Chapter 32

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Maddy's POV:

I was biting my lip wondering what I should say when I caught him staring at me again. I felt a blush cover my face as I smiled at him, seeing his own smile light up his face and his eyes as he stared at me. He leaned closer to me still smiling before tilting his head in a way that I found adorable and charming at the same time.

"So Maddy, tell me more about yourself. Siblings, hobbies, allergies. What should I know about you?" (S)

I opened my notebook, a smile growing on my face at the thought that my pearl wanted to know more about me. His questions were simple, but they were a start and I couldn't be happier to answer them for him now. I pushed my notebook to him watching as his brown eyes flashed across the paper a smile and a light laugh leaving his mouth as he did so.

"Well, having a sister might sound fun to you but trust me until you've lived with Leah you have no idea how hard it can be to live with her. I thank Gio every time he's over for having his own house for the two of them. Gio, that's her boyfriend if you haven't met him." (S)

I smiled and nodded, having met Gio once or twice by now, but I stood by what I wrote. I would have like to have a sibling growing up. He didn't know yet but I would often be lonely in the palace when mother and father were taking care of affairs of state.

"Never took you for a swimmer, but somehow it suits you. I'm a runner, but I like swimming too. And we're the same in that we have no allergies. Guess we lucked out on that huh?" (S)

I nodded as I took my notebook back from him before biting my lip again and writing down my own series of questions for him. These were innocent enough but were so important to me and the future I hoped to have with him.

"Hmmmm well I guess I never thought of living somewhere other than La Push before but I'm not against it. I can always visit my family and Leah says that the world is bigger than La Push could ever make it out to be haha. I don't think I could imagine living somewhere that didn't have a beach though. I'm so used to having the ocean nearby I can't imagine living in a city where I'm nowhere near it. You know?" (S)

A feeling of relief seemed to wash over me just as wave would as I stared into his brown eyes, meeting his smile with one of my own. I nodded earnestly to his question. I knew that I was expected to take over as Queen when my father and mother stepped down from the thrown in just a few years. But if he had said he would never leave La Push then I would have been prepared to abdicate my thrown for him. But he seemed willing to leave, and it wouldn't be far from a beach of that I could always assure him of for later.

"You know, I never did ask how old you were." (S)

I felt a bit of color drain from my face wondering how he would take it should I tell him my actual age. It's something I'm not ready for him to know just yet so I simply take off a zero. I slid him the notebook back, hoping and wishing on every scale of my tail that when he found out the truth he wouldn't be angry for my lie.

"18, cool, I'm 19. Well, we've covered most of the basic questions I suppose. What shall we talk about now?" (S)

I had already written another question down as soon as he handed me the notebook back and took this as the chance to show it to him. He tilted his head again as I felt a smile reform on my face.

"What did I want to be when I grew up? Wow, that's a tough one. It's going to sound bad I guess but uhhh well I.....I guess I haven't amounted to much by most people's standards. I got a two-year degree in political science from the local college but never did anything with it. I work with Sam at his construction business, but still live at my mom's house. Though of course she lives at Charlie's house, her new husband, nowadays. So I suppose it's really my house now, I just never found a place I belonged I guess, like as a job I mean." (S)

I could see that the question bothered him more than I expected it to, and I reacted without thinking as if his sadness was my own. I reached out and grabbed his hand in my own and squeezed, smiling at him as he looked up at me even as a hint of disappointment lingered on his face. I wrote down my answer, hoping it might cheer him up some but I didn't let go of his hand as I wrote my own answer.

I slid it towards him watching as he read it before a smile finally returned to his face and he laughed a bit before looking up at me. His laugh and his smile were both things that I hoped to never go a single day without hearing and seeing ever again.

"A dolphin trainer? That sounds awesome. You still could you know." (S)

Seth's POV:

I watched as she smiled and shook her head before she took the notebook back and wrote something down before sliding it back to me. I looked down at her beautiful handwriting before I felt a hint of confusion cloud my thoughts at what she wrote. "No, dolphins don't listen to me. I just don't have the command needed to train them I suppose." It didn't really make sense the way she said it but I looked up to see her biting her lip and this time I couldn't help but reach a hand up to face and free her lip from between her teeth.

It was an action that earned me another blush from the beautiful woman in front of me, one that only grew as I kept my hand on her cheek as I looked at her. She started to lean into my hand a bit more as I looked at her, and I started to lean across the table of the booth as I stared into her beautiful eyes.

"Alright here you go, one calamari kelp and seaweed salad and one bacon burger with cheese and fries."

I watched as another blush filled Maddy's face as she leaned back away from my hand and I followed suite as I looked to find the waiter smiling a bit awkwardly at us. I nodded as he placed our food down in front of us before looking back at Maddy to see her silently laughing. I let out a soft chuckle of my own before we both began to eat our food and I wondered if it could ever be better than this moment right now with my beautiful little imprint.

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now