Chapter 30

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Seth's POV:

I had been sweating bullets once dinner started as I tried to figure out how to ask Maddy if she wanted to hang out after dinner. Normally I would try and ask Jeanie about this kind of stuff but she was still passed out on the couch with Emmett watching over her. Their friends Kate and Garret had shown up about an hour ago to watch over Gemma. I had considered asking Kate for advice even though I didn't know her very well, but she looked frazzled enough keeping Gemma focused on her food and not running all over the house.

I watched as Maddy pushed away her plate, having finished her food, and I found myself doing the same. I was too nervous to eat my normal portion of food, even Gemma's constant chatting and boundless energy wasn't helping in my nerves as I struggled for a way to ask her to spend some more time with me. I felt a not so gentle kick at my shin from under the table before I heard Gemma laughing before looking at Maddy and then myself.

I felt my face blush as she motioned toward Maddy again before looking back to Kate, never missing a beat on whatever it was she was telling the blond vampire about. Maddy turned towards me and any hope I had that she hadn't seen that was dashed within seconds as I saw her confusion as she made a simple hand gesture between me and Gemma and I offered a shrug in return before I opened my mouth hoping something would come out.

"Want to go outside and look at the stars with me tonight Maddy?" (Seth)

I instantly wanted to kick myself for the words that slipped out of my mouth, until I saw her confusion turn into surprise as a smile started to grow on her face. I felt my face blush again at what I had asked her wondering if there was any way to be even more blunt that I was just now. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I was halfway to saying something else that would have probably been even more stupid before I felt her gentle hand grab my own.

I looked up only to see her smiling at me, nodding enthusiastically and even answering verbally though it was silent as always. It was easy to see what she was saying though, the only word being attempted by her was 'yes.' I felt my smile grow as I stood from my chair and offered her my hand as she stood from hers. I said goodnight to both Gemma and Kate as I led Maddy out on the back porch of the Cullen's house.

Maddy took a seat on the cushioned bench on the far side of the porch nearest the woods and I sat next to her. She was looking up at the stars with a small smile on her face but I couldn't care less about the stars, I had eyes only for her. It wasn't until she looked back at me and caught me staring at her that I looked away a blush settling on my face as I forced myself to look up at the stars. I heard her writing something down before I felt her move closer to me, her leg pressed against my own as I looked to the notebook in her hand.

"I've always loved stars." (M)

"Yeah? Me too, I used to think they were magical when I was little, then I grew up and saw all the other magic in the world but still........." (S)

I shrugged again, blushing a bit at what I had just told her, wondering if it would make me sound stupid to say that about stars. She only smiled though and nodded as if in agreement with me before biting her lip and looking back down at the notebook in her lap and writing something else down.

"Won't Laurissa wonder where you were all afternoon?" (M)

I took the notebook in my hands, brushing against her cool fingers before I looked up to see her no longer biting her lip but the worry in her eyes was clear enough. It was obvious now as I sat here with her that she felt the imprint in some way just as strongly as I must, for there to be that much worry in her beautiful sea-colored eyes.

"No, uh....well we kind of broke up earlier today. We both agreed that while we cared for each other, we weren't right for each other." (S)

I watched her nod before she looked back up at the stars a small smile starting to form on her face as she stared at the sky. I felt a similar smile form on my own face as I looked up with her before I decided to ask her more questions to get her talking to me more, at least technically speaking.

"Maddy, mind if I ask you something?" (Seth)

I saw her look towards me before she nodded and tilted her head as if waiting for a response. My brain went completely blank on what to ask her, before my eyes settled on her dark green hair with shells still braided into it and my brain latched onto the stupidity of itself as the next question slipped out of my mouth.

"What's up with your hair? I mean, it's great! Beautiful! I was just wondering you know why green and with shells in it and stuff." (S)

I saw her smile widen before a silent laugh apparently left her mouth even as she blushed. I soon found myself joining her though I had no idea why, just the look of happiness on her face had me elated that maybe it hadn't been a horrible question to ask after all. She started writing in the notebook before she handed it to me with a smile on her face still.

"My hair is naturally green, and the shells are a cultural thing mostly, as well as a fashion choice you could say." (M)

It was then that I knew for certain that she was some type of supernatural creature, because humans just didn't have green hair naturally. Though even as I realized that it only made me fall for her more, because it would make bringing her into my own world that much easier. Or at least in theory that would be the case.

"Well it's beautiful, just like you." (Seth)

I watched with a smile as she blushed again as she took the notebook back from me. I saw her look up at me through her lashes before she wrote something else down and handed it back to me, tilting her head as she looked at me with a soft smile on her face.

"Thank you Seth, for the compliment. You yourself are quite handsome as well you know."

I felt a rush of pride go through me as I read that my imprint found my handsome. I winked at her as she took the notebook back and watched her laugh, wondering what it would sound like. I wonder if there was a way that Jeanie could somehow help her in that, or if not Jeanie then maybe Gemma. Though I would ask Jeanie that, just to avoid upsetting Maddy like Claire's question had done that night at Emily's dinner.

"Maddy, I know this might seem quick since I just broke things off with Laurissa and everything but would you.......well would you like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow?" (Seth)

I watched in silence as she stared at me in what looked like shock. I immediately became worried that she thought me an absolute douchebag to be asking her out so soon after breaking up with Laurissa. I waited a few more moments before I rubbed the back of neck in an attempt to relive some of the stress that I was feeling now.

"If not as a date then-" (Seth)

I didn't get the chance to say anything else as she placed a hand on my cheek and shook her head yes. Though I wasn't sure if that was a yes to the date or a yes to it not being a date. She saw my confusion and a look of annoyance passed across her beautiful face as she picked up the notebook and the pen and showed me how it wouldn't write anymore before looking back at me.

"So you are ok with it being a date?" (Seth)

I watched as she nodded again and said 'yes,' and though no sound came from her response I found it easy to read the word from her beautiful lips. I felt a light laugh leave my mouth as I smiled and she returned it. I gently took her hand before I stood and motioned towards the house. I knew that the others were probably back, and that it was getting late, but I wanted to 'walk her home' anyway.
She walked next to me, allowing me to get a whiff of her scent which smelled like salt-water and tulips. Such an odd combination but one that just seemed to match her perfectly anyway. I stopped at the staircase as I saw her cover a small yawn before a blush colored her cheeks and she looked up at me.

"If 6 works for you tomorrow, I'll pick you up for a movie and dinner in Port Angelas."

I smiled as she nodded again with a smile on her face before she started to gently bite her bottom lip. I heard the others talking in hushed tones in the next room, with Edward no doubt listening in right now, but I couldn't bring myself to care as I looked at her. I knew it was soon, perhaps way to soon after having just ended it with Laurissa, but I wanted to kiss her.

"Well then, I'll see you tomorrow at 6." (Seth)

I leaned in closer before I paused for a moment to give her time to move away if she wanted but she only closed her eyes and leaned closer to me. I took that as my cue and closed the gap between our lips. I felt her smile in to the kiss before I broke it, not wanting it to seem to extreme for our first kiss before our first date even. I pulled away and saw her standing there with a smile on her face as she opened her eyes and stared up at me.

"Goodnight Maddy, sweet dreams." (Seth)

I watched her mouth what looked like 'Goodnight Seth,' before she pulled out of my arms and made her way up the stairs. She looked back down at me when she reached the top before waving goodnight and walking down the hall into her room. I felt like I was floating as I made my way towards the front door before I was yanked into the kitchen by Garrett, Kate's mate, to find myself in front of Kate, Edward, Jasper, Alice, and a disgruntled looking Rosalie.

"Just to make sure you understand wolf, you hurt her and not only will Jeanie have your hide but so will all of us." (Kate)

"I know, I would never hurt her. She's my everything." (Seth)

"It's just soooo cute!" (Alice)

"Joy, another reason for the dog smell to leave the house." (Rose)

I felt my face blush some at Alice's comment, barely being affected by Rosalie's comment at all. I heard Garrett laugh as Edward chuckled a bit before I said goodnight to them as well before I made my way out of the house as quickly as I could. I got into my car, starting it up and was half-way down the highway when I realized that I had almost given this chance with my imprint up and now I can't imagine my life without her. 

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now