Chapter 26

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Seth's POV:
I had a bounce in my step all the way back to my house and my car as I made my way to the Cullen's house. I knew it seemed like a sudden change, especially if Maddy was human but for us starting something with an imprint this quickly was the norm. Well, at least for most of us in the pack.

I hummed along with an upbeat song as I pulled down the Cullen's driveway before getting out the car with the cake as gently and quickly as I could. As soon as I was up the stairs I smoothed my t-shirt as much good as it did me before taking a deep breath and knocking on the door. My smile fell only a bit as the door swung open and I was greeted by Jeanie rather than Maddy, but surely Jeanie would be just as happy to see me here too. At least I hoped she would.

Jeanie's POV:

"Babe, please do I have to keep playing tea party with Gemma, she's tireless babe. Literally tireless at this point, I don't know what Rose gave her earlier today but it's like Gemma is wired and I'm reaching a breaking point. Pleeaasssse. Pleeeasssseee." (Em)

"Emmett, for the last time you have to keep entertaining her for just a while longer, along with Maddy. I have a plan for later that will save you I promise. Besides you act like I'm asking you put on a dress and heels, I'm only asking for you to wear the tiara she gives you and pretend to drink tea." (J)

"Baaabbbbeee." (Em)

"Stop complaining and get back up there now, in high spirits, and I'll reward you for it later tonight." (J)

I saw his golden eyes flash to a lust filled black before slowly returning to gold. I nodded to his unasked question in his eyes as he smiled at me before winking and sprinting back upstairs. The laugh that left my mouth was at both the expense of my lover wearing a tiara and having to be a guest at Gemma's tea party as well as the fact that I knew why she was so hyper or 'wired' as Emmett put it.

Rose had given her a redbull on the ride home from school today as payment for Emmett's comment about her hair being frizzy. She had asked me if Gemma could have one before she did so but I saw no reason why not. After all, I thought Rose's hair had looked fabulous as always this morning. One day he might learn not to insult Rose when it comes to her looks but until then, I would not interfere with her revenge that much.

I knew that we would have another guest to take Emmett's spot at the tea party in just a few more minutes. Emily had called me to tell me that Seth was bringing over a cake any minute now. And Maddy earlier had filled me in on her chat with Larissa. I honestly can't believe I missed a Xana for an entire year. I felt like a naïve little genie after having learned that, but I trusted Maddy's judgement that Larissa truly meant no harm. It didn't annoy me any less, but I let it go for now.

I heard the knock on the door only a few seconds after hearing his car shut off in the drive. I heard a slight hiss from Rose before she left the house through the back door, Edward following with an apologetic smile on his face. It wasn't that she hated Seth, as she had admitted that she thought he was a sweet boy, it was just the smell she couldn't stand.

I snapped my fingers and finished the dinner I was preparing for tonight the 'genie way,' so that I could have a little time to chat with Seth. I knew her mother would appreciate the chat I had planned since she herself wasn't here to give it to Seth. Maddy's father, if he was himself, would no doubt thank me as well yet there was the remaining issue that he wasn't being himself recently.

My thoughts trailed off as I reached the front door and opened it to a smiling Seth with a cake box in his hands. I watched his smile dim a bit as he looked at me, and I couldn't help a small smile at that. It meant he wanted to be with Maddy more than he originally let on to the pack which for her heart and life itself was a good thing. I tried to act a bit surprised even as I knew in a few more minutes it wouldn't matter, but I wanted to try and tease the poor wolf just a bit.

"Hmmm Seth, wasn't expecting to see you here tonight." (J)

"Yeah I figured but you know I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop in to say hi. Oh and Emily wanted someone to drop off the cake she made so I told her I could." (Seth)

"Uhuh, well that is beyond thoughtful of you. Please make sure to thank Emily for me again, though I told her earlier on the phone a cake wasn't necessary. Come on inside, won't you?" (J)

I watched as he nodded a bit quicker to my suggestion of coming inside, barely giving me time to move aside from the entryway before coming in. I motioned for him to follow me to the kitchen as he placed the cake box gently down on the kitchen island.

"Let me get this plated, and I'll send it up for the girls." (J)

"I can take it up for you, if you'd like I mean. What are Gemma and Maddy up to anyway?" (Seth)

"Perhaps, but let's chat a moment why don't we. I feel like I don't see you as much as I used to. Maddy is upstairs with Gemma partaking in a tea party right now. Let's chat and then I'll send you up and you can relieve Emmett from the festivities happening upstairs?" (J)

"Yeah, sure. What did you want to talk about?" (Seth)

I watched as he started to take a seat in the chair on the island but I shook my head no, with a smile on my face as he stopped in the motions and looked at me in confusion. My smile grew a bit wider at his confused expression, his head tilting to the side as he stared at me.

"Follow me outside, it's a lovely afternoon to sit on the porch for a while." (J)

I motioned him to follow me outside to the back porch to a few of the chairs in the corner. I already knew that Emmett was more than happy I had just volunteered Seth to take his place as he was about tea partied out right now. However, I needed to have words with Seth before I let him 'bond' with his imprint.

"So, I wonder if your day has been anything half as interesting as mine." (J)

"What uh....well what do you mean?" (Seth)

"Well, I found out your ex-girlfriend was a Xana and that she knew about us all the entire time. I also found out that Larissa and Maddy had an interesting chat this morning as she told Maddy she was breaking up with you and leaving town to go back home. So imagine my surprise when Emily called me and told me you were bringing the cake she made over so I didn't have to make it appear from her house to here." (J)

"That uh....yea that is a crazy day then." (Seth)

"Hmm yes quite the Monday. So, Seth tell me why the sudden interest in your imprint. Is it because Larissa left you and you have no one else now?" (J)

"NO! I swear that's not it Jeanie. I......I wanted to be with Maddy the moment I saw her on the beach I just didn't think it was fair to Larissa to end things that way but then today.....well today she was the one that told me it wasn't fair of her to stay here as long as she did. I was a fool for not ending it the day I met Maddy I know, maybe even a fool for dating Larissa for so long but I would never use Maddy as a backup like that. I swear it." (Seth)

I watched his face very closely and listened to his tone of voice to try and detect whether he was lying or not. I saw honestly and worry in his eyes and heard no deception in his voice, but after the pain that I had already watched Maddy go through I wasn't exactly ready to believe every word that left his mouth so quickly, even if it was unknowingly done on his part. 

"Well actions speak louder than words I suppose, and you are here today to try and get to know your imprint so that's one good thing at least." (J)

I watched as he nodded in agreement as quick as he could and I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my face because of it. I could easily see that he was worried about what I thought and was saying to him. Can only imagine his expression if Maddy's own mother was here to talk with him. I watched though as a look of worry appeared on his face as he looked down at the porch before looking back up at me. 

"Jeanie, Larissa told me something today that I needed to tell you. She said last night.....well last night I went over to Larissa's place without really meaning to and kissed her without knowing why. Larissa said a witch had taken over my actions and told me to tell you be on the look out for her or him." (S) 

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now