Chapter 9

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Jeanie's POV:

I heard her vile laugh before we even started descending the steps into the tomb for the second time that night. Of course she already knew that we were coming back early to accept her deal. I would say damn her friends on the other side, but if they are who I think they are then they are already damned to begin with.

"I'm ever so glad to see you again little mermaid. I'm surprised Jeanie didn't whisk you away before letting you make your own decision about it." (Wit)

"Trust me. I tried." (J)

"Shame you had such a bad experience with Welustia and Milania so many years ago. It put a bad taste in your mouth for us poor witches and not just us dark ones. I've heard you avoid the white light witches just as much, not trusting of any witch it would seem, or at least so I've heard. " (Wit)

"Are we making the deal or not?" (J)

"Oh did I strike a nerve? You must have your hands full with this one don't you Emmett. Though, with hands like those I could think of many, many things to keep me busy." (J)

I felt my anger grow and I knew my eyes were flashing a brighter blue in the dimly lit room. I felt Emmett tense next to me as he slowly wrapped his arm around my shoulders but he didn't say anything in response to her much to my relief. I saw a look of disappointment cross her face as she realized we weren't rising to her bait this time before she looked at Emmett one last time. 

"Well I suppose we should make a deal first then to pacify your genie and her little mermaid." (Wit)

I watched with a narrowed glare as she walked back to her shelf and pulled down the same giant clam shell that Welustia used so many centuries ago. I saw Witanica smirk as she saw my glaring at it, laughing a bit before she threw a few items into it. Colorful explosions of smoke exploded and soon rose from the shell as she started to chant in the black arts tongue.

I felt my skin crawl as she continued with the dark language, Emmett soon wrapping his arms tightly around me while Maddy held even tighter to my hand. I felt Emmett start to shake behind me but I knew it wasn't out of anger but fear.

I had forgotten that hearing the black arts tongue out loud would affect Emmett more than me or Maddy because he wasn't technically 'alive' and I quickly snapped my fingers and plugged his ears. He gave me a gently squeeze in return as he stopped shaking. I kept my eyes trained on Witanica and what the contract she was writing said.

I hereby grant unto Witanica, Dark Witch of Baton Rouge, my voice for all eternity shall I be unsuccessful in winning the heart of my pearl. Upon finding my pearl he must declare love for me in order for this contract to be broken. Jeanie of the Egyptian Genies will bare witness and forcibly change me back should my legs I lose while pursuing my pearl. My screams of pain shall be Witanica's until my contract is over.

"Now, child. Sign it and sing." (Wit)

I watched with a fear laden heart as Maddy signed it with the same bone pen that Milania had once used, before she began to sing. Her voice was just as beautiful as any mermaid's and I watched as the black magic hand stole it away from her even as it kept singing. Witanica began laughing as black smoke encircled us all and we once again found ourselves outside the graveyard as the gate slammed shut.

I watched as Maddy swayed on her feet for a moment before her eyes shut and she started to fall. I didn't have to snap my fingers to stop her from hitting the ground though as Emmett scooped her up in his arms. I did snap my fingers though to unblock his ears, before I spotted the envelope clenched tightly in Maddy's hands. I knew that within it was the destination of Maddy's pearl, or at least within 30 miles of it.

"She alright babe?" (Em)

"She will be, in a few hours or perhaps a day or two. A mermaid losing her voice is similar to a genie losing their magic or a fairy losing their wings. It takes a lot out of them, but let's get home. I'm in mood for Baton Rogue any longer." (J)

He nodded eagerly in agreement, casting one last look over his shoulder at the graveyard shivering a bit and I knew that the chanting in the black arts affected him more than he let out while we were in there. I took his hand tightly in mine before snapping my fingers to return us back to our new home in Forks, Washington.

The wolves had agreed that the Cullens and I could move there for a few years after a few wishes from both me and Gio took care of any human memories and records that existed of them having tried to live there a few years ago. Though after so many complicated wishes both Gio and I slept for nearly a week straight. 

Most of the shapeshifters were older now and accepted their ancestry with pride. Especially since Uncle Gene had sent an old friend that had known Taha Aki to visit them one weekend. It also helped that both Sam and Jacob had been invited to the peace conference a few years ago, where they met Alpha Wesley and realized it could be worse. At least their transformations from man to wolf was painless after the first time.

We arrived in the main living room of the main house, Emmett and I having our own house a couple yards behind the main one. I let out a sigh of relief when i realized it was an empty house that we had come home to, even if Alice had left the light on for us. I snapped my fingers to figure out where everyone was and shook my head smiling when I saw Rose and Alice with Gemma at the movies. The boys were out hunting, and Esme was on a date with Carlisle.

"Lay her down on the sofa for now Em. I'll make her a bedroom in our house after Carlisle has looked over her to make sure she's alright." (J)

He laid her down gently on the sofa before sitting down next to me on the loveseat. I curled closer to his chest, as I waited for her to wake up. A sigh left my mouth before I remembered the envelope that Witanica had given Maddy. I snapped my fingers and had it appear in my hands before I looked to Emmett.

"Well babe wanna see where we'll be moving to while we help her find her pearl?" (J)

"Only if you want to babe." (Em)

I opened the envelope and saw it was a map of Forks and the reservation circled in red. I saw a raven stamp at the end with a note from the witch herself written in her cursed writing. The smugness of her note was practically soaked into the paper and it only fed my anger at how she had tricked us all.

"At least you won't have to move anywhere this time Jeanie of the Egyptian Genies. -Witanica"

I felt anger rush through me as I jumped up from my seat in Emmett's lap and threw the letter down on the coffee table in front of me. She knew the entire time that her pearl was already near us. If we had waited a few days she probably could have found him without ever making that deal. That witch. I felt my shoulders shake in anger as my true genie appearance took over and a wind blew through the house.

I felt Emmett's arms wrap around me and pull me closer to his chest before I pulled away from him. I glided back and forth across the living room floor as I my anger only seemed to grow at the way we were tricked by that witch. I finally stopped moving as Emmett's found my glowing blue ones, having never seen me this angry until now. 

"Babe, what's wrong?!?" (Em)

"She knew we were already close the entire time. Oh, I'm going to kill her." (J) 

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now