Chapter 23

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Seth's POV:

I was walking home when I heard someone whispering nearby, but there wasn't anyone around. I was confused for a moment as the whispers seem to be coming from a moving shadow before my mind filled with thoughts of Larissa. I had been thinking of my beautiful little imprint and the mystery that surrounded her until seconds ago. Now even as I tried I couldn't even picture her face, I could only think of Larissa.

I felt my feet start walking towards Larissa's house, and though I was confused as to why I didn't try to fight it. It was almost as if someone else was in control of by action, my body, as I knocked on her door. A moment later and she answered it with a happy if somewhat confused look on her face.

"Seth, what are you doing here so late?" (Lar)

"I....I don't really know." (Seth)

"Well, do you want to come inside I suppose?" (Lar)

"No, I just..." (Seth)

Whatever I was about to say was forgotten as I leaned closer to her and pulled her into my arms. I heard her about to say something else but my lips cut her off as they met with my own. I thought briefly about my imprint but again I couldn't even picture what she looked like. I heard the whispers again as I continued to kiss Larissa before the whispers seemed to laugh, just as Larissa froze in my arms and pulled away from me suddenly and sings softly while staring behind me.

"You have no power here, his choice is very clear. I will not be a part of this foul game that you have made." (Lar)

I heard the whispers stop and my mind instantly felt clearer as I wondered why I had come here to see her anyway. I thought of Maddy again and could instantly picture her face, but my heart seemed to hurt at the thought of her as I still held Larissa loosely in my arms.

"What was that?" (Seth)

"Hmmm oh just an old song I had stuck in my head. It's always bad to have things like that stuck in your head, sometimes you just have to get rid of them by saying them aloud. I'd ask what you're doing here, but I doubt even you know." (Lar)

"I won't lie, I have no idea." (Seth)

"I thought so, well since you're here. I was hoping you could meet me tomorrow afternoon to chat, maybe at the diner you like so much?" (Lar)

"Oh, yeah sure. I was hoping I could talk with you to so that's good." (Seth)

"Well until tomorrow then Seth. Goodnight, and hurry home I don't like the looks of the weather right now." (Lar)

I smiled as said that, knowing she was right of course. She was always right when it came to whether or not it was going to rain. She told me once she could just sense it and she had yet to be wrong about it. I was a bit surprised when she kissed my check rather than my lips before going back inside her house. But I was even more surprised when I realized I wasn't disappointed by it as I would have been before meeting my imprint.

A sigh left my lips as I quickly made my way home, actually making it this time without my head seeming to have other plans. I wasn't really looking for the chat Larissa and I had just made plans for, because I knew it would be awkward and I didn't want to break her heart. She really was an amazing girl, but....well I had chosen by the end of dinner tonight to be selfish and choose my imprint over my girlfriend. I could only hope that Larissa wouldn't be too heartbroken and that Maddy would be willing to have me.

 Larissa's POV:

I waited until I knew Seth was far enough away he wouldn't hear me, before going back out on the front porch. I saw the being, who I had no doubt was a dark witch or perhaps a warlock standing just a few feet from my porch. I felt my eyes flash and the figure took a few steps closer to me with an evil feminine laugh leaving it's lips.

"I don't know who you are, but I can hazard a guess to what. I will not be a pawn in whatever sick game you are playing. I am not one to be trifled with." (Lar)

"Oh I can see that my dear. It isn't every day that I see a siren being, though it matters not. I got what I needed for tonight, as for later well I suppose I will have to resort to other means." (Wit)

I knew for certain that it was a dark witch, no doubt the one that made the deal with the little mermaid. I could only shudder at the thought of what the poor girl had to give up in the deal she made with this monster. I heard her laugh one more time before she disappeared with in a cloud of black smoke, the rain just beginning to fall as she did. I felt my eyes narrow again in anger at the thought on being used by her in such a way before accepting that all I could do was warn Seth tomorrow when I finally told him the truth.

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