Chapter 38

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Seth's POV: 

I hadn't wasted a second shifting and running into the woods towards Jenny's house. I knew she was the only one that would have any clue what to do now that Maddy was just taken by what was definitely a witch if not something worse. As soon as I was within sight of the Cullen's front porch I shifted back and threw on the pair of shorts tied to my ankle before bursting through the front door. I was already prepared to apologize to Esme for breaking the door later when I froze in my frantic movements. 

I saw Maddy sitting on the floor only a few feet away from me with Jeanie standing or rather floating next to her. Jeanie had a look of concern mixed with outrage on her face in her genie form before taking a more human appearance with legs but still blue. Meanwhile my imprint had only tears and pain etched across her face as what I knew to be silent sobs rocked through her body. I locked eyes with her for a moment before my eyes trailed down to her leg that was bleeding on the floor in front of me.

I held back a wince as I looked at her leg, a huge gash like strip of flesh missing from her leg, as her body seemed to start to shake and more tears fell from her eyes. I rushed over to her, finding myself on the floor next to her within seconds. She turned towards me and buried her face in my chest as I felt her tears continue to fall. She pulled away for a moment and looked at my bare chest and then up to me in slight confusion before she nodded her head as if she answered her own question.

I didn't get the chance to say anything as she again buried her face against my chest as I carefully wrapped my arms around her shaking form. I felt her flinch some as my hand brushed her stomach and I pulled back as I saw blood starting to seep through the white shirt she was wearing. I reached for the shirt stopping only for a moment as I looked at her, about to ask her permission to look but I didn't have to. It seemed she knew what I wanted without asking and slowly nodded to my unasked question. 

I gently moved the t-shirt up enough to expose another gash like wound on her stomach, similar to the one on her leg but not as severe. I felt more sobs seem to leave her body as she flinched with the t0shirt being brought back down over the wound. I took a few deep breaths to keep from shaking as anger started to grow deep within me at what was down to my imprint's stomach and leg.

I gently pulled her into my lap, making sure not to put pressure on her stomach as I did. She never removed her arms from around my neck as I did, and I felt her tears continue to fall as she shook in my arms. I looked up to see Jeanie still blue with legs and on the cell phone telling Carlisle that he was needed at home as soon as possible.

"We'll be upstairs in your office when you get here Carlisle, but please hurry as fast as humanly possible." (J)

I heard her let out a sigh as she ended the call before she made another one to Emmett, though my attention was drawn away from her and back to Maddy who was still in my arms crying as blood continued to fall from her leg at an increasing speed. My anger at what had been done to my imprint was starting to give way to worry over her well being as the amount of blood on the floor around us seemed to only continue to increase. 

"Keep Gemma out of the house after school, take her to the mall with the girls. I'll explain everything later. I love you." (J)

I watched as she hung up the phone before snapping her fingers, the blood on the floor disappearing instantly and a towel appearing around Maddy's leg. It wasn't even tight though and I could see the blood already seeping through the white fabric, staining it bright red. I felt her cling to me tighter before I saw Jeanie looking at me and sighing some.

"Seth, carry her upstairs for me?" (J)

"Of course, if that's alright with you Maddy?" (S)

I watched with my breath held as Maddy pulled away from me before nodding, tears still falling from her beautiful eyes. I forced a smile on my face as I picked her up as gently as I could, hating myself as I saw her wince at the slight movement. I made sure she was stable in my arms before I followed Jeanie up the stairs and into Carlisle's office. I was going to sit her on the leather couch but a snap of Jeanie's fingers and there was a hospital bed in front of us.

I sat down on it and held Maddy in my arms rather than let go of her, as I needed her in my arms to remind me that she was safe. That she was here in my arms and nothing else was going to happen to her today, of that I was damn sure. A few minutes passed by in silence, her tears still falling down my chest but decreasing in speed, when I heard what would hopefully be Carlisle's car coming down the driveway.

"What happened Seth?" (J)

"A.....a witch or demon or something appeared and just took her from my side. I rushed over here as soon as it happened because I knew you would be able to help me find her." (S)

"Well, you were right it was a dark witch. Let's be thankful the damage isn't greater than it is. Though I'm sure it's more than what I can handle on my own, which is why I'm thankful Carlisle is almost here." (J) 

I watched as she walked closer before raising Maddy's t-shirt once more, her eyes seeming to flash to an even brighter blue as she stared at the cut before placing her hand over it. She closed her eyes and mumbled something in Egyptian or possibly Arabic. I watched as gold light seemed to leave Jeanie's hand and go into Maddy. Maddy seemed to tense for a moment before she relaxed some in my arms. Jeanie moved away from us a second or two after the light disappeared and I saw that the wound on her stomach was no longer bleeding but scabbed over. 

The wound on Maddy's leg was a different matter though, as it was still bleeding with the only change seeming to have been the wound becoming shallower. I looked up to ask Jeanie if she would be trying that again but saw her starting to sway some as she stood by us. I watched as her legs seemed to give out but before she had the chance to hit the floor Carlisle rushed in and caught her in his arms and helped her to sit in a chair nearby. 

"Thank you Carlisle, you're timing is impeccable as always." (J)

"Let's just be happy I was able to catch you before you hit the floor. I doubt Emmett would forgive me for that. Now let's see what we've got going on with you then Maddy?" (C)

I watched with a guarded expression for a moment as Carlisle walked over to us, before I reminded myself that I trusted him more than any other doctor I knew. I watched as he looked at the wound on her stomach before rushing about the room and gathering a few things. He gently spread what looked to be a medical grade neosporin substance on the scabbed over wound before gently wrapping a bandage around her stomach. Then he turned his attention to Maddy's leg as Jeanie forced herself from the chair and walked over to us. 

"Jesus, you weren't kidding then were you Jeanie about the wound being deep." (C)

I watched as Jeanie nodded no, before Carlisle quickly but gently got the chair behind her as she had started to sway again as she stood close by us. She nodded in thanks as she sat in the chair, a hand placed gently on Maddy's uninjured leg as she looked at both of us then Carlisle again. 

"Afraid not, I tried to heal the inner layers with magic but I'm afraid I may not have enough magic energy right now to heal her completely. I'm still recovering from the enchantments I placed on the house and everyone else a few days ago. Lot of good that did us as she found a loophole in the magic since Maddy doesn't call this place home and so doesn't technically live here. I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner Maddy." (J) 

I watched as Maddy shook her head no, and a smile formed on her face even though the pain and tears that remained. Jeanie smiled back before turning back to see Carlisle staring at the wound with a tilt of his head, and I again wondered if Maddy wasn't more than she seemed if it was taking Carlisle this long to decide how to treat the wound. 

"Stiches?" (C)

"Not a great idea, doesn't heal correctly from my experience with them." (J)

"Think you'll have any more strength tomorrow?" (C)

"I hope to have more tomorrow, enough to try again with healing the wound. But for now we've got to do something." (J) 

"Hmmmmm........honey and a bandage I think would be best for tonight. Then hopefully you can try tomorrow and we can see how it goes." (C) 

I was a bit lost in their conversation, though I knew that they were leaving bits out on purpose. However, as soon as I saw Carlisle disappear and come back with an actual jar of honey I was even more confused. I thought honey was medical lingo for something else not actual honey. Carlisle looked up for a moment and saw my face, a light smile crossing his own before he went back to work on her leg while explaining what he was doing. 

"Honey can be used in preventing infection and encouraging wound healing in some cases. This is an extreme case to be sure, but since Jeanie will be trying to heal more of the wound tomorrow a temporary seal is all we need for tonight." (C) 

I nodded as I watched him cover the entire gash with honey before wrapping a tight bandage over the area. He then helped Jeanie downstairs and outside into a hammock that was on the front porch before he came back into the room. It was then I realized that Maddy had fallen asleep against my chest. I picked her up into my arms as he motioned me to follow him, before I arrived in what I was assuming was her guest room. 

I couldn't help my surprise as I saw a bathtub that was large enough to swim in on one side of the room. Before I started looking at the walls of the room all painted as if we were underwater. I looked down at Maddy, still asleep or perhaps unconscious in my arms, wondering if she had requested her room to be decorated like this. 

"You can stay with her if you'd like Seth. Might make her feel better when she wakes if you're still here." (C)

"Thanks doc. I think I will." (S)

I watched as he nodded before he left the room, closing the door softly behind him. I smiled as I laid her down on the bed, before sliding in next to her and drawing the covers over both of us. I laid a gentle kiss on her forehead before I whispered a silent promise to protect her next time, no matter what I had to do.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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