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Quick A/N: Shoutout to meh peeps @SpaciestUnicorn and @PicklesSniffles for helpin' an author out. Thanks you two! ❤️

(Y/N)'s POV

The next day there weren't any classes since they were cancelled. It's 10:52 and I was in my pajamas, watching a show called Teen Titans. I was watching it and Yuu comes in through the front door, "HEY (Y/N)! I'M HOME!" I was on the couch so I said, "Don't scream so damn loud. I'm right here, Yuu."

He looked at me while he took off his shoes then tackled me, "YUUUUUU! What the hell!" He got off of me and sat next to me, "Yeeeeeeeeeeeees?" I sat up and fixed my hair, "Tch.. jackass.." Yuu then got the remote and changed the channel, "Hey, what the fuck!"

Yuu changed it to Samurai Jack, "Yuuuuu!" "What?! I wanna see this!" I started to get the remote back but he would keep it to himself, "Yuu! I was about to finish watching when Raven faces her dad!" We kept fighting for it, it was like we were kids.

Then there was a knock at the door, "Damn it!" "Don't cuss, (N/N)!" "Shut the hell up four-eyes!" I got up and went to the entrance. When I got there I set my messy hair down and opened the door and with closed eyes I said irritated, "No Gaya, I'm not strangling him. We're fine.."

There wasn't a response so I opened my eyes and saw a greenette there. I widened my eyes and flushed red, "I-IZU! Uh hey!" In the background I hear Yuu trip and quickly come over as he wraps his arms around my neck, hugging me from behind, "And who may this be?"

Izu creased his eyebrows upward, "I-I s-s-sorry! I-I.. I didn't th-think y-you w-were-" He seemed nervous, "Izu chill.. It's fine.. And Yuu, this is Midoriya Izuku. Izu, this is my stupid brother Yuu." "(N/N) you're so rude, hmp.." Yuu slumped and leaned onto me.

"So, what brings you here- wait how'd you know which room I'm in?" Izu sheepishly smiled as he looked at me, "I was wondering if you and me.." He looked down, "C-could go out and h-h-hang out.. Butifyoudon'twanttothenthat'sfinetoo!" I smiled a bit, "Sure I'm up for it, come on in."

I let Izu walk into the living room, "Anything to drink?" Izu shook his head and Yuu sat on the couch watching his show, "Go ahead and sit Izu. Ima change but I'll be back.." He nodded and watched the show with Yuu. I went to my room, changed and walked back out.

"Ya ready, Izu?" He stood up, "Yeah.." Yuu looked back at me, "Be careful and text me every hour or half an hour. Okay?" I sighed, he got overprotected since last night when I told him about the USJ incident, "Yuu I'm not a kid." "Still (N/N), I want to know that you're safe." I looked at him, "It was only once.." "Yet you could have been killed.."

I didn't respond and he continued, "Go on and have fun." "Yeah, yeah.." I started to walk out as Izu waved at Yuu and walked out too. Once we were out the door I asked, "Sooo.. how'd you know my exact room number..?" Izu chuckled as he looked at me with a blush on his face, "Well I knocked at y-your neighbor's door and asked which was y-your room.

"He told m-me it was right next to his and to make s-sure that everything w-was okay there." His stuttering kinda stopped.. I looked to the side, "Well sorry for worrying you like that when I opened the door.. I didn't mean that.. Gaya just always comes to knock on our door to see what's happening everytime Yuu and I make a ruckus.."

Izu nodded, "It's fine (N/N)." We finally made it to ground level and Izu asked me, "So where do you wanna go?" I gave it some thought, "What about we it Makoto's Cafe first and then the arcade?" He gave me a closed eye smile, "Sure, sounds good!" He was in a cheery mood, he sounded happy.. I like that.

++ Time Skip to the Cafe (I need coffee rn..) ++

We were sitting at our usual booth, "It's been awhile since we last came here.. huh..?" I nodded, "Yeah, I mean it's reasonable considering our school work and having to continuously focus on becoming stronger." Izu was eating one of the pastries they offered here while I drank my black coffee, "Hey (N/N)?" I looked at him, "Yeah?"

"I hope you don't mind me asking this, but why do you only get black coffee when we come here? I don't really ever see you eat anything else.." I was prepared for that question thanks to Yuu.

++ A Couple of Nights Ago ++

It was 3:49 when Yuu quickly sat up on the bed and he screamed, "That is such a good idea!" He startled the hell out of me as I sat up, "What?! What?" I looked at him as he said, "Your weaknesses!" "You idiot! You scared me!" Before I heard him out I hit him with the pillow for scaring me.

++ Back to Present ++

Point is that he prepared me for this question, "Well it's one of my weaknesses." He looked confused as he had bread crumbs over his cheeks, that's cute.. "I can only eat food once a month and drink black coffee for the rest of the month. If I eat more than once a month then my rinkaku gets a new transformation and it ain't pretty.

"Besides I lose all sense of control over myself.. and the last thing I need is to kill others.." I set my hands on the table as I remembered something. Izu stopped munching and spoke up, "(N/N)..?"

I was zoning out but came back to reality when I felt something warm squeeze my hand gently, "(N/N).." I looked up to him and saw his face only a couple of inches away from mine, "You okay?" I started to heat up, NO NO NOOOO! DON'T BLUSH! NOT RIGHT NOW! I kept looking at him and nodded, "Y-yeah sorry.. I just.. I was zoning out."

He creased his eyebrows, "Positive?" I smiled, "Positive Izu.." He kept looking into my eyes as he squeezed a little tighter and sat back down, "If you say so.. Seriously though, if you ever want to talk then I'm here for you." I smiled even more and closed my eyes as I giggled, "Understood."

I looked down to our hands still together. I couldn't stop smiling or blushing. I guess Izu followed my sight and I looked up to him to see him blushing too. He looked back up to me and realized what he was doing, he quickly retracted his hand, "S-Sorry.." He covered his face with both of his hands.

I took my hand back and held it with my other. "Don't apologize.. it's fine heh.." I felt happy and fuzzy inside, my heart beating fast. I felt myself still smiling and found it weird so I turned it into my usual deadpan expression although I kept blushing, "Well.. wanna go to the arcade now?" I looked at him as he peeped through his hands,


I though about getting a cute and floofy chapter out of the way UwU I hope you liked it!
Much love and hugs!!! 🤗❤️❤️❤️🤗

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