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(Y/N)'s POV

There was only that same familiar color, black. Huh what the hell? What's going on- I tried to move, I was stopped only to feel restraints. NO! NOT AGAIN! I tried to speak, but my mouth and screams were only muffled by a ball of cloth. I tried pulling on the restraints only to feel the hard metal resist my movements.

I shaked my head violently, trying to remove the blindfold. I tried using my kagune, but the heavy metal around my neck refrained me from doing those actions. I tried screaming again only for my loud sounds to be muffled by the cloth.

PLEASE NOT AGAIN, I DON'T WANT TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN! NOT ANYMORE, PLEASE! I tried thrashing around, but the metal chair and it's restraints held me down. I felt tears start to stream down my face, I did not want to be here. Not anymore, I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT I DID TO DESERVE THIS! All I did was loosen my tense body, aching from the restraints, and cry. I could not do anything but cry.

I start hearing a metal door open, freedom was just outside that door and out of this building, I could escape right now if I could. A dream I had since I was caught at 11 years old.

I hear the deep voice ringing, the same voice that belonged to the man that caused such dreadful acts and experiments on me. I started to move violently again, trying to fend off or loosen the steel restraints. I heard Dr. Kuriganame's footsteps walking closer towards me.

My thoughts, let alone what I knew that bastard was going to do to me, scared me. All I did was shake around, crying like a helpless prey that was about to be killed. I started to feel a needle go through my skin and into my veins again, his sadistic laughter of seeing my pain growing. I, then, started to hear another sound, a beeping sound, what?

I sit up quickly gasping, and violently breath, putting my hand to my chest. I frantically look down to my arm and check for the needle, I look around for Dr. Kuriganame, I lastly looked at the setting around me. I look at my room in my apartment in confusion. Once the realization hits me my tense body loosens, calming myself down.

My alarm keeps beeping until I press on the snooze button.

It was only a dream? I sighed, taking in a deep breath and releasing it, "It was only a dream..." I rubbed my eyes to feel them.. watery? I looked at my hands with the glistening water-like liquid, I cried in my sleep, huh....

I got out of bed and grabbed my phone from my desk. I looked at my phone to check the day. It's already Sunday, break day. I went into my bathroom and started my morning routine. It has been a full week since I met Midoriya and today was the day I was going to talk to him at my usual coffee place, Makoto's Cafe.

I put on a casual outfit, put on my jacket and got my keys, wallet, and phone ready to leave. I exit my apartment and lock the door before I leave. I start walking on the sidewalks towards the cafe. I cross the park, observing the usual children play around in the playground with their jackets and scarfs on. It's getting cooler by the day. I keep walking, relishing the real sensation of freedom. The one dream I had since I was caught at 11 years old.

I keep walking straight down the sidewalks down one of the central streets. People walking and laughing without a care in the world, like there is no evils that exist in this world. People keep believing that the heroes will always be there for them, to protect them. But sadly, there are others out there screaming right now for help, and die because they could not protect themselves. They can't defend themselves all because they are so dependent of others. What a shame, really.

I learned through the hard way not to trust others and I don't. Only Yuu of course, but no one else. I reach the cafe and enter, the fresh scent of brewed coffee beans hitting me like a brick. Coffee, the only thing that manages to calm me down. I go to my usual booth and sit down, Rosy, the waitress, comes over to me, "The usual?" I show a small smile as she asks what I want, "Yes please." "Of course, coming right up!"

I wait a couple minutes before my drink arrives, Rosy hands me my coffee and surprises me with a question, "Are you waiting for someone?" I looked at her confused, "Well, no not really. Why?" Her brown eyes widen slightly, "Are you sure. I mean, I keep watching you look out the window from time to time. You usually always look down at the cup before you."

I blush a little realizing that Rosy has been observing me and my habits since the first day. Another realization hits me as I thought of Midoriya, I told him that I would meet him here today, duh! I looked down and then back at Rosy, her brown chocolate eyes staring at my own (E/C) eyes, grey hair tied up to a bun, her small wrinkles adorning her face as if she were my grandmother.

I smiled a small smile, "Well... I guess you can say that I'm waiting for a new friend I might've made." Rosy smiled and cupped my hands with her own, "Ah you're finally learning to be social I see." She chuckles at the end as I pout, "I guess so." "Well enjoy your coffee sweetheart." I nod to her and say a thank you as she turns to leave back behind the counter.

Who knew Rosy could be so nice and observant of my actions, it's like she's my grandmother, I smile warmly at the thought. My small thought was interrupted by a stutter, "H-Hi (L-L/N)-c-chan.." I look up to meet a pair of green forest eyes, "Oh hello Midoriya. Please sit down and just call me (N/N)." I let the greenette use my nickname that Yuu made for me a long time ago. The green haired boy sat across for me looking down at the table, fidgeting with his hands.

He didn't look up to me, so I spoke up, "Hey Midoriya are you alright?" He looked up into my eyes and back at his hands, "W-what? O-oh umm... y-yeah..." I was starting to wonder if I did something to make him act this way, so I asked him exactly that, "Hey Midoriya, did I do something wrong?"

His green forest eyes look into mine as he shakes his head, "N-no.. it's j-just been a wh-while since I-I spoke normally to someone..." My mouth forms a small smile at him, "Hey it's fine.

"I guess it takes us a while to get used to new things right?"

Thank you to all my readers that have been tolerating me and have been supporting me! Much thanks and love to you all!

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