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(Y/N)'s POV

After breakfast, me and Midoriya went on a walk to a training facility. The facility blue and white, having three buildings connected to each other, all three being two stories high. It also included two giant arenas outside for training or sparring, quirks were allowed to use but to a certain extent here. It is not a place where anyone normal could get access to, but thanks to Yuu's connections with several people, who all owe him favors, me and Midoriya could reserve a day of training here.

On our way there we talked, but the green-haired male asked me a question, "Hey (N/N), which school do you go to?" ...Shit... As I tried to quickly think of an answer to give him I ran a hand through my loose hair, "I.. um... I'm not from here really..." And I actually mean that literally. "Really? Then where are you from?" I thought of an answer along with going with what Yuu told me, "I'm from Kyoto, but I moved here around a year ago."

That should be a good enough answer-, "So which school do you go to?" My eyes widen slightly and I quietly gulp, "I uh.... go to... o-online classes. Yeah, my parents um, told me to move here on my own to continue my, uh, hero career after junior high. They try to send me money from their earnings, and I work to gather money t-too..."

I raise an eyebrow and eyed him, waiting for his reaction, "Well, yeah that does make sense, it sounds like your parents are really supportive!" He gives me a bright smile and I quickly give him a small smile, "Y-yeah they are!" Next he questions me once again, "So (N/N)-chan, if you don't mind me asking. Why do you really want to become a hero?"

At this I started to freak out and blurted out, "I want to because.. um.. UM, OH LOOK THE TRAINING CENTER! I.. UM, RACE YOU THERE!" I started running towards the center, clearly avoiding his question without trying to seem rude.

As we get there, I quickly stop at the entrance and look back at Mido as he just arrives and huffs and pants, "Wow, you're pretty fast!" I kind of heavily breathe and lightly pant, "Oh uh thanks, I guess?" I was not used to receiving compliments, instead I was used to always get physical and mental abuse. Damn, back at that hellhole was nothing but torturement, I get out of my thoughts and ask, "Ready to go inside Mido?" He nods and we go inside.

As we go in, I see several people in workout clothes and chatter, walking every which way. We get to the reception desk and show our temporary IDs to the worker behind the desk as he checks us in, "Thank you for coming in today. Your IDs will expire at eight pm." I nodded my head and looked at Midoriya's awed expression as we walked a little and stopped. We start looking around a little at the place.

"Wow it looks so cool in here-" I look to Mido talk and abruptly gasp, looking in the direction of someone else, "That's the Battle Hero: Gunhead!" I look over towards the "pro", as they call it here, and back to Mido as he fanboys over him, "His fighting style is martial arts and his agency specializes in armed combat! His quirk is extremely capable in short-range combat and he mainly uses his quirk as suppressive fire!"

I gently pat the top of his head once and rest my hand in his curly hair for a moment until I remove it, "You want to go say hi?" He stops fanboying and whips his head towards me, "I- u-uhmmm... I w-would but..." I look at him as he pauses, I then respond, "Okay then..." I start walking over towards this pro and I hear Mido squeak a little and quickly follow me on my trail, "(N-N/N)! W-we don't have to-!" I turn to look at him and smile a bit, "But you're fanboying, come on, at least say hi."

I grabbed onto his hand and started pulling him along, he's warm.. compared to my cold dead hand heh. I look back at him as he has his head hung low, his hair covering his face, is he really this excited to even say hi? Heh... I turn to look back in front of me, getting closer to the pro hero.

Midoriya's POV

A GIRL IS HOLDING MY HAND! MORE SPECIFICALLY (N/N)-CHAN IS HOLDING MY HAND! OH MY GOSH WHAT DO I DO?! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! I scream in my head to myself as I am completely shocked, having (N/N) hold my hand. I can feel my face heated up, I'm most likely red and flushed.

I hung my head low, so I could hide my face; my thoughts on the other hand start thinking about her, her hand is cold. Is she cold? But she has a jacket, her body is covered. Maybe it's just her hands then? My thoughts get interrupted as (N/N) lets go of my hand.

I quickly lift my head up to see her only to find her talking to the Pro Gunhead, the hero I was fanboying about a couple minutes ago. (N/N) and Gunhead both turn to look at me as I still feel my face warm, "Well Mido, go ahead and say hi." She smiled at me and I look over to Gunhead, "H-hi! I- my name is Midoriya Izuku! It's such a pleasure to meet you!" I quickly bow, once again gawking a little at Gunhead. "Is it true that you are as good of a teacher as to teach someone in only a week?!"

Gunhead laughed and nodded, "Yes! That's true! Would you kiddos like to train with me today? I wouldn't mind!" Wow he's even as nice as they say! "That would be amazing!" As quick as I responded is as quick as I looked back over to (N/N) and blushed a little, looking away, "I-If y-you w-want to, (N/N)-chan!"

I sheepishly looked to her as she grinned a little, "Sure, anything's good." Gunhead then announced, "Very well then! Follow me to the training room!"

(Y/N)'s POV

We started following the pro, Gunhead, to the training room. As me and Midoriya trailed behind the pro, we looked around as Gunhead started speaking, "You know this facility was built for those who are training to become pro heroes and.." As the pro went on I glanced over to Mido and caught him looking at me and as we made eye contact, Mido looked away to the other side. I raised a curious eyebrow, but nonetheless I shrugged it off and continued to look to the other side as well as listen to Gunhead speak.

We came to a halt as we were now in front of two doors, most likely leading to the training room. The doors slid open and we walked inside; the room consisted of nothing but a big empty space with white walls, "This is it kids!

"Time to start training!"

Thank you for reading! Much love and hugs my readers!

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