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??? POV

++ Elsewhere ++

I look towards the dead corpses displayed on the floor, red blood covering almost anything. I look over towards one of the ghouls that have recently joined me in my search for her. The ghoul picks up an alive human by the neck into thin air. The man he holds has short black hair with grey strands, resembling his aging, his eyes a dark purple as if they had no life in them. His sadistic smile showing as if he had no intentions of escaping his soon-to-be death, the same man that has tortured (Y/N) all this time.

I never knew it was this specific man in this location. I was let known of this just a couple days ago by one of my scouts, as soon as I was aware of this I gathered as much help as I could. I have been searching (Y/N) for the past four years, yet I have not found a single trace of her. That was until a breakout of a couple of ghouls appeared on the news, "The Breakout Of Cochlea." The same place that Jason, Yakumo Oomori, once resided in.

The ghoul that held the man asked, "Where's (Y/N) (L/N)?!" The man only responded, "Probably dead for all I know.." I stepped in, "Let him go, I'll address him." The ghoul let the man fall onto the floor with a loud thud as I stepped closer to him. "Dr. Kuriganame, was it? Doctor of sadism towards ghouls and former partner of Goumasa Tokage, the same man who broke Jason. We have been aware that you are the same bastard that has been torturing my dearest friend, (Y/N). I would like to know where she is."

The man sat up and rubbed his neck, "Or else what? You'll kill me? Tch, go ahead filthy monster." I closed my eyes that hid behind my mask, and sighed, "I just want to know where she is now. And if you don't tell me where she is, then you'll have to face the same torturement that you have shown my kind."

His smug, sadistic smile faded as he deadpanned and stayed silent. The silence was broken by Itori, who is helping me find her, "No Face, let's just go look for her again and stop wasting our time here." I did not give in to her idea, "I want to find her as soon as possible, I won't miss this opportunity. Well Kuriganame?"

The doctor scowled, "Well how the hell do you want me to know?! That damned brat was the idiot that led the breakout of twenty-seven other ghouls. Number 10-809, that brat is something special you know? But is she a goddamn pain in the ass too." I had no thoughts as I quickly reached out my arm as my hand squeezed around his neck, almost cutting him, fully, from breathing.

"Don't treat her as some tool, just tell me where she is." I was growing impatient every minute, I felt that she was safe and sound but... but like she's not here... I really do not know why I would feel that way, and because of it, I grew nervous and anxious inside every time. The man responded, "I just fucking told you I don't know where she is!"

On the outside I had a cool and relaxed posture as if I was not anxious, but in the inside I am ready to do whatever it costs to find my best friend. I furrowed my eyebrows under my mask, "Very well then."
Don't worry (Y/N) I'll find you, no matter what.

(Y/N)'s POV

I finally got home right after me and Kirishima went our own ways after the arcade day we had. When I lied down in bed, I started to feel a sharp pang in my torso, not pain but.. sadness? I guess that after all of this time... I really do miss everyone.. I start thinking back to Anteiku and everyone I miss.

Yoshimura was like a father figure to me, his straight-forward but wise words made me grow maturely. He took care of me since I was five years old, when my mother was killed by the CCG. He always took care of me and my needs while I tried to help back by working somewhat in the cafe. I was only a child, but I tried even though Yoshimura has told me countless times that it was not required for me to do so.

As for my father, he was never there, he was a binge eater who abandoned his wife and daughter. He left when I was only three and my mother took over afterwards, although... she did not last long by my side. When she was killed, the CCG were right onto me until Renji Yomo rescued me from there and took me to Anteiku where I met Yoshimura and Uta.

Me and Yomo are good friends but not to the point where he was really close with me, although I do care for him as much as the others. Yoshimura is like my father, who is someone I will not ever let go of and Uta is my best friend, like a brother to me. Uta has taught me how to make masks like he does. He would always talk with me and we grew so close together, just like Yoshimura, Uta is not someone I would let go.

Now Eto, she is like my big sister, not too close but not distanced either. She was the one who taught me to read and write, with the addition of being the first person to read her new novels. Because of her, I have a love for reading some certain books that interest me. We always went to a small park or her favorite cafe to read and talk.

(To be honest I have seen a slight resemblance between her and Yoshimura, but I have always kept my thoughts to myself.)

All of those moments were torn from me when I was caught by the CCG at 11 years old. More specifically, caught by Kureo Mado himself. After that I only remember waking up in a room with a small lightbulb on over my head as I was held down with restraints. That is when I first met Dr. Kuriganame.

I furrowed my eyebrows in anger as I remember how he would come in every day during the weekdays to torture me brutally. He would dissect me, cut me up, take off my fingers, toes, sometimes amputate some of my body parts. Yet they grew back, which the doctor loved. What was strange was the fact that made me subtract seven from one-thousand every time he hurt me in any way. That is something that will scar me for life, that one line...

One-Thousand Minus Seven...

Well I hope I hurt some hearts lolol. And sorry for the slow chapter, it was a filler. Nonetheless, thank you for reading! Much loves and hugs my children!

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