

While Bakugou was looking for Izu I looked at another TV that showed Ura reaching Iida. Come on, touch the weapon and finish this already- It seemed like Ura laughed at something which Iida caught wind of. My eyebrows furrowed even more, there doesn't seem to be anything that she can use in there.. he's smart to remove everything...

Looking back to Izu and Bakugou I saw that Bakugou found Izu. Bakugou raised his hand so his gauntlet would point at Mido, next thing I heard was All Might, "Bakugou! Stop it now!" I squinted my eyes a little to see what Bakugou was planning to do, "Are you trying to kill him?!"

I saw that Bakugou used his left hand to remove the pin of his right gauntlet. My eyes shot wide open, the explosion that was set off was strong to the point where it shook the room we were in. What kind of power is this...?

The explosion made Ura levitate her own body towards the weapon but Iida took it away. Bakugou, with a crazed expression, looked at Izu and spoke to him. Still I couldn't hear anything besides Eij, "Sensei, shouldn't you stop him? Bakugou's crazy. He's looking to kill!" All Might without hesitation said, "No..." He was in thought and spoke into the transceiver, "Bakugou. Use that move again and I will forcibly end the match. You will lose."

All Might continued to explain the consequences but Bakugou seemed to scream and lunge at Izu once more. Izu was ready to block but Bakugou tricked him and set off an explosion behind Izu. I let my hands down to my sides, hands tightly clenched into fists, come on! Someone end this already!

Todoroki pointed out, "He used the first explosion to simultaneously feint and change his own tack. Then he followed up immediately with another.." I looked to him as he explained Bakugou's sudden action, huh, the bi-quirk user can speak.. I took a look at his hero outfit, interesting design I suppose.. I looked into his visible grey eye as he looked into my own.

It stayed that way for a very short time until Bakugou hit Izu's back, that's when I turned to look back at the TV's. Another right hook, grabbed by the arm, and thrown swung him over and back down to the floor. Chatter surrounded the room once more as I furrow my eyebrows once more.

Focus.. Focus on the battle (Y/N)... I tried to calm myself, all the talking made my mind jumble up. "He's running! It's not manly, but he doesn't have a choice." I tried to loosen my body but it only got tenser as hell. Izu and Bakugou were talking to one another as I lowly growled, "What the hell are they saying.."

I felt so impatient and pissed off since I couldn't hear what they were saying. Right then Eij called my name out loud, "..(Y/N)!" My eyes widened slightly as I looked at him, "You sure you okay? You seem so mad.. What is it?" I relaxed myself and worriedly glanced to the TVs and back at him.

"Just worried about how this'll end.. nothing much." Eij gave me a small toothy smile, "Well it's gonna be alright. Don't worry and.." He looked to the TVs with a little hue of red grazed over his face, "Smile.. you look pretty with a smile.."I felt my face heat up and my heart beat fast. I looked away as I tried not to smile or frown, I didn't know how to feel.

Next thing I know is that I feel another small earthquake and everyone, including myself, stare at the screens. It seemed as Izu gave his all into one of his arms as he punched Bakugou's next explosion upwards. The force and pressure was strong enough to the point where, in the center, a hole was blasted all the way to the highest floor.

Ura grabbed the chance to use the broken pieces of cement towards Iida. She uses that distraction to her advantage as she floats over the weapon and hugs it. "The Hero.. The Hero team winnnnnns!" My eyes shot open in disbelief, what kind of superpowered society is this...! I was frozen in place due to my shock. My eyebrows were creased upward, this world is going to kill each other sooner or later..

Izu fell to the ground as Bakugou was standing there motionless. I couldn't really think of anything. I saw All Might start to walk out and I quickly followed him to the door without being noticed by the others. I whisper-yelled, "All Might.." He stopped before going out the door and turned to look at me as he whispered as well, "Yes, young (Y/N)?" I turned my hands into fists and I looked to the ground, "May I go with you..?"

He kept his smile, "Concerned for someone?" I slowly looked up to him, "Yes.. Izuku, actually.." "I suppose you two are close friends since you called him by his first name." I nodded and he gave me a thumbs up and waved his hand, motioning for me to follow. I did just that. We were walking in a comfortable silence to the building, I don't know what I'm going to do when I get there..

Either help Izu by taking him to the infirmary or almost killing Bakugou..

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