Chapter 16

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Maddy's POV:

I watched as he took off running down the sand with his 'girlfriend,' both of them laughing as they let go of one another and turned it into a race. I heard Bella ask if I was ok and I nodded before I turned away from her and Jacob, unable to look at a couple that only expressed and displayed the love and connection with one another that I may never have. 

 I started to walk down the beach in the opposite direction that my pearl had gone, not really focusing on where I was going. I heard Emily say something but then heard Sam tell them to let me be for a few minutes and I was grateful for that. I knew it meant on some level he knew what I was feeling as I felt the compassion in his words to his own mate. It meant that at some point she denied him but it all worked out, but I felt like my fate would not be as happy as theirs. A mermaid's fate never seems to end happily when their pearls loving another comes into play.

I made it a few yards down the beach where they could still see me but I couldn't hear them anymore before I looked out at the crashing waves a few yards away from where I stood on the shore. I felt a tear or two betray me as they fell, before I quickly wiped them away, just as a pain rushed through my heart. A silent scream at the pain of his rejection left my mouth before I forced my mind to think of his laugh that I heard.

His eyes lit up with joy when he took her hand and the sound of his laughter as he chased after her was as light as the rays on the tops of the waves. My heart ached at the thought of never having him as my own, but I was happy that he was happy, it would have to be enough for even though he was my pearl he loved another that much was clear in the way he looked at her.

I suppose history has a tendency to repeat itself more often than is expected. I looked out towards the water and watch as the waves crash upon the cliff face for a few more minutes before I stand up and walk away from my home and back in the direction that I had come with Sam and Emily earlier. I'm sure if I waited long enough at their house Jeanie would come back for me or they would take me home themselves. It didn't really matter anymore. 

I heard the waves crash furiously onto the rocks nearby and felt as if they were angry at me for leaving it only to find a pearl that didn't want me, though I couldn't find it in my heart to be angry with him nor with the ocean itself.  I had turned my back on my home in the sea when I made the deal with Witanica, but even knowing that I would never have my pearl and possibly never have my kingdom's forgiveness for what I had done I still couldn't regret it for I had seen him smile. 

"Hey! Wait up!" (Quill)

I stopped and turned to find one of Gio's friends and one of the friends of my pearl rushing towards me with a smile on his face. He slows his run to a walk as he gets closer and I see a young girl on his back smiling at me as they walk up. I recognize the young girl as Claire and wave as she smiles and waves back at me.

"Sorry I didn't meet you earlier, I was picking this little monster up from her mom's house. Your Jeanie's friend right? The one we're not to supposed to 'mess with' according to her anyway?" (Quill)

I felt my eyes furrow as I wondered what he was talking about until I realized it must be her way of protecting me. Little did she know I had already had the worst thing possible happen so what else could happen really? I forced a smile before nodding and watched as he stuck his hand out in front of him. I shook his hand gently before letting go, wishing I had the little notepad that somehow got left at Sam and Emily's place earlier.

"She's Maddy!" (Claire)

"Well nice to meet you then Maddy. I'm Quill and I'm guessing you already know that this little monkey on my back is Claire." (Quill)

I offered him a small smile and nodded as both him and the young girl smiled larger before she leaned forward and whispered into his ear. I watched as a slight laugh left his mouth before he nodded and turned back to me.

"Well we were wondering if she would like to have another play date like they did earlier today, except one where Gemma doesn't well you know, disappear?" (Quill)

I offer him a shrug because I honestly don't know before he stares at me a bit, his head tilting to one side as they both seem to stare at me. I feel a slight blush cross my face as I clear my throat, one of the only sounds I can still make. I watch as Claire smiles at me again before leaning up and whispering in his ear, a look of clarity crossing his face.

"Oh you actually can't talk?" (Quill)

I shake my head no and his eyes light up with understanding before he pulls out a phone and dials a number. He puts it on speaker before I hear Jeanie pick up the phone a sigh on her lips as she answers. I hear Emmett sigh in the background as well and I blush imagining what we just interrupted.

"Which wolf am I speaking to?" (J)

"Hi Jeanie!" (Claire)

"Hello Claire, that must mean the wolf is Quill." (J)

"Awww Jeanie you remembered my name! I feel honored." (Quill)

"Oh shut up and just come over when you can. We'll make cookies when she gets here." (J)


I smiled as I heard Emmett laugh  in the background before running off to find Gemma and tell her. Claire's smile only grew as she laughed and Quill's face fell a bit. I laughed at his expression though no sound came out, something that I knew I would now have to get used too since my pearl loves another.

"Well you heard the boss Quill, so head on over." (J)

"Oh wait Jeanie!" (Quill)

"Yes?" (J)

"Well I found your lost friend here down at first beach want me to bring her back to you?" (Quill)

"You found my lost friend....I'm going to guess you mean Maddy..... if so then yeah bring her back too then, but tell Sam or Emily that you have her. I don't need them worrying about losing her when you have her. Besides I feel that we'll need to have a chat her and I." (J)

"Alright, on our way then." (Q)

I heard the phone make the click noise meaning Jeanie had hung up. Quill was smiling as he motioned me to follow him to small black car, before opening the back door and making sure Claire was buckled in her seat before he opened the passenger door for me. I smiled in thanks as I climbed in and buckled the seat as Jeanie had showed to me do earlier this week. Quill was soon climbing in and starting the car with a smile on his face.

"Alright, ladies, let's get this show on the road." (Q)

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now