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A late night indeed, a pitch-black setting where anyone can enjoy the fresh air, looking up towards the brightly lit stars in the sky. But of course, it wasn't such a beautiful night for others.

In Tokyo there are humans and ghouls; a world where people live happily with their loved ones and depression for their lost ones, but also live in fear for their coming deaths any day.

In a dark alleyway, a ghoul, with a torn and bloody white piece of clothing covering her body, quickly silences a screaming voice. She pierces both of her hands into the abdomen of a lifeless body under her, spreading more blood onto her arms and clothes. Rapidly and swiftly tearing out a liver, holding it into her hand and aggressively eating it. She clenches more of the body's organs continuing the process. With pain pulsating through her own body from the energy she has been wasting, barely giving herself time to breathe, she continues eating to fuel up. She firmly and tightly rips out the internal organs, sticking them into her chewing mouth, spilling blood down her chin, jawline, and neck.

Once done dissecting the body and eating the organs, she pants heavily giving herself time to catch her breath. When she does so, she gets up and wipes her mouth with her piece of clothing, smearing the blood. "Damn, I haven't eaten so good in such a long time," she looks at the four corpses, dead on the floor, "That's my sixth kill as of right now and I'm still not satisfied..." She pouts in disappointment, she only killed a ghoul and 5 humans. Yeah, she eats both humans and ghouls (although ghouls not so much), in addition, she is on a killing spree tonight.

Her attention from staring at the corpses is drawn away by an unfamiliar sweet sense of smell of blood and a feminine voice. The ghoul hides close to the building's corner, observing the girl walk her way on the sidewalk.

The Ghoul's POV

The feminine voice asks herself, "Wow, why would it be darkly lit in this world? I don't understand what's going on..." I think to myself, what the hell is she talking about? Isn't she supposed to be careful at night? Every human knows that the nighttime is a ghoul's better chance for supper...... Well, I guess she'll die oblivious...

As I finished my thought, I looked around for her only to find her continuing her path. She passed me and didn't even notice me? What the hell????

I stared at her until I smiled a bit once I saw her freeze completely. As she started to quietly panic and tremble, my smile turned into a sadistic grin. This is my chance, and a bonus for me is that her blood smells delicious!

I hear her cry softly to herself as I draw near her, "It's okay! There's no need to cry dear human! Besides you knew this was going to happen sooner or later you dumbass!" I run towards her to tackle her, but she instinctively dodged. "Eh, what's wrong?! I'm gonna finish you off, don't worry about it!" Both of my eyes' pupils turn red with black irises as I start using my rinkaku, when I strike her, she starts dodging all of my attacks. What the hell? How? How can a human be this fast?

My face turns from sadistic to shocked when I ask myself this. I ask her bad-tempered, "Hey doll, are you a ghoul too?" She freezes again, evading my question, "W-what? What's a ghoul?" Once again my face shifts to a stunned look, "Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I growl and strike again, "DON'T WASTE MY TIME STUPID LIVESTOCK!" I stroked her side, close to her abdomen, before she could dodge.

The girl gasps loudly and cries, "You monster!" She grunts and starts to walk away while holding her side. As I see her weakened form I start speed walking to see her suffer before I kill her, only to stop before she creates.. a hole?

When she starts walking through it, I realize she is trying to escape. I quickly go through the hole before it closes, when it closes I hear a bunch of voices surrounding me. As I look as to where I am, I start hearing screams and see humans becoming alarmed, running away. My lips form into a wicked smile when I notice there is a lot of scattered sheep to kill. I power up my rinkaku, forget that stupid girl there's a shitload to eat in front of me!

Bloodthirsty, I strike a human from their back through their chest. I start tearing out the insides and eat it, Wow this guy tastes better than those other humans! I kept charging at more humans, attacking them and relishing the sweet taste of blood. I have another lifeless body under me craving for their sweet blood, my rinkaku takes out the organs as I harshly grip them in my hands tearing the organs apart and swallowing without thought.

While I was in the middle of eating I notice blue and red lights, then policemen and... people in costumes or cosplays? They were getting closer to where I was and I just stood up. This day just keeps getting weirder by each fucking kill. Are they going to comic con or some shit or what the hell?

Not bothering to get caught, I stretch out my rinkaku wrapping it around a light post and swinging myself up into the air. I keep grabbing light posts and other tall objects to keep myself up in the air. When I see multiple colors of lights I think to myself, It's probably a red-light district, if it is one then I'll stop by and stay for the night.

As I near the brightly lit setting, I create a thumping sound with my feet when I hit the rooftop of a shop. I start reading the signs and notice how the shops look, I believe this is a red-light district. I'll kill someone in the alleyway and "borrow" their clothes.

Jumping from building to building, I stop when I see a human with a hoodie and baggy sweats crossing by a dark alley. I jump off the building and touch the ground lightly with my feet, rapidly kicking the human into the alleyway. I jump onto their body with one of my hands pinning their arms above their head, while my other hand covers their mouth. A teenage boy that smells delicious, sadly I have to be careful not to stain his clothes with blood... or at least not a lot of blood thanks to me.

He starts squirming to release himself from my tight grip, I threaten him with a menacing voice, "Stop moving you little bitch. Or I'll fucking kill you and eat you up." He stopped moving, tensing up his body from what I said. I continued with a sweet voice this time, "That's right, be a good boy for me because death is around the corner waiting. Now do as I say, okay?" He nods, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "Good, now I need you to take of your hoodie and sweats." His eyebrows furrow, giving me a confused look. I growl, "Is that understood?" He gets wide-eyed and nods, "Good boy! And if you scream or run, then I'll kill you." I let go of him and get off of him waiting for him to do his part. He starts taking off his hoodie then his sweats like I asked him to do, leaving him in his shirt and boxers, "Okay, hand them over to me." He did as told, when I had the clothes in my hand I set them aside. "Ok-kay, p-please let me g-go..." he stutters softly in fear. I show him a small smile, "Nah I'm gonna kill ya kitty!" "W-wait! That wa-wasn't o-our deal!" He starts trembling, tears spilling down his face as I comment, "Sweety you should know like everyone, that you can't trust anyone in this world!" I quickly strike his throat and chest with my rinkaku, I stare at his body going lifeless while blood rolls down his chin, grey shirt, and body.

Satisfied with my last kill for the night, I take off my white night-like gown and clean myself as best as possible with it. Once I think I look fine I put on the sweats and hoodie, pulling the hood over my head. When I stick my hands into the pockets of the sweats I feel money....

FUCK! I NEED MONEY AND I'M NOW JUST THINKING ABOUT THAT WHEN I NEED IT TO SURVIVE OUT HERE!!! With that realization hitting me like a brick, I quickly take out the money and count it, I sigh in relief. "Oh good it's just enough to stay at a motel for three or four nights." As for food, I'm not worried, I mean I just killed over ten humans. My next mission now is to find a motel and sleep on my worries and responsibilities until tomorrow.

Oh and in case you didn't know, my name is (Y/N) (L/N).

Hey readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I wrote over 1,500 words, way more than I intended to type. But I hope it was good, thank you for reading!

BNHA X Reader!Tokyo GhoulDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora