Chapter 28

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Maddy's POV:

I paused in my sip of tea as we all heard a knock on the door before Emmett let out a quiet 'Thank God.' I looked to him with a smile on my face, knowing that the tea party wasn't exactly to his liking, but he couldn't tell Gemma no for anything it seemed. Even in the case of the sparkly pink tiara and pink feather boa he was wearing, and had been since Gemma insisted them to be necessary for the party.

I was already smiling as I looked at the door but felt my face blush as I saw my pearl at the open door holding a small plate with a beautifully decorated cake complete with sea green icing and what looked like pearls on top of it. I watched as a blush spread across his own face as he looked at me for the first time without tensing and seeming to be stressed or worried. That alone caused my very heart to soar.

I watched from the corner of my eye as Emmett practically jumped up from his seat across from me at the small table, and rushed over to Seth's side. He turned back to face me and Gemma with what looked like a smile of absolute relief carved into his face. We weren't that bad to him during the tea party surely.

"And this is my cue to leave dear Princesses, as I must go aid the Queen now. But I give you Princess Seth to take my place, as I know he is up to the task. Seth, goodluck. My majesties, good afternoon." (Em)

I watched Emmett place the tiara on Seth's head, wrapped the boa around his neck, before he turned and curtsied to us all while Gemma laughed and a silent laugh left my own mouth. Seth walked over to us just as the door shut gently behind him, before placing the cake down on the table and looking at me and then Gemma again. Another blush making its way across my face as he sat down very close to me rather than Emmett's now vacant seat and offered me another smile before looking at Gemma.

"Emily sent a cake over, suppose she knew that a tea party might be in order today, though we can only guess." (Seth)

"Yay for cake! And a new tea party guest! Uncle Emmett wasn't such a good sport about it, but I'm sure you are and now we can start playing games, we can't play with Uncle Emmett because he cheats, even when he says he doesn't he does. Did you know that he once-" (Gem)

Seth's POV:

I watched in mild confusion mixed with amusement as Gemma made her way over to the 'game closet' as it was labeled still talking faster than I thought she could with no pauses or breaks what-so-ever. I took a closer seat next to Maddy and looked at her in question as I saw her still letting out silent giggles as she watched the young genie. I leaned in closer and whispered to her so that Gemma wouldn't hear me as she continued telling us about the time Emmett cheated at uno cards.

"What's got into her, I don't think I've ever seen her so peppy." (Seth)

I watched as my imprint seemed to laugh again before pulling a notebook over to her and writing something down. She put it in my hands as she turned her attention back to Gemma who was pulling out three different board games out, whether to pick one or attempt to play all three at once I wasn't sure yet. But my attention was drawn back to the notebook in my hands as I looked at her response to me with a slight smile on my face.

"Rose gave her an energy drink on the way home from school today, and it was apparently a powerful thing for her to have. She's barely stopped moving let alone talking all afternoon."

I nodded and let out a light laugh seeing her let out her own silent one and my heart ached at the thought of what it might sound like if she could only talk. Gemma was walking back over to us with a colorful looking boardgame still talking a mile a minute before she was interrupted as what looked like blue mist shot through both her and Maddy.

I felt it pass through me but only barely compared to what Gemma and Maddy got. Gemma had fallen back on the floor and Maddy was jolted back in her chair. I was immediately on my feet checking on them both before we all watched the mist form a see through wall in the backyard and seem to start going over the house. I felt panic grow in me but kept a calm face as I looked to see Maddy's eyes fill with worry even as she wrote one word down on the notebook and showed it to me.


I again looked to meet her eyes and saw the worry swirling in them as she glanced at Gemma and said what looked to be 'Jeanie.' I knew she was worried about Jeanie downstairs and truth be told I was too. Without really thinking it through I reached out and took her hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze as I stared into her eyes that looked like the ocean on a clear day. I forced a smile onto my face before we all saw the blue mist disappear. I heard Gemma let out a 'wow' before she resumed whatever conversation she had been having with us only a moment ago, no worry crossing the young genie's mind whatsoever.

"Gemma, Maddy, if you'll excuse me just one second. I'll be right back!" (Seth)

I forced myself to let go of my imprints hand, instantly hating myself for it as I saw her face drop some, before I rushed out of the room and down the stairs into the living room. I felt panic and fear racing through me but I froze when I saw Jeanie passed out on the living room couch in her genie form. Emmett looked at me with a slight smile on his face but it did little to put me at ease for the moment.

"I'll explain later, but better get back up there Seth otherwise Gemma will think you've abandoned them both." (Em)

I thought about asking him what exactly she did but then thought about the way Maddy looked, the disappoint that she had on her face when I left them, and I rushed back up the stairs. I watched as her eyes seemed to light up a bit more as she watched me walk back into the room and close the door behind me. I sat back down next to her and was about to ask her if missed anything, though based on how Gemma was still going it didn't seem that I had.

However, the words never left my mouth as they were frozen as she leaned closer to me and fixed the now crooked tiara on my head. I smiled at how closer she was to me, my eyes being drawn to her lips and then back to her eyes as I watched a blush appear on her face. She started to pull away from me and I let her, not wanting to scare her off but hating that I couldn't kiss her yet.

"Alright, we're all ready to play Risk Monopoly! Uncle Jasper and Uncle Emmett created this game! It's a combination of both games but it's so much fun! Seth, you're the navy army, Maddy you're the yellow army, and I'm the red one! (Gem)

I glanced at Maddy as Gemma was explaining the rules and she seemed just as confused as I did, if not more as she stared at the two different board games placed side by side to each other. It seemed to be one of the more complicated games that Emmett and Jasper had invented, but if it meant more time with my imprint, then so be it. Bring on the confusing board games I suppose, as long as the beauty sitting next to me is here as well.

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now