Chapter 29

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Jeanie's POV: 

I woke, still on the couch with a light blanket thrown over me, no doubt the work of Emmett earlier. I glanced out the window and saw that it was dark outside, and a glance at the clock on the mantle tells me it's a little past ten. I felt a light moan leave my mouth as I sat up stretching, my back popping in sweet relief as I did.

A snap of my fingers and I found myself sitting at the island table in the kitchen. A smile spread across my face as I saw that directly across from me, my person was just finishing loading dishes into the dishwasher. Her usual tidy appearance though seems to have taken a bit of hit as her shirt looks ruffled and her hair is in a messy bun. She jumped a bit as she turned to see me sitting behind her before I watched a smile appear on her face as she looked at me.

"Wow, you look like absolute shit Jeanie. Is this how you keep a mate because I haven't tried this approach with Garrett yet, but we are still newly mated so I suppose I don't need to keep things fresh yet to entertain him." (Kate)

"Oh shut up you blond bimbo, some of us had to protect the house and family earlier today. What's your excuse for your hair looking like a train wreck mixed with a bird's nest?" (J)

"Rosalie giving your niece, my godniece, an energy drink that didn't wear off until 30 minutes ago. That's my excuse. Remind me to kick Rose's ass one of these days for that." (Kate)

"Well what goes up, must come down eventually. I've missed you K." (J)

"I've missed you too J." (K)

I smiled as she rushed towards me and we both laughed in the hug. Our relationship had grown to be like that of two sisters, sisters that loved to insult and take the mickey out of each other whenever possible but loved each other all the same. It made Emmett laugh whenever he watched out interactions, though I wondered where he was now. Kate and I finally let the hug go as a yawn left my mouth, and a laugh let hers.

"Well looks like you're actually still beat then, Emmett told me about the amount of magic it took to do what you did. Should have known that you were practically dead on your feet since you're still blue. And how often are you that way unless you're basically drained or of course super pissed off." (K)

"You aren't wrong Kate, I'm exhausted. Hell I didn't even realize I was still blue. Leave Garret at home I'm guessing?" (J)

"No, he's out hunting with Jasper and Alice I believe. Still adapting to the diet but three years clean." (K)

"That's great Kate, we're all very proud of him. Speaking of mates though, where is Emmett? I was under the impression you were watching Gemma for us while he helped me recover." (J)

"And she is and I am, Gemma just fell asleep mid-way through the story she had requested or more like demanded I tell her. And before you ask, Seth and Maddy are outside on the porch talking, well he's talking she's writing." (Em)

"Yea about that Jeanie, who is Maddy and why does she seem to be one of Gemma's new favorite people? You know that Rose and I don't like sharing." (K)

"Story for tomorrow Kate, it's much too long to tell tonight." (Em)

I felt a yawn leave my mouth as I tried to smile as she rolled her eyes before nodding in agreement. I turned to see Emmett standing behind me, looking as tired as a vampire could look. Though I knew it was mostly just stress over what I had done today and Gemma's non-stop energy this afternoon. I heard a snicker leave Kate's mouth as I sat and held my arms out toward him smiling as he instantly had me in his arms bridal style.

"Kate-" (J)

"Oh don't worry I'll take care of everything with Gemma and if it looks like things aren't going well outside I'll take care of the wolf as well. I won't kill him, promise. And tomorrow we can have a girls day while Gemma is at school, I'm assuming you can play hooky." (K)

I smiled as she crossed her heart even while rolling her eyes at her promise at not killing Seth. I nodded in thanks to her and the day she was already planning, even as I felt my eyes start to close as I laid my head against Emmett's chest, a deep chuckle echoing through it as I did. I knew he was running us back over to our house that was a few hundred yards from the main house as I felt the wind rush through my hair. A few seconds later and we were on the padded swing on the screened-in back porch as he started to gently run his fingers through my hair.

"Thank you Emmett." (J)

"Anytime babe, anytime." (Em)

I smiled into his chest as he started to hum a random tune, his fingers still combing gently through my hair as the full moon shone above us. I knew that tomorrow I would need to ask Maddy how everything went with Seth tonight, but as I was held in my lover's arms my mind couldn't hold onto my worry for her. I felt his cold lips on my forehead right before I finally felt myself drift back to sleep.

Emmett's POV:

I smiled as I watched Jeanie finally fall asleep in my arms, a look of pure peace and happiness etched on her beautiful face. She may not even know it but her Uncle had told me once that whenever she had overdone it on her magic it would help her to be outside. He had jokingly said that if she knew that she would build a treehouse outside without a roof. Little did either of them know I was planning on doing just that before Alice and Kate both said a screened-in porch with comfortable furniture and a glass ceiling would be more Jeanie's style.

It was perhaps a good thing I had listened to them that time when building the house, because she looked so beautiful in the light of the full moon and the few twinkling candles I had lit around us. I could still hear Seth talking to Maddy every once and a while, his laugh letting me know that the conversation was still pleasant whatever they were talking about. I had thought he would have left after dinner but he surprised me by asking Maddy if she wanted to look at the stars for a while.

I had to give the wolf points for that one, as I too had once taken Jeanie to look at stars and it could prove to be very romantic. Well maybe not too many points though as it had seemed that Gemma played a small part in getting him to ask Maddy to look at the stars with her. Perhaps I was rubbing off on my little niece more than I thought.

I could only wish the wolf luck with his imprint under the stars tonight, smiling as I held my own mate in my arms. If I had known that eternity could be as wonderful as this, even as hectic and insane as it sometimes feels like with all the supernatural creatures we've come to know exist, I never would have complained about becoming a vampire once. Eternity with this angel, well that seems like a pretty damn good deal.

"Goodnight my little genie. I love you." (Em) 

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now