Chapter 13

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Maddy's POV:

This week had come and gone in what seemed like an instant that also seemed to drag on forever. I knew in my heart that my pearl was nowhere in Forks, which left only the reservation. I had met Gio's wife, Leah. And just as Bella had suspected I would, I liked her almost immediately as she seemed to combat Gio's personality and balance them both out. I also felt that we would become great friends in the future but I knew not the reason why.

But my happiness at meeting them both did not last long as my heart continued to long for my pearl. Jeanie said that we were now headed to the reservation to get permission from the resident shapeshifters so that I could come and go on their land as I chose. Emmett stayed behind with the others as the shapeshifters, though more accepting of the vampires now than they had been years ago, was still not fully welcomed by the pack. However, Jeanie and I were not driving there completely along as Gemma was in the car with us so she could go play with her friend Claire.

Jeanie dropped Claire off first, speaking with Claire's mother and telling her when she would be back and giving her a phone number to call her on if she needed it. Gemma waved to both of us before we pulled away from the house and I smiled at the little genie and her enthusiasm for everything she encountered. I heard Jeanie chuckle from the driver seat and I glanced at my friend as she looked away from the house and back to the road.

"There are times I forget she is a genie, as she is more human acting than the rest of us put together." (J)

I heard the smile in Jeanie's voice and nodded in agreement with her as we continued down the small road towards the shapeshifter's house. Gemma was lucky for now it seemed, she was a genie it was true but a genie that was well protected and hadn't had her first master yet. She was lucky indeed. My thoughts of Gemma are interrupted as Jeanie slows down before turning into a small drive and parking the car.

I look out the window and see a cozy wooden cottage with a wide front porch in front of us. It looks comforting and I smile at it as Jeanie starts to get out of the car, stretching before moving towards the house, leaving me to follow her at my own pace. I get out of the car and can just barely smell the scent of the ocean from here and I smile as I do. Perhaps this is where my pearl is after all, as I could not imagine him living somewhere he cannot at least see the water.

Jeanie's POV:

As we walked up the stairs to the front of Emily and Sam's porch, I felt Maddy stumble a bit before she gained her balance back. I held back a laugh at the fact that she was still just as clumsy as a human as she was a mermaid. She shot me what I suppose was meant to be a 'glare' though there was nothing malicious in it, before she turned her attention to the door opening in front of us.

"Jeanie! Sam said he heard you park out here. And who is this you've brought with you?" (Emily)

"It's good to see you again Emily, but may we talk inside?" (J)

"Of course, sorry I had forgotten your conversation may need more privacy. Come in, come in." (Emily)

I felt Maddy pull her hand from mine as she wrote in the little notebook I had given her as we followed Emily into the kitchen area of their new house. I saw Sam reading the paper, a few years older than when I last saw him but physically the same, just as Emily was. They had learned a few years ago that not only would the wolves aging slow while they still transformed but their imprints would as well once they reached puberty, which was a relief for every wolf with an imprint honestly.

"Jeanie." (S)

"Sam." (J)

"May I assume your friend is more supernatural than she appears if you brought her with you to discuss whatever business it is that we have together today." (S)

I was about to introduce them both to Madeline and explain our situation before she tugged on my arm and showed me what she had written. 'Has she been blessed before?' I looked at her in question before she glanced at Emily and then back to me. I realized that she sensed the blessing I had bestowed on Emily the first time I met her and I smiled at the old memory before I nodded. She returned my smile before making a motion with her hand as if to tell me to continue.

"Sam, Emily. This is Princess Madeline of the Pacific Kingdom. She has come ashore to find her pearl and he is not among any of the humans in Forks. She is wanting to ask your permission to search for him here on the reservation as well as your secrecy to her heritage." (J)

"So you're who Bella was talking about the other day when she and Jacob came over for dinner. I thought your name sounded familiar, but you look familiar too. You were at the Conference?" (S)

I watched as Maddy nodded to Sam's question before Sam seemed to appear confused at her actions. Even Emily was staring at her, but a bit softer than Sam was. Though it was in Sam's nature to assess if she was any kind of threat to his mate, and if so what kind. I was about to explain before Sam asked the question she will be getting for quiet some time I'm afraid.

"Don't talk much do you?" (S)

"That would be the result of a deal with a witch I'm afraid. Her voice in return for the location of her pearl." (J)

"Oh you poor dear." (Emily)

"Well you have my permission, and the pack are all down at the beach today so we might as well get over there for you to meet them now I suppose. Bonfire tonight if you're interested, for you and Gemma as well Jeanie." (Sam)

"Perhaps. Gemma is over at Claire's right now-" (J)

Margaret's POV:

I watched as Jeanie went to say something else before her phone rang. She answered it as soon as she looked at the name on the screen, and was soon closing her eyes in a look of utter frustration before she let out a slow breath. I heard her mumble something that sounded like Arabic before she started talking in a rush.

"Alright Emmett, thanks for telling me and don't punish her it's not her fault. I mean I almost blew up a palace when I was her age, so we're lucky really she just appeared at home. And that it was Claire's house she was at. I'll swing by Claire's house and apologize to her mother. Be home in a bit, love you too." (J)

I watched as she let out another breath as she hung up the phone before rolling her shoulders some. She looked at me and then Sam as she seemed to be thinking through something. Another sigh left her mouth before she slowly nodded her head at whatever decision she had made.

"Everything alright Jeanie?" (Em)

"Oh just fantastic. Gemma teleported from Claire's house to our living room. I'm going to have to go check on things with that. Madeline would you like to stick with Sam and Emily until I get back? If that's alright with you two of course." (J)

"Of course Jeanie. I'll make sure the boys don't terrorize her or try and throw her in the ocean while we're at the beach." (Em)

I felt my face pale some at that thought but relaxed some as Jeanie let out a soft laugh and I knew that she would never let me stay if she thought I was in danger. Jeanie looked to me and I nodded to let her know I would be ok without her for a while. I was still afraid but I didn't want to lose the chance to find my pearl, not for another day anyway.

"Alright, thank you. I'll be back to get you in an hour or so hopefully." (J)

I waved as she left in the car to drop by Claire's house first while I looked back to Sam and Emily, both of whom were putting on a coat and shoes. I wore a thinner one, not used to wearing so much clothes and being relatively unbothered by the cold as the ocean was colder anyway. Clothes in general were strange and I didn't think I would ever come to love pants, the sensation of the odd fabrics on my skin felt too weird. I was pulled from my thoughts by the voice of the shapeshifter standing next to me, a hint of a smile in his voice as he spoke to me.

"Alright Maddy, let's get going so you can meet the wolf boys." (Sam)

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now