Chapter 24

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Maddy's POV:

I had eventually cried myself to sleep last night in Jasper's arms on the kitchen floor. Having woken up in my bed a few hours past breakfast. I had received another gentle hug from Gemma before she left to go to school. I had withdrawn from school after having found my pearl, and Jeanie had been gracious enough to agree as I was still practicing writing in the English language.

"Will you be alright by yourself dear if I just go to the store?" (Esme)

I turned towards Esme, having been looking out the kitchen window at the surrounding woods since coming downstairs. I saw her soft smile and the concern she held in her golden eyes but I smiled and nodded motioning for her to go without me. She said goodbye before walking out the door, as my attention turned back to the window as I heard her car start up and disappear down the driveway.

I must have sat at the window for another half hour before I heard a soft knocking at the front door. I froze for a moment wondering who could be at the door before I realized it might be one of the pack members looking for one of the Cullen's. I stood up from my chair and made my way out of the kitchen and the front door, hearing whoever it was knock once more.

I was surprised when I answered the door and Seth's.......girlfriend was standing outside the door. She had a soft smile on her face as she looked at me and said hi, earning a smile and wave from me in return. I moved aside and motioned inside but she shook her head no as she glanced briefly inside for a moment.

"I was actually wondering if you'd like to go for a walk together? Not a long one, just a short one. So we could talk about some stuff, alone." (L)

I wondered what she wanted to talk about, and whether my heart could take it if was in regards to her and Seth's....relationship. I forced a smile on my face though as I nodded, writing a quick note to Esme, and leaving it on the side table by the door. Sliding on my teal colored coat, with my notebook in my hand I smiled at her as I shut the door behind me and walked down the steps with her.

We walked in silence that wasn't completely uncomfortable nor comfortable as we neared the woods. It wasn't until we were several yards away from the Cullen house that she looked at me as we continued to walk. I heard her take a deep breath before she stopped walking, stopping me as she did so. I watched as her blue eyes changed color to white, and I took a step back as I looked at her in surprise and caution.

"I have several confessions to make Madelyn, many of which should go directly to you and some to Seth. I am not human as I have portrayed myself to be to everyone that knows me here, I am a Xana." (L)

My breath froze in my chest for a moment as I knew she was speaking the truth almost instantly as she let me sense her true essence in the air. I was fearful for a moment before I realized that she had never been malicious nor vicious in any way that I had seen. Which should mean that she was a pure Xana, unless that was all a façade performed flawlessly by her.

"I am a good one, I swear it and I never meant to cause you any harm. So I must ask, is it too late to say sorry Madelyn?" (L)

I stared at her in confusion for a few moments as I looked at her, wondering what she was apologizing for. She smiled a small smile as she nodded her head, before motioning me to follow her. I followed her a bit longer before I found myself in front of the same river that I had often come to cry in front of since finding my pearl. She took a seat on one of the boulders and I followed suit as I sat next to her.

"I was under the waterfall the first time you came here, I've come here so often since arriving here in Forks. It reminds me of my own home, or what it used to be when I was first born. I watched you cry that day and I reached out to sense why you were so upset. It was unusual for me to find a being that is so pure of heart and mind so upset. I was concerned. And then I saw the reason why little mermaid. Your pearl was with another. With me." (L)

I felt myself stiffen as she said that, and she nodded with a soft smile on her face as if she took my tenseness for a verbal response. I heard her let out a soft sigh before looking at the river again as we both sat in silence, though even if I could I don't think I would have anything to say to her right now. I don't know what I would say, so I just wait for her to say something else.

"I have found less and less pure souls the longer I live among humans. It's so disheartening really. They used to be so common but the longer I live, the less that I discover. When I found him, he was like a breath of air or in my case and I suppose yours as well a fresh cool current of water. I was drawn to him like moth to a flame." (L)

I watched in slight surprise as she turned back to face me and smiled again, and I knew she was talking about my pearl. Though she needn't have bothered explaining why she was drawn to him, I knew already of his pure heart and his soul. One only needed to look into his eyes long enough to see that.

"I won't lie, I did use a bit of my own means to draw him closer to me. Our voices can after all bring peace and love to those of pure hearts, and I used that to my advantage in gaining his favor. Though now, I wish I had not done that." (L)

I looked at her in slight surprise as her smile dropped and a look of sorrow crossed her features. I took her hand in mine, wanting to try and offer her a sense of comfort even though I knew she was the being that took my pearl away from me. I could see now that it wasn't completely her fault, as I knew that anyone would be enamored with Seth if they knew of his heart and his soul.

"I knew he would have an imprint out there somewhere, and I knew that I should not get in the way of that. So, I must ask for your forgiveness for stalling your own relationship with your pearl from beginning and causing you such pain. It was unknowingly done in the beginning. But now, I aim to correct my wrongs. It is time I leave Forks, at least for now. I miss my home, the Malanda Falls. It is time I return there for a while." (L)

I looked at her in surprise again, still trying to process what she was telling me. It sounded as if she was leaving and in doing do leaving my pearl for me to claim should he have me, but my head was having trouble believing her even as she squeezed my hand in comfort and smiled at me.

"I ask only your forgiveness in being with your pearl for the time I was. I will say we did nothing other than kiss, but even for that I beg your forgiveness. Can you ever forgive me Madelyn, and shall we perhaps part from each other today as friends?" (L)

I saw her genuine smile as well as the worry at my answer in her eyes before I felt a smile form on my face. I nodded as a few tears slipped down my face before I saw a few slip down hers as well. I let go of her hand only to grab her into a hug, hoping she knew that I forgave her and would count her as a friend in the years to come.

"Thank you little mermaid. Now I must get you home, as I will be saying my goodbyes to your pearl this afternoon. Be ready in case he decides to drop in for a visit, as I will be sure to suggest to him." (L)

I smiled again as I nodded to her response before walking back to the Cullen's house with her beside me. A lightness in my heart that I hadn't felt since leaving my own home that fateful night. I waved goodbye to her as she walked back through the woods and disappeared from sight. I believed all that she said, and I smiled again at the thought that my pearl may come visit me tonight. I did not wish to hope to much but as the same time, my spirit soared at the thought of him coming to see me. Perhaps hope was not lost after all.

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now