Chapter 22

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Maddy's POV:

It was few minutes later that I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror. Jeanie was fixing my makeup that my tears had messed up while she and Emily spoke in hushed and rushed whispers. My ears weren't focused on them though, they were only focused on the fact that my pearl had asked if I needed anything. That alone seemed to fill my mind with a sense of peace and willingness to endure all the pain in the world for just an ounce of his concern.

"That alright with you Maddy?" (J)

I looked at Jeanie in question, being brought full force out of my thoughts as she and Emily looked at me. A smile formed on Emily's face as she looked at me, before she let out a soft laugh.

"It seems she didn't hear a single thing we said. Jeanie asked if it was alright if she took you home her way after saying goodbye to the boys/" (Emily)

Oh, so that was what I had missed in the last few minutes of my thoughts, plans of how to explain Jeanie being here. I nodded and smiled before walking out the door only to be greeted by a concerned looking Quill and a sleeping Claire in his arms.

"Maddy, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to I swear." (Quill)

I smiled at his concern before I nodded my head, trying to brush off his unneeded apology as best as I could. He seemed to understand though and smiled in relief as he nodded before he said goodnight to everyone and left with a still sleeping Claire in his arms so he could drop her off at her house before going home.

It wasn't until I turned and saw Seth intensely staring at me before his attention was taken by Jeanie walking up next to me. His eyes widened some in surprise before he glanced back at me.

"You know what Jeanie is?" (Seth)

I nodded to his question, wondering if there would me more similar questions asked after it. But I was thankful that there wasn't. I saw nod his head again before a smile took place on his face again.

"Well Jeanie, suppose you're her lift home then if you're here. Good to see yah, how's Gemma and everyone?" (Seth)

"Fine of course, but Gemma seems determined to be give me grey hair I swear. If I was anything like her growing up I owe my aunt and uncle every gift I can give them. And a few other cousins like Gio and our cousin Jeffrey owe them even more." (J)

I smiled and let out a silent laugh as I knew she was right, having known Gio for only a few years but knowing he was much wilder than Jeanie could ever be. I hugged Emily goodbye and waved to everyone else before I took Jeanie's hand in my own. I caught myself staring at Seth again as I got lost in his brown eyes as Jeanie said her own goodbyes.

"See yah around Jeanie, Maddy." (Seth)

I smiled again and nodded before the room disappeared in front of us and we were standing in the living room of the Cullen's house. The smile stayed on my face as I nodded in thanks to Jeanie and walked upstairs to my room. I got ready for bed and fell asleep with a smile on my face as I realized it was the first night since meeting my pearl that I wasn't wracked in pain as he didn't kiss her goodnight. Perhaps there was more hope than I first believed.

****Hour or two later*******

I had not been asleep for long  before I felt a rush of pain shoot through me, rousing me instantly from my sleep. I had shot out of bed having expected to see guards of my father capturing me to take me back home but was confused when I saw no one in the room with me.

I stood up from my bed and made my way out of the room and down to the kitchen for a glass of water to put myself more at ease. It wasn't until I had the empty glass in my hand that the pain returned ten-fold. I felt the glass slip from my hand as my knees gave out under than pain and I hit the ground at the same time the glass did. I felt the glass hit my leg and arm on my right side, but the pain that gave me was nothing compared to the heart-breaking pain I was experiencing right now.

I felt a silent scream leave my mouth even as I heard rushing footsteps coming from the living room. The sharp pain rushed through my heart as if I was being cut in half, cut down deep enough to pierce my very soul. I felt tears start to fall from my face, as I curled into a tight ball. I knew what was happening, he was kissing her goodnight as he did every night. And every night it felt as it I was being ripped apart from the inside out.

I knew screams were leaving my mouth, though I heard no sound. I could only imagine how happy my torment and pain was making Witanica. I felt cold hands on my back rather than Jeanie's warm ones and look up to see the vampire with all the scars covering his body and the curly hair trying to comfort me, Jasper that's his name.

I realized he must be the empath one that Jeanie told me about as a look of pain is reflected on his face as well, and I feel sorry for causing him pain as well. A few seconds longer than the kiss had been last night and the searing pain stops, leaving behind only an echo of the pain as tears continue to fall down my face. I could finally make out the words that Jasper was whispering as he tried to comfort me, but it was of no use. Only the soothing touch of my pearl could comfort me right now and it wasn't likely to happen anytime soon. 

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