Chapter 25

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Seth's POV:

I was having to remind myself to constantly take deep breaths as I waited for Laurissa at one of my favorite restaurants. It had been a huge part of our relationship, as many of our dates took place here. She liked it because it was quiet and a calm atmosphere. I liked it because the portions were huge and tasted just like mom's most of the time.

We had agreed earlier last night to meet here for coffee, something we had done so many times over the past year. But unlike every other time I had come here, the familiarity of the place didn't aid in calming my nerves any as I waited for her to walk in.

I finally knew what I needed to do, and I was ready even if I was nervous. I felt the nervous shaking of my hands only increase when I saw her walk through the door, a small smile on her face as she walked over to me. I tried to return it until I saw that it wasn't her normal smile, it was a sad one.

"Hey Seth." (L)

"Hey, are you ok?"  (S)

"Yeah, I just.......I have a lot to talk to you about."  (L)

"Oh, alright. I uhh well I do to actually. Wanna go first?"  (S)

"I don't mind, but we should get out of here first. Follow me?" (L)

I watched in quiet confusion as she turned around and walked back out of the restaurant. I quickly stood up, laid five dollars on the table for the coke I had while waiting, and followed after her before catching up to her and walking alongside her. We made it into the woods and all the way to the old treaty line border along the river before she stopped and sat down on the ground in front of the rushing water in front of us.

I took a seat next to her and looked at her again in confusion as to why she wanted to come all the way out here to talk. Though, then again it may be a good place to talk since I know what I need to say isn't exactly good. I saw her turn towards me with an almost rueful smile on her face before she let out a sigh and sat up a bit straighter in front of me.

"There is no easy way to say this so I'm just going to say it. I'm not human and neither are you. Not completely anyway in your case." (L)

"What?" (S)

I felt panic grow in me for a different reason as my brain understood what she was telling me. She knew that I wasn't completely human, but neither was she. Wait. What? I felt a frown form on my face as I stared at her, knowing she wasn't a genie or a shapeshifter or anything that didn't not smell human at least to us. She caught me staring at her and smiled a bit before her eyes flashed white rather than their usual blue, and though I tensed a bit I wasn't afraid of her like I knew I probably should be.

"I know this is a shock and I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner." (L)

"" (S)

"My kind can mask our scents, it's why you never knew. I came to Forks on a whim one day and was originally.....curious about your kind and how the genies and vampires seemed to get along with you all even though it goes against your nature. I have told no one and no one told me, so you should not fear for your friends and family." (L)

"So you know what everyone is.......but if you aren't what you say you are....what are you?"

"My kind are not well known, as there are not many of us still lingering in this realm. I am what is called a Xana. Think of us like waterfall spirits, I was born of a waterfall in Australia over a thousand lifetimes ago. There are good Xanas and bad, but I am a good one I promise." (Lar)

"How would I know you aren't lying?" (Seth)

"Jeanie would be able to spot a bad Xana from a mile away as they look inhuman and monstrous. I would not look as I do now if I was one of the bad ones. Jeanie will be able to explain more to you should you desire. Please apologize on my behalf next time you see her. I imagine she would consider my betrayal a great danger towards her un-free niece, but I swear on my own existence to never tell of her existence to another soul." (L)

"So, when we started dating you were just curious about all of us getting along?"  (S)

"Yes and no. Xanas can tell if someone has a pure heart and are drawn to those that do. I was drawn to you for that in the beginning, but your innocence and personality are what helped me to stay without much guilt on my part, but now I know I have let it go on for too long." (L)

"What do you mean?" (S)

"The other day, I was under the waterfall just there and I sensed someone with a heart as pure as yours. The one you are meant to find, your imprint. We met her on the beach the other day. I know you felt the connection with her from the moment you looked at her, and though I was upset at it at first I knew that you were never mine to try and claim anyway."  (L)

I sat in stunned silence as she said the words that I had denied to myself for many nights after having met Madelyn. I looked up from the ground and back to Larissa to see her smiling at me with a twinkle in her eyes as she did. She nodded as if she understood my silence before a sigh left my lips as I looked away from her and to the river rushing past.

"I can't lie to you Laurissa, you're right about her being my imprint." (Seth)

"I know, which is why I'm leaving Forks. I've been wanting to return home for a while now, I just couldn't find a reason to leave. Now I have one." (Lar)

"I never meant for this to happen, for you to get hurt like this." (Seth)

My attention was drawn away from the river as she let out a soft laugh, but one that knew instantly was real. Confusion rushed through me yet again as I looked at her now smiling softly at me and shaking her head. 

"Oh my poor dear Seth, it is I that owe the apology as I knew that this would happen one day. But I do have one mention of warning for you now, and do tell Jeanie as well." (Lar)

"Warning? Of what?" (Seth)

"Last night, the whispers you heard, they had taken control of your actions. I am certain it was a witch that was doing it, so you need to tell Jeanie so that she may be on the lookout. She will be better equipped at spotting witches than you would because of the magic trace they have. But I also have something else to help you as well." (Lar)

I was still confused as I sat next to her, trying to get my mind to process what she was telling me faster. There was a witch in Forks now. What was it with this damn town. My mind halted in it's questions as I thought of Maddy being in danger from the said witch and I caught myself having to control my breathing so I wouldn't shift right here and now.

"This is will protect your mind, and will stay on you when you shift. Please take it. The witch will not come near Maddy nor the Cullens, at least not in that way as I'm sure Jeanie has thought about certain precautions to something such as that happening to her family, but I cannot say the same regarding yourself." (Lar)

I finally opened my eyes and saw her holding out a plain brown strip of leather that she tied around my ankle before looking back at me. I saw her smile again as she looked up at me with a twinkle in her blue eyes before they flashed white again and stayed that color. She stood up and walked to the river, taking a few steps into the water before turning around to face me.

"Farewell Seth, live well and live long with your imprint by your side." (Lar)

I watched in a state of shock as she smiled again at me before she turned into water and joined the rushing river, disappearing from view. I sat on the riverbank for a more minutes before I heard a howl nearby followed by someone shouting out my name. I blinked a few times and saw Embry rushing up to me with a smile on his face before it faltered some as he looked at me.

"Dude, we've been looking for you for over an hour. Emily made a cake thing for Maddy and Gemma and wanted to know if you wanted to take it over to the Cullen's house. Claire was supposed to take when she went over there for a play date today, but she wasn't feeling good this afternoon." (Emb)

"Yeah sure! I mean, unless she's already gotten someone else." (Seth)

"Not a chance, but hurry up before she gets anymore annoyed at you for being so late." (Emb)

I couldn't help the laugh that let my mouth at my pack brother as he said that, noticing the worried look in his eye. That only meant one thing, that Emily had chewed him out before he left to come find me. I stood and walked back as quickly as I could with him to Emily's house before I lost the smile to a stern looking Emily. My smile soon returned though as she handed me a cake box with instructions not to jostle it and to spend as much time as I wanted at the Cullens.

"Thanks Em!" (Seth)

"No problem Seth, just don't make me regret my efforts here tonight." (Emily)

"Never! See yah later!" (Seth)

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now