Chapter 11

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Maddy's POV:

I watched as Gemma hugged Jeanie before sprinting off to her own building for class, before Jeanie got back into the car. Emmett had already explained to me how Jeanie had worried at first about sending Gemma to a human elementary school, but one of the shapeshifter's I had yet to meet had their imprint working at the school. It also helped calm Jeanie's nerves that another one of the imprints was Gemma's teacher.

It also helped that she went to the school on the reservation which was the shapeshifter's territory. Jeanie said that was enough for her to let Gemma try it out, and for now she was liking it a lot. We sat in relative silence, except for the hushed sounds of the Egyptian music Jeanie had playing through the car. A few moments later and we pulled up in front of the high school I would be attending with them until I found my pearl. I took a deep breath before I climbed out of the car after Jeanie.

Emmett wrapped his arm around Jeanie's shoulders after having climbed out of Edward's car, before kissing her gently on the head and telling her he would see us later. I watched as Edward, Alice, Rosalie, and Jasper all walked into the school building with Emmett as Jeanie stayed back with me.

I was nervous, there was no denying it. There were a hundred if not a thousand things that could go wrong today and end with my nature and species becoming exposed to humans, but as Jeanie took my hand and gently squeezed it, I was able to relax a bit knowing that even if that did happen she would do her best to make the humans forget no matter how much magic it took out of her.

"Come on Maddy. I already have your stuff from the office, but I think it's best to meet the teacher that is going to help you learn English while you're here earlier rather than later." (J)

I nodded before following her as she started toward the school building. The building itself was plain cement block structure and I wondered why humans didn't use more colors than the plain cream and whites that decorated the inside and outside of the structure. I missed the colors of the corals that littered the bottom of the ocean floor more and more with each step into the plain and boring building. 

I walked down the hallway hearing a few humans whisper about who the 'new girl' was, but my attention was only on my heart as I listened to see if my pearl was nearby. A mermaid's pearl could be detected in many ways, the first of which was sensing that they are near, the second was eye contact, and the third if it was even needed to confirm it was physical contact. I felt my spirits dull some though as I sensed for my pearl and found nothing. I followed Jeanie into a classroom and looked around before spotting the young woman sitting behind a desk reading a book.

She looked up and I was met with a smile as she closed her book and stood. Her chocolate brown eyes seemed to match her dark brown hair that was pulled up into an intricate bun. She wasn't very tall maybe Jeanie's height and she was incredibly pale almost like one of the vampires. She also wasn't very old of that I was certain, but her smile was genuinely kind as she walked over to us.

"Good morning Jeanie. I suppose this is Madeline?"

"Yes, though she prefers Maddy. Maddy this is Miss Bella Swan, you're first period English teacher, and your fifth period study hall teacher. She is going to help you learn to write in English." (J)

I watched as she raised a hand towards me and I smiled a bit as I remembered when Mother had taught me what this meant. I was very young and we would take short trips to shore, where she would explain the different actions that human did when they greeted one another. At least there was one thing that I could do right as a 'human.' I shook hands with Miss Swan as she smiled at me before looking back at Jeanie. She looked at the clock and then the door before back to us with a curious look engraved on her face.

"Not a vampire or a genie then I suppose, but I'll let you tell me in your own time if you're able to Maddy. My fiancé is, well I suppose Jeanie will introduce you to them later. He lives on the reservation and is working on opening his own car garage this year." (Bella)

I had seen Jeanie seem to stop Miss Swan from saying whatever it she was going to say about her fiancé but decided he was most likely a shapeshifter since she mentioned the reservation. I would simply have to trust Jeanie while I was searching for my pearl. She was the only one that would be able to help me now anyway.

"You may have your hands full with her Bella. She is as clumsy as you are, if not more." (J)

I stuck my tongue out at Jeanie just as a horrid sounding bell rang and Miss Swan let out a slight laugh. It wasn't my fault I had more experience with a tail than legs. Managing to maneuver the two legs to walk at the same time was difficult when there were obstacles scattered across the surface I was meant to walk on.

"Oh don't worry Maddy, no one can possibly be worse than me. You two better get to class, and Maddy I will see you back here during study hall. Welcome to Fork's High." (B) 

Jeanie and I both nodded goodbye to Bella, or rather Miss Swan I suppose, before Jeanie drug me back out in the hallway. Another horrible sounding bell thing rang as she led me into another classroom, and to an empty desk next to Rosalie. She took the one next to Emmett in front of me and was about to issue what I'm sure would be a warning about how to act but was stopped as the teacher stood in front of us and immediately began lecturing. 

Half an hour into the lecture and I was ready to fight off a great white. Holy seashells how do humans sit through eights of this every day. I felt again for my pearl to see if perhaps he was nearby now, but still could not find him anywhere nearby. I felt a sigh of annoyance and disappointment leave my lips, as I realized that finding my pearl may not be as easy as I was hoping it would be. 

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now