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What I imagine Abe looks like👆

Abe is the universe portal girl- uh- mind thinking of names for her quirk? ;-;

(H/N) = Hospital Name (bc I couldn't think of one)

Abe's POV

I was on my way to my house since the Sports Festival was finally over. I was looking out in front of me to the quiet streets yet I felt as if I wasn't really there. All I could think of was when (L/N) and I got back. How desperate she and the man in the red mask were for her return.

He really cares for her, I can tell just by the glint of hope I saw in his eyes. I wish I had a person that cared about me as much. I stood on the porch of my house and hesitantly went in, being as quiet as I could to sneak my way into my room.

On my way to my destination I spotted my drunk father passed out on the couch in the living room, bottles of alcohol surrounding him. I silently sighed in relief as I knew that I wouldn't get beat tonight.

I made it to my room and closed the door, going to my bed and plopping down on it. The same scene replayed in my mind for the hundredth time this evening, the look on his face to get (L/N) back.

I sat up and stared at my wall, wondering if I could pass my limits and open a portal once again. I took a deep breath and stood up, I closed my eyes and thought back to the cafe, Anteiku.

I heard small sparks and quickly opened my eyes only to meet with my white room wall, I sighed and thought again about the cafe. A few sparks ignited in front of me, hope started to swell in my chest.

With all my heart I thought about how badly I wanted to go back to the cafe, I needed to speak with the people there. After a few more sparks the portal opened to reveal the same cafe I envisioned moments ago.

I felt a smile quickly appear on my face as I slowly walked through. Once I was on the other side and the portal closed I remembered about the ghouls and I quickly made my way to the cafe. I opened the first door and made it up the flight of stairs and shakily reached for the door that leads to the cafe, Lord, please let me help (L/N) and don't, please don't let me die.

I walked into the cafe and went to the bar where a boy with an eyepatch looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and he said, "Welcome to Anteiku, what would you like today?" I started to fidget my fingers and I nervously croaked out, "Um.. May I speak to the owner of this place?"

The boy with the eyepatch raised his brows and responded, "Oh, um of course. I'll be right back." I nodded his way and went to the back hopefully asking for the owner. I slowly let out the breath I was holding in. I know I can do this, you can do this Abe.

The same boy came back with an old man, he must be the owner. The boy left to serve someone else and the old man smiled gently at me, "I was told that you requested my presence, how may I help you, miss?"

I gulped and softly asked, "Do you.. um.. know someone by the name of (Y/N) (L/N)?"

(Y/N)'s POV

"Wanna meet up somewhere then?" Did my ears deceive me or did I hear the angry ash-blonde ask to hang out? I stayed silent and I heard, "(L/N)? Did you die already?" I stayed in my sitting position, "Uh, where would we see each other?"

"Depends, where do you wanna go?" I sighed and tirelessly rubbed the back of my head, "Anywhere that isn't too crowded, I guess.." I heard humming from the other end, "I know this small park. It's usually quiet and peaceful."

I ran my hand through my matted hair, "Sure, where's it at?" "It's called Daiki Commemoration. Heard of it before?" I shook my head even if I knew that he couldn't see me, "No idea, but I'll google it."

I heard his tired, gruff voice, "M'kay, I'll get there in ten." I could hear how tired he was, "Are you sure you want to go?" "Yeah, why?" "Well you sound tired and I dunno, you kinda won the whole Sports Festival, you must be tired."

I could hear him stifle a chuckle, "As if something like that would tire me. I'll see you at the park." I smiled a little, "Yeah. See you there." Once I hung up I lowered my head and ran both of my hands through my hair, I was stressed to say the least. I got up and started to look for comfortable clothes.

At the same time I called the hospital where Yuu was held in, "(H/N), how may I help you?" I finished my look with a big white hoodie, "Yeah uh-" I held the phone to my ear, "I was calling in to see how my cousin, Yuu Intelli, is."

She hummed and I heard keys clacking on her side, "And you are?" I sighed impatiently, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), his cousin." She hummed, "For what I'm allowed to share is that he's in surgery." I didn't know whether to be relieved or worried, "Will he be okay?"

She answered, "I'm sure, he'll be okay. Our staff are the best of the best." I wasn't satisfied with that answer, "Yeah... Thank you." "Of course, dear, have a good night." I hung up, Yuu you have to be strong.

You can't leave me alone here.

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