Chapter 14

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Jeanie's POV:

I parked the car in the drive and climbed out, before taking another breath and walking to the door. I knocked only once before Claire's mother answered the door, a small smile growing on her face as she laughed a bit at my expression. I have no doubt I look just like my own aunt did when I did something similar growing up.

"Quite the niece you have there Jeanie." (H)

"I know, let's just be thankful she's not as bad as I was at that age or even worse like Gio at that age. I've come to say sorry for any trouble this may have caused Hanna." (J)

"Oh please, my daughter is the imprint of a shapeshifter who is nearly 16 years older than her. Your niece disappearing from my house mid-play date and appearing safely at your house is hardly something to give you as much worry as is on your face." (H)

"Well that's because you don't have a small genie to go home to, only to explain that this burst of magic will require more training during the weekend and after school hours from now on." (J)

"Ah so extra homework, well that may be hard for her to enjoy. But she is still welcome over whenever Jeanie. I don't mind, though call first because Quill has already stolen Claire for the rest of the day." (H)

"Ha, I figured. It was too quiet when I pulled up. Thank you Hanna, we may see you again next weekend for another attempted playdate." (J)

We smiled at each other before I walked back over to the car. I saw her wave before she shut the door, and I glanced around. There was no one else around for nearly a mile or two, so I placed my hand on the hood of the car and closed my eyes. I felt my knees hit the ground as the car and I arrived outside Emmett and I's house with a loud pop, my vision blurry for only a moment as the ground settled underneath me.

"Jeanie! Are you alright babe?!?" (Em)

I smiled some as I was scooped into Emmett's arms, knowing that I scared him when I hit the ground. It was uncommon for me to become weakened by a use of magic these past few years. However, I think moving the car over 30 miles with no one seeing can give me enough of an excuse at being hit by a bit of weakness.

I smiled into his chest before I nodded to his question, hearing his sigh of relief as well as his lips on the top of my head. I pulled away from his tight embrace as I smiled at him before looking towards the house, knowing that Gemma was waiting for us inside.

"Well babe, suppose it's time now." (Em)

"Yep. I know I should have listened to Uncle Gene and started her training months ago, but.......I wanted her to be as human as she could for a while. You know?" (J)

"I know babe, but after today perhaps starting as soon as possible will help her control it better. She said that Claire wished they could play at our house and then next thing you know Gemma was standing in the living room." (Em)

"Well let's be happy she didn't bring Claire with her, or get hurt in the process. Well let's get this over with then." (J)

"Then perhaps some fun?" (Em)

"Hmmmm perhaps." (J)

I saw the twinkle in the his eyes grow as I knew exactly what kind of fun he had in mind, though I wasn't complaining. I felt a small laugh leave my mouth as I took his hand before making us both appear in the living room with a smaller pop noise than the car made earlier. I saw Gemma sitting on the couch, wringing her hands together with a small frown on her face but before I could get a word in she jumped up and starting speaking as quickly as she could.

"Aunt Jeanie, I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean to. Claire just wished that we could play here and it was heartfelt and then pop I was here." (Gem)

"Gemma-" (J)

"I didn't mean to, it just happened and I'm so sorry! Please don't get onto Claire it wasn't her fault, she didn't mean to it just happened. I'll try and make sure it never happens again and Claire I'm sure will promise to try and not wish for stuff around me." (Gem)

"Gemma!" (J)

I watched as Gemma froze with a frown on her face as I yelled at her, but it wasn't meant in an angry way just as a way to get her to be quiet for a moment. I let out a breath as I watched tears start to form in her eyes, scolding myself for yelling at her already. Now I know exactly what my Aunt felt like when I was growing up and getting scolded with tears in my eyes.

"Gemma, I'm not mad at you. You're young still and have never had a master. You haven't had to learn to control your magic as much as other genies your age already have. When I was your age I was already on my second master and had better control of my magic because of it when I was free. So, you're not in trouble for today." (J)

I watched as a look of relief crossed her face as her tears started to vanish from her eyes. She risked a small smile at Emmett and then myself before she froze, no doubt seeing my expression of worry still lingering on my face.

"So, I'm not grounded?" (Gem)

"No, not yet. What this does mean though is genie training being an absolute necessity now. Which in turn means learning about each and every creature that exists in our world, and practicing your magic daily." (J)

"I get to practice my magic more because of this?!?"(Gem)

"I wouldn't get too excited young lady. What your aunt means by that is having the family wish for you to clean the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, or tend to the garden." (Em)

"Your uncle is right. We need to help you strengthen your magic while also learning how to grant wishes on purpose rather than accident." (J)

"So magic chores?" (Gem)

I saw the look of slight confusion and disappoint on her face as I nodded. It only lasted a second though before she smiled again, appearing to accept her fate easily. I looked to Emmett who had a grin on his face and I realized that he would be using this punishment to his advantage some. He is so like Gio at times it's unreal.

"Wait, I'll still get to play with Claire sometimes yeah?" (Gem)

"When you are done with your studies, yes. Now, for today I want you to go to the main house and start reading up on the creatures of the sea. Maddy may be able to help you with some of the information when she gets home." (J)

I watched her nod with an excited look on her face before popping out and back to the main house. I felt a sigh leave my lips before a gasp did as Emmett wrapped his arms around me from behind and started kissing up and down my neck as his hands began to roam my body. I snapped my fingers and soon we were falling backwards onto our bed, making sure the room was Gemma proof for the time being. She could knock on the door, but couldn't just appear in here.

"So babe, guessing now is the chance for fun?" (Em)

"I thought you'd never ask." (J)

I smiled into the kiss, before I felt his stone cold tongue run across my lips. I moaned as I let him deepen the kiss before I snapped my fingers leaving us both shirtless on the bed. I heard him chuckle at the bright gold bra I had on, before he started kissing down my neck again. I moaned as he ripped the bra off, making a mental note to fix it later as I loved that bra.

I was a second away from making his pants disappear along with my own when I heard my phone ring. I knew based off the ringtone it was one of the wolves, and my thoughts went to Maddy having problems with one of them at the beach. I moaned this time in slight annoyance at the interruption before I gently pushed Emmett away and answered the phone with a snap of my fingers.

I felt a sigh leave my lips as one left Emmett's as well, as he kept me wrapped in his arms against his chest. I heard him whisper a barely audible 'later,' as I smiled and nodded in agreement before I turned my attention back to the phone call.

"Which wolf am I speaking to?" (J)  

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now