Chapter 33

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Maddy's POV:

The rest of the meal went smoothly, with us eating our meal in a cheerful silence. It wasn't until he had paid and we were walking back outside to the car that I felt my nerves return some, though I wasn't sure why. He stopped us a few feet from the car before he lifted my face from the sidewalk and met my own eyes with his. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I stared into the soft brown pools that his eyes were.

"Would you....would you like to go walking with me? There's this cute little park nearby with some swings, if you don't think that's too childish." (Seth)

I quickly shook my head yes to his suggestion as I saw his face drop some at the thought that I wouldn't like his idea. His smile and sparkle in his eyes instantly returned before he offered me his arm. I took it and was immediately warmed not only by his touch alone but also his increased temperature.

We walked in a comfortable silence together down the stone path, my eyes drifting towards his face every so often. Though his never seemed to leave my own, making my blush seem like a permanent fixture on my face for tonight. When we got to the swings he let go of my arm and took a seat in the swing next to one I claimed as my own, before he gently took my hand in his own.

I looked up at the stars and smiled at how bright they always seemed when above the surface of the water. It never seemed to amaze me any less than it had the first time that I had seen them when my father had brought me topside during a meeting with an old friend of his. I was only a few years old, but the memory stayed with me after all these years.

I know my face had dropped some as I began to compare the father of my childhood and even a few years ago to the man he had seemed to become overnight just a few weeks ago. I felt Seth squeeze my hand and I looked away from the stars to meet his worried eyes staring at me.

"Are you alright Maddy?" (S)

I nodded and offered him a small smile before I let go of his hand and pulled out the little notebook again. I wrote down that I was simply thinking of my father before I handed him the notebook. I saw his own face fall some as he nodded before handing the notebook back.

"Is he alright?" (S)

I was going to nod yes but as I sat there I realized I wasn't sure if he was alright. It was as if he were ill or simply not himself but I was unsure how to describe it in any way that would make sense and not make me seem crazy. I finally wrote down that he wasn't quite right at the moment but physically he was fine.

"Well I hope he gets better soon then Maddy. My dad, well he died suddenly when I was 14 from a heart attack so Leah and I had a few years of adjusting to life without him. So I know how it feels be worried about him I guess is what I'm trying to say." (S)

I immediately grabbed his hand into my own again, my heart aching at the look of pain that crossed his face however briefly it had appeared. I could even hear it in his voice and I knew that his father's loss still hurt him deeply. I squeezed his hand again, and he looked up from the ground as I said 'I'm sorry.' I had forgotten that I couldn't make a sound but he only smiled at me.

"It's ok." (S)

I smiled at the fact he was able to tell what I had been trying to say. Though it left me wondering if the link that formed between pearls would actually have an effect on him even though he wasn't a merman. Having another species as a pearl wasn't common, and I was curious as to how much the link between us would come into play on his side of things.

I felt him squeeze my hand this time and I realized I had been staring at him for a few moments. I felt my face turn red again as he let out a light laugh before he grabbed the chains of my swing and pulled me closer to him. He held onto the chains tightly when I was in front of him and I did the same to the chains of his swing as he stared at me.

He leaned in closer before he stopped and looked at me, as if giving me the chance to move away from him if I wanted. But I didn't want that. I would never want that. I smiled at him again before I met his lips with my own. He seemed frozen in surprise for but a moment before I felt one of his hands let go of the swing chains and go around my neck gently. It was a kiss that I had only dreamed of as a small mermaid, and it was everything I had hoped it would be.

It was a gentle kiss but the passion and energy that was in the kiss would be hard to miss. What felt like an eternity passed before we both pulled away breathing faster than we had been before the kiss. He leaned his forehead against my own for a moment before he leaned back from me. I opened my eyes and found his instantly, sparkling like two lights in the dark park around us.

"Maddy, would you want to do this again maybe tomorrow? Not the kiss but another date? I mean kissing is great too for tomorrow I mean......I'm rambling like a moron now." (S)

I shook my head as a quiet laugh left my mouth at how flustered he looked. I nodded and mouthed 'yes' to his question whether in regards to another date or kissing I didn't care. I was up for either really. He smiled even as his face stayed a bit blushed before he gently let go of my swing just as I let go of his. A few seconds after our swings had become stationary again he stood up and offered his arm to me. I took it, once again smiling at the warmth he gave off before we began walking back to the car.

He opened my car door and after he was in his own seat at the wheel, started the radio back up with another pop song. It wasn't one that I knew but I was in love it within moments, already singing along to the chorus. We arrived back at the Cullen's house quicker than I thought we would and I almost felt my face fall some until I saw him smiling nervously at me from his seat.

"I had a really great time with you tonight Maddy. Did you?"

I nodded and once again mouthed 'yes,' smiling wider as I watched his own smile grow again. He nodded a bit before he got out the car, and rushed to my side to help me out as well. He walked me up the front steps of the Cullen house, stopping in front of the door before he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you for a wonderful date tonight Maddy, I'll be back tomorrow afternoon to take you on another one at 3 if that works for you?" (S)

I didn't bother nodding this time, instead I simply crashed my lips to his hoping he would understand that meant yes. It took him no time to respond so I could assume he understood my answer. I felt the kiss turn more passionate just as the one in the park had before the front door slammed open and made us both jump apart from one another.

"Well hello Princess, Seth. Nice night out huh? We thought you had both gotten lost on the way home when we finished up our date night before you two." (Em)

Seth's POV:

I couldn't help the smirk on my face even as Maddy blushed at Emmett's comment. I didn't quite like the nickname he seemed to have given Maddy, but I knew that Emmett loved Jeanie more than anyone could ever fathom so I tried not to let it bother me too much.

"Emmett, let them say goodnight in peace." (J)

"Course babe, sorry you two." (Em)

He winked at both of us before he disappeared from view, Jeanie rolling her eyes some before giving us a gently smile and disappearing with a pop. I could hear them both in the living room along with who sounded like Garrett and Kate. I turned back to see Maddy smiling at me again, her eyes sparkling like the ocean when the sun hits it on a bright sunny day.

"Well, as I was saying, I had a great time tonight. And I will be ready to pick you up at 3 tomorrow." (S)

She nodded before she moved closer to me and stopped a second, staring up at me as if she were asking if I wanted to kiss her again. I couldn't help but smile as I pulled her into my arms again and kissed one more time for tonight at least. I had many more kisses planned for our future, hundreds if not thousands of kisses. A few seconds later before the kiss ended and I was given the chance to stare at her now blushing face in amusement.

"Goodnight Maddy, sleep well." (S)

I saw her mouth goodnight followed by my name and just seeing that, even though I couldn't hear it, made my spirit soar again. She walked into the house, smiling up at me once more before gently shutting the door in front of me. I had to restrain myself from jumping off the porch, taking the stairs instead, and jumping into my car.

I knew I had the council meeting in the morning to get approval to tell Maddy what I was, but even that couldn't bring my spirits down as I drove home as I all I could think about was the feel of her lips on mine.

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