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(A/N: In all honesty I think this chapter and the next one are pretty shïtty. You have been warned.....)

(Y/N)'s POV

My mind kept replaying on that one memory that hurts me ongoing and has shown me how weak and at fault I was for losing her...

Midoriya's POV

Why is she acting this way?! Did she get mad or something? She isn't really short tempered, so I don't understand why she's attacking Gunhead! I kept running to where she was, my body moved on its own, again. What am I going to do to stop her? I'm basically asking for a death wish! Although I had no plan in mind, I didn't stop.

That was until I instantly regretted it. As I neared her, she turned around to look at me and wrapped one of her tentacles around my waist and threw me to the other side of the room. "Uuugh dang.. what the-?" I quickly sat up and looked up towards (Y/N) as she was pinned down by Gunhead while she was distracted with attacking me.

She only seemed to get angrier when she kicked him off of herself, "GET OFF OF ME BASTARD!" The fight between the both of them kept going... the thing is: what can I do?

No One's POV

++ Flashback To When (Y/N) Was Five ++

It was a normal day, a day that a mother and her child would have. The kind of day that's just like a dream. (Y/N) and her mother, it was only them two.

They walked, hand in hand with each other. Grasping the other's hand into their own to not let go. They were laughing at the absurd but funny tales the little five-year-old girl would tell. Her mother, kind and caring, would always hear her daughter out and what was on her mind. This almost happened every day when (Y/N)'s mother was still there.

They were walking down to a children's park, as they did every day or two. The aura around the pair was filled with joy and laughter. It was almost as if nothing could break the bond they had with each other.

Little (Y/N) looked up to her mother as they both suddenly stopped walking. Her mother tightened her grip on (Y/N)'s hand and squinted her eyes looking around cautiously. (Y/N) found this to be out of the ordinary for her mother and decided to question it, "What's wrong mommy?" The mother quickly looked to her daughter with a concerned look and quickly smiled to hide her suspicions away.

"It's nothing baby. Now come on let's keep going, yeah?" (Y/N) nodded slowly, happy to go play in the park but yet a little worried for her mother. (Y/N)'s mother walked a little faster as her grip tightened a little more yet again, making the young girl walk fast as well.

As the child looked out in front of her, she would glance at her mother's worried expression, her usual, calming and sweet smile gone. As they got near the park, the child's eyes brightened and she pointed towards the park, exclaiming to her mother, "Mom look! We're here!"

As the girl tried to pull away from her mother to play, her mother only tugged her back as they continued to walk. The girl confused only started to ask her mother, "Mom we're here. Where are we going? I thought we were going to play today..." Her mother's only answer was, "Just keep walking."

Her sweet and gentle tone vanished as it was replaced with a stern and serious one. The girl only remained quiet as she kept walking alongside her mother. They continued to walk further away from the park and into the streets were it was unusually quiet and lonely.

(Y/N)'s mother kept looking around as she exhaled profoundly, she turned to face her child and bent down, "Come here sweetheart. Don't make a sound." (Y/N) was now in her mother's arms, being carried. All (Y/N) did was grab onto her mother's white, ironed shirt.

The girl began to worry and fear that something bad would happen, so to get away from that fear, she lied her small head against her mother's chest. As she rested her head, she heard her mother's heartbeat which beat faster than usual. The originally busy street, was dead silent. A silence that could send chills up your spine and give you goosebumps.

The girl's mother made a sudden stop as there were strange noises up ahead from an alleyway. The mother held her child to her own body tight, then decided to walk backwards slowly. As she took a couple steps back, her child looked over her mother's shoulder and gasped.

When the mother heard her daughter's gasp, she turned around to be faced with one of the CCG a couple feet away. (Y/N)'s mother only frowned a little as she asks, "Yes? Is there something you need sir?" The CCG officer, who held a case, only smirked her way and answered, "Yes, actually. We're on a chase of a ghoul. Have you seen her around here? We were recently told that she would be in this area."

(Y/N)'s mother raised a brow, "We?" The man answered without hesitation, "Yes, me and my team." Other four men stepped out of the shadows and circled around (Y/N) and her mom. The woman only said, "Well I'm sorry. I haven't heard of a ghoul around here, so me and my child will be on our way-"

The first man pressed a button on his case which turned into a quinque. A katana was formed and the man wielding it raised it to point towards (Y/N)'s mother. The other four men did the same and held their ground.

The first man only smiled devilishly, "Come on, Aimi. Do you really think you can hide the truth and get away with it?" The woman only spoke the contrary, "I have no idea what you speak about! How dare you point your weapon towards a mother and her child!" The man chuckled a bit and continued, "I dare take these actions because we know who you really are. So go ahead and show your true nature, won't you?"

Aimi only held (Y/N) tight and looked down to meet her child's face. (Y/N) in return, had teary eyes and whispered, "Mommy... I'm scared...." Aimi only gave her daughter the best comforting smile she could make, "Don't worry baby girl, it will be alright. Come on,

"Show me that beautiful smile."

Okay so I know this is more of a filler/flashback, but I hope it was good. Thank you all for reading this! Much love and hugs my children!!!

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