Chapter 19

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Larissa's POV:

I felt another presence approach the waterfall, but I knew that I had nothing to fear as I was invisible to every species, as long as I willed it. I let the flowing water of the waterfall continue to relax my every muscle until I felt a ripple in the air that told me the person that had sat down by the river was crying. I opened my eyes and rose to the surface before looking at the person.

It only took a moment before I recognized her as the girl I was introduced to on the beach. Madeline her name was, and easy to recognize due to her hair and the fact that her cries, though heavy, were silent. She was a strange creature to be sure as I knew she was not a human as she was pretending to be, though that could be said of many of us in this town it seemed. I reached out to discover the reason for her tears and was hit with a wave of sorrow and pain, yet the cause seemed blurred.

I tilted my head as I stared at her further before I sensed her connection to the water. It was almost as strong as my own, with the only difference being that I was born of it, she simply counted it as home. Such an oddity to see in this age though, in this part of the country no less.

A mermaid on land with no voice, you would have thought their kind would have learned not to make deals with witches with as many of them that met a horrid ending following that path. Yet, that could be the only reason why she was so silent and on shore. Poor little mermaid, and young too from what I could tell. Not yet 200 surely. I reached out again and saw that had not yet even reached what her kind counted as adulthood at 180 years. Young indeed for her kind.

Yet her sorrow as strong as it is, its cause is still remaining hidden from me. I considered drawing nearer to her, until I felt the presence of another nearby. I glanced at the other side of the river and saw what it was. I reached out and felt his feelings which were clearer to me in nature and cause, and then the reason made sense. I knew that she must be upset over finding her pearl in a less than ideal situation, yet his actions thus far confuse me for he had found his imprint in her. The feelings he had for her were already growing to be stronger than the ones he had for me until this moment.

I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me, until I reached out to her soul rather than her heart. It was then that I saw what a pure and kind soul she was, such a soul I had seen only one other time and it was then I realized what I had to. It would cause me little pain in the long run, and I had known it would happen eventually but I had enjoyed my time spent in happiness with the young wolf. The wolf whose soul seemed a perfect match for the little mermaid before me.

Hmmm a wolf and a mermaid, such an odd pairing of land and sea that had surely never happened before. It will be a wonderous thing to watch it play out should it happen the way it is meant to be for fated lovers. I let out one last sigh as I looked at her still silent crying form on the rock, before delving back underwater. It was not up to me to try to figure out what I would need to do to fix my mistake before it was too late for the young mermaid and her pearl.

Seth's POV:

I was on patrol when I caught the scent of who I knew could be only one person. My paws halted in the snow for a moment as the wind blew her scent into my face again. I thought about ignoring it and her and continuing with the patrol run, but ny wonder at what she was doing here kept me from doing so. It wasn't completely safe for her out here. Safe enough but not 100% safe, and I felt a grain of fear grow for her as I started towards her. I just wanted to make sure she was ok.

It wasn't long until I found her sitting on a boulder next to the river, her sea green hair braided to the side, with a few loose strands blowing wildly around her face. She had her head on her knees with her arms wrapped around her knees as she sat there. I could even see a few shells that were braided in as there the day we met, and it brought a small smile to my face before I realized she could be in danger here without her knowing it.

I checked the area out and saw that she was alone and safe for now. I was about to leave the area before I was spotted, until I saw her move. I watched as she lifted her head and started to watch the river in front of her before her hand went across her face and then I saw she was crying.

I still found it odd in some ways that she was so silent, not so much not being able to talk, but not being able to make any noise what-so-ever. I couldn't help the soft whimper that left my mouth though as I watched her tears continue to fall, wondering what had upset her so much. For a moment I wished I was able to help her in some way, able to comfort her as I was meant to, but then Laurissa's smile as I said goodbye to her this afternoon comes to mind.

I had made my choice, and since it was a one-sided decision, I would be the one to live with it. I felt my heart seem to break as I thought of that decision yet again, but I couldn't turn back now or at least I don't think I can. I scanned the area one more time, even as another soft whimper left my mouth as I saw her wipe away more silent tears from her face.

She deserved better than me anyway, she was too pure for me to bring into this world. Because even if she knew what Jeanie and the Cullens were, it was one thing to know and another thing to be a part of this crazy supernatural world we lived in. I couldn't do that to her, I was already doing it to Laurissa in a number of ways and I couldn't do it to someone else.

I forced myself to look away and continue on my patrol, leaving my imprint alone and still crying in front of the river. I would make sure to tell Jeanie where she was in a few minutes when Embry relieved me from patrol, until then all I could do was try to force the look of sorrow that had been present on her face out of my thoughts as each time I thought of it my heart seemed to break a little bit more.

Though after an hour of picturing her face again and again, it seemed that I was losing that battle as it was all I could even think about. I let out a howl as I continued my patrol and tried to focus on the task at hand instead of the beautiful green-haired girl that I left crying on a rock.

Jeanie's POV:

I felt a laugh leave my mouth as Emmett came up behind me and started to kiss up my neck again. It was an hour since we left the bedroom now, and I had first checked to make sure Maddy was still within my magic's reach before I let the sense of relaxation stay with me. I was now trying to cook falafel and hummus as a snack for me and Gemma when she returned from the movies in a bit with Rose, though Emmett was proving to be a bit of a distraction in that regard.

I heard the doorbell ring as he started to kiss my neck again before I hit him with a towel. He faked hurt and pouted as I sent him to answer the door, letting out a slight laugh as he continued to pout all the way out of the kitchen and to the front door no doubt. I heard the door open and then heard Emmett call out my name, a slight tone of surprise mixed with worry tracing his tone as he did so. I know that he never uses that tone lightly and felt myself tense instantly.

I snapped my fingers and was immediately by his side, his arm sliding over my shoulders before I realized who was standing in front of me. It had been years since I had seen her, but she still looked relatively the same. The sea grey eyes that looked as if a storm was brewing in them, looked at me with a calmness that she always had possessed.

Her red hair was pinned back with a few intricately designed pearl berets but was still as bright as it always had been with only a few strands of silver to be seen within it. I saw a small smile play on her lips before it was replaced with one of calm concern as she stared at me and we bowed to each other in greeting, she with a simple head nod and myself with my palm outstretched.

"Queen Melody, what do I owe this visit dear friend?" (J)

"Jeanie, please we've known each other a long time. I want no title from you my friend, and I'm sure you know why I'm here. I've had my own eyes looking after my child, though from what they report you've done as much as you could for her." (QM)

"I only wish I had been able to do more for her Melody, she is......she is much like Milania. The same spunk and stubbornness, very similar to yourself as well in that regard though." (J)

"That was always my biggest fear, her being as stubborn as myself and I'm afraid it has come true in more ways than one. There is something that my servants will not tell me though and it makes me fear the worst, for all they will say is history has repeated itself in Madeline." (QM)

"Oh my friend I wish I could say otherwise, but it is true. Please come in, we have much to discuss before your daughter returns." (J)

I felt the confusion almost radiating off of Emmett until he heard me say that, finally making the connection that Melody was Madeline's mother. I sigh some at how slow my lover can be sometimes, but I give his arm a gentle squeeze as he follows behind both of us to the kitchen. He takes a seat next to me at the table with Melody in front of us. I make the quick introduction between them before I look back to Melody, already hating that witch more with each breath of explanation that I have for her in how history is repeating itself.

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now