Chapter 2

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Esme's POV:

I froze in my seat as I heard the young girl's plea, I could hear what sounded like a human heartbeat and she had a scent. But as Jeanie has been trying to teach us these past five years that doesn't always mean human. I wondered if this girl, or creature as she could be was a threat to my family before I saw the tears start to fall from her teal colored eyes.

I heard the fear and worry in her voice as she had asked me about Jeanie. She didn't seem to be anymore a threat to my family or to Jeanie then Gemma did. I smiled softly at the young girl before nodding my head at her request.

I knew the others were due back from hunting in a few more hours. Edward and Rosalie were in Europe this month, but Alice and Jasper and Carlisle would be back soon. Emmett and Jeanie were out back in their own place with little Gemma, having excused themselves early to play hairdresser on Emmett.

"Emmett, I need you and Jeanie and Gemma to come to the living room please. As soon as you can." (Esme)

I called out in what was a bit louder than an inside voice, knowing that he heard me. A few seconds later and the all too familiar sounding pop sounded in the living room as a laughing Gemma and Jeanie appeared next to Emmett who currently had hot pink hair. Unlike his mate and his niece though he wasn't laughing but pouting.

"Oh it looks great Emmett, quit sulking!" (J)

"Yeah Uncle Em, looks great!" (Gem)

"So Esme, what do you think about Emmett's new ha-..........Maddy?" (J)

"Jeanie! It is you! Thank the seas I've found you!" (Mad)

I watched as the girl flung herself off the couch and into Jeanie's arms, barely giving her time to keep her from falling as she stared at the girl in shock and wonder. All while the rest of us looked on in confusion as to who this Maddy was and how she knew Jeanie.

Emmett's POV:

I watched with concern as the girl that Jeanie had just called Maddy flung herself at my mate. Until I saw the girl sobbing into Jeanie's arms and then watched as Jeanie tried to comfort the crying girl. I slowly took a seat by Esme with Gemma joining me in my lap as we looked on in confusion at the newcomer.

My own confusion only seemed to grow as I got a better look at the newcomer. She appeared to be a few years younger than Jeanie, but that means nothing in our world. What was odd about her though were the brown and blue tattoos that went down her arms, back and apparently her stomach as they looked to wrap around her entire torso.

Her eyes looked teal, almost like the ocean when a storm is coming mid-day. Her hair was a deep sea green color, but it looked natural somehow as if she didn't dye it that way. What was even odder was her outfit. She was in a bikini top and a pair of shorts with no shoes, and there was a blizzard outside.

There were also shells braided into her hair that looked to be tied back with....seaweed.....yup seaweed. I started narrowing down what species she was by this point, knowing that we either had a mermaid, a water nymph, or a selkie in our living room hugging my mate right now. But I was sure Jeanie had never mentioned knowing any creature by the name of Maddy.  

"Maddy, what's happened? Is everyone alright at home?? Are you parents alright?" (J)

The girl seemed to sob some more as she shook her head no before seeming to collapse in Jeanie's arms and growing silent. I saw a brief moment of panic cross Jeanie's face before she snapped her fingers making a huge tank appear behind her and then made Maddy appear in the water, sinking slowly to the bottom.

"Don't worry, she just passed out. Exhaustion I think, she'll be fine in there." (J)

"Umm babe, mind telling us who she is now?" (Em)

"She is my friend Princess Madeline, daughter of King Matthew and Queen Melody, heiress to the throne of the Pacific Ocean. I haven't seen her, oh for at least a decade now if not more." (J)

"How old is she? She looks very young." (Esme)

"She is, well compared to us I suppose. She is turning 180 this year." (J)

We all froze except Jeanie as we saw the water around Madeline start to glow a bright blue. Soon her legs were replaced with a tail that was bright blue with purple scales mixed in with a few green added in sporadically. I noticed that her arms had scales on them almost like a fin and I wondered if they helped her swim through the water fast. I also noticed that her fingers were webbed, so not so much like the movie mermaids after all I suppose.

"So she's a mermaid!" (Gem)

"Hahaha yes little Gemma, she is a mermaid. And you will love her just as much as she will love you I bet." (J)

I smiled as I watched my niece's face light up with excitement before she twitched her nose and disappeared, reappearing a few moments later with a pillow and blanket. A slight laugh from Jeanie and a snap of her fingers and they were placed in the tank with Maddy, the pillow under her head and the blanket covering her.

"When will she wake up?" (Esme)

"I'm not sure, but it's already past someone's bed time." (J)

"Awwwww please Aunt Jeanie, can't I stay up until she wakes up?!?" (Gem)

"Nope, because when she wakes up me and her need to have a grown-up conversation with one another. Now, off to bed. Uncle Emmett will read you a story tonight if you go now." (J)

"OK!" (Gem)

I laughed as Gemma ran over to me before we were standing in her room. I watched as she twitched her nose again and was in curled up in bed wearing pjs with mermaids on them, and holding out a book for me to read.

"Alright Princess, let's see. Ah 'The Mermaid's Pearl,' we haven't read this one in ages. So let's begin......Once upon time in a kingdom hundreds of leagues under the sea there lived a beautiful mermaid who's one desire was to find true love......" (Em)

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now