Goodbye My Love

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- Roxanne Grey - 

Back when I was younger, before my family was the disaster it was now. My mother used to advise me to always follow my heart because although the brain is logical, the heart will lead you to happiness. 

I'd always dismiss it, given that I was too young to understand. 

However she'd then warn me and say "Regardless of what your heart wants, you can't always go down that path because the brain will sometimes be right. It will tell you the inevitable and caution you. That's when you make a turn down that path into safety." 

Being safe always sounded comforting, I thought that safety was something I'd rather have than going down my hearts path. The grey void of nothing, no answers and not knowing the future. Whether it can destroy you or bring limitless happiness.

Everything changed though when I met Damien Black, the void was tempting and as I hesitantly walked down that path the more farther I went, the more happier I became. Nevertheless there were obstacles that needed to be faced and it seemed that although I wouldn't have these issues if I stayed in the logical where I was safe.

Even so, one by one I'd fight through them because when I won, it would be worth it.

I still think it's worth it. 

Unfortunately I had to say no, my future with Damien Black needed to be severed. Sadly, it has nothing to do with him or I. 

It was fate. 

Yesterday when Bryon told me his darkest secret, one that would be a necessity to know before going anywhere in a relationship. I knew he told me it because it was his tactic to win me over, he knew when today came I'd say yes to Damien.

It was a sly move but honestly I would have done the same. 

The reason why staying with Bryon, is to make me better. Yes, Damien has made me realize being a troublemaker isn't a bad thing and in fact something beautiful. It was a blessing in disguise and although it's brought a lot of pain, it kept me out of that ditch and walking down the road to being better.

Then there's fate who is the real MVP in this, fate brought me here and to Bryon. All this happened for a reason and it was to pay my dues. I've caused pain for people my entire life and for once I have the chance to make that up by giving a man the thing he needs most. A companion. 

When I heard his secret, I realized being lonely isn't the best way to deal with your demons. I've known that from experience and truthfully I care about Bryon. Obviously Damien will have the largest chunk of my heart—please 95% of it

However, Damien deserves a true happy ending. Both of us will always have skeletons in our closets and we will probably grow to hate each other from dealing with that. I want to leave Damien, adoring him more than ever than the inevitable hatred that would come to us.

So as I stand in front of Damien, his skin pale and a sad and shocked expression formed on his face. I cut the string that connected us.

"I have no regrets." I inform him, smiling weakly, tears endlessly falling. "I loved you Damien Black and for you there is no better way of showing it than helping you have a happy ending."

Damien frowned. "My happy ending is with you."

"No." I shake my head. "Our ending would be far from happy, it'd be destruction and hatred. A tainted future."

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