Chapter 3

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Maddy's POV:

I tasted salt on my tongue as I breathed in the warm water, hearing murmuring voices nearby. I let out a quiet groan at the thought of another day of boring princess classes when I remembered running away. A gasp left my mouth as I sat up and saw that I wasn't back at home or in an ocean at all. I was in a tank, large enough to lay down in but not large to do much swimming.

I felt panic starting to rise as I wondered who put me in a tank before I heard a tapping noise next to me. I spun around in the water before I pulled my tail closer to me, as I looked to find the source of the noise and saw it was Jeanie. A sigh of relief left my mouth as she smiled at me, before she glanced behind her towards the others watching both of us now.

She snapped her fingers and I heard her voice as clearly as if I was on land with her, and I knew it would be the same for her.

"Would you like to come out now or rest a bit longer?" (J)

"In a bit, my defenses are still up so I must have been more exhausted than I realized." (Maddy)

"Defenses?" (Em)

I watched as the vegetarian vampire that Evelyn had told me was Jeanie's lover spoke up before walking closer to us. He gently but firmly pulled Jeanie into his chest as he looked at me as if he was trying to see how dangerous I was. I raised my arms in front of me so he could see the razor sharp fins on my arms, running from my wrists to my elbows, before he nodded.

"Go back to bed for now Maddy, we can talk when you wake up. Don't worry, no one will find you here. I've got it covered." (J)

I nodded a bit before I felt another wave of exhaustion hit me and I realize I was lucky to have made it to Jeanie's old house let alone all the way here before I passed out. I felt my eyes close just as my head hit the pillow, and the soft sweet sound of silence washed over me. I knew it had to be hours later that I woke again as my defenses were gone and I felt better than I had in days.

I saw the little genie who had to be Jeanie's niece sitting by the tank, smiling as she painted with Esme. I smiled as Esme looked up at me and the young genie's eyes soon followed. She stopped painting and stood up, shouting for 'Aunt Jeanie' before rushing over to me smiling.

"Hi! I'm Gemma! Are you really a princess mermaid?" (Gemma)

"I am." (Maddy)

"Do you have a pearl like the mermaid in the story book?!?" (Gemma)

I felt my heart ache at the question as a few tears escaped my eyes, even as I force a smile. I was thankful the young genie wouldn't be able to tell I was crying as I new Jeanie could as she stood behind Gemma now.

"I hope so little one. But I need to speak with you aunt about it first." (Maddy)

I watched as she nodded, the smile never leaving her face before I heard a door open somewhere and she took off towards the noise. A loug squeal of laughter leaving her mouth a few seconds later. I watched as another two vegetarian vampires entered the room, both of their eyes going wide when they saw me.

I bowed my head out of respect for Jeanie's family, seeing them both return the gesture as Gemma. I was brealy listening to Gemma talk to them as she was going faster than any creature I had ever heard, until I heard her say how long I had been here.

"Three days?" (Maddy)

"Afraid so Maddy, suppose you were more tired than either of us new." (J)

I nodded in silent agreement as  rush of fear ran through me at the thought of my father having time to figure out where I had gone. I was pulled out of my fear as I saw Jeanie raise her hand to snap her fingers, waiting for my say before she snapped and I appeared outside the tank.

"Mitalke shilake leucothiea aquamea." (Mad)

I tried to hold back my scream of pain but I failed this time as my tail was replaced by my legs. As my pain ended, I found myself panting on the floor for a moment before Jeanie snapped her fingers again and I found myself dry and wearing more 'human' clothes. I grabbed her into a hug again as I fought to keep the tears and fear at bay before I felt a wave of calm rush over me.

"Is she ok Aunt Jeanie?" (Gemma)

"I am fine young one, but I need to speak with your aunt alone please it's important." (Maddy)

I watched through withheld tears as Gemma nodded a bit before rushing forward to give both me and Jeanie a hug before disappearing upstairs. I watched as Jeanie snapped her fingers to soundproof our conversation before turning back to face me.

"Maddy, whatever it is, you're safe here I promise. Now let me introduce you to my extended family. Then you can tell me what's happened alright?" (J)

I gave her a shaky nod as I pulled away from her and saw the seven vampires smiling gently at me from around the room. I recognized Esme first followed by the one that was Jeanie's lover, Emmett. But the rest were unknown to me.

"This is Emmett my lover, Esme who you met last night and her mate Carlisle. This is Jasper and his mate Alice, and Rosalie and her mate Edward. Everyone this is Princess Madeline of the Pacific." (J)

"It is an honor to meet Jeanie's family, but please call me Maddy." (Mad)

"You're welcome here as long as you need Maddy." (Car)

"Thank you, may the seas and flowing waters always bless you and your family for your kindness." (Mad)

"Now, while Gemma my niece is asleep, why don't you tell me what's wrong?" (J)

" father has decided that I am to marry before my birthday this year is not my pearl that I am to marry. It..... it is a merman of his choosing, and one that I do not love." (Mad)

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now