Chapter 34

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Maddy's POV:

I was still in my own world as I heard his car leave the driveway in front of the Cullen's house. The smile on my face felt permanent as I walked away from the door, still feeling as if I was flying or floating rather than walking. It wasn't until I was walking past the living room that I was brought back down to earth by a loud laugh that could only belong to Emmett. I turned towards the sound to see Emmett still laughing as Jeanie only smiled and shook her head at him before looking back to me.

"I've been calling your name for at least three minutes now Maddy, I was worried you had gone deaf for a moment there." (J)

I felt my face blush for a moment before shrugging and giving her a silent 'sorry', earning another laugh from Emmett and this time from the newest vampire I had met Garret. His mate, who I had met briefly last night and again this morning shook her head with Jeanie as they looked at their loves. It wasn't until Jeanie motioned me to join them that I walked over and sat down in the chair near them, wondering what she had been trying to tell me earlier when I was so oblivious to the world around me.

"I was just wanting to know if you had a good time tonight with Seth?" (J)

I felt my smile grow again as I nodded before my smile faltered some as Jeanie looked at me in a way that made me feel as if my mother were staring at me. I heard Kate snicker for a moment before Jeanie cut her stare to her and silenced her in a way I wasn't expecting.

"Did he treat you right Maddy? If he didn't, then you know that your mother will have my hide and I'll have to send Kate after him right." (J)

I quickly shook my head no at that, already knowing that Kate was a gifted, and hers was not one to be taken lightly. Even if Seth hadn't treated me like a princess tonight I would never want him to be harmed by Kate's gift, or anyone from the Cullen family in retaliation on my behalf. I could feel myself panicking for a moment before Garrett let out another laugh and nudged Jeanie with his foot.

"Ah leave the poor royal alone Jeanie. It's clear that she's already tail over-head for the chap as we should say." (G)

"My mate does have a point Jeanie, the smile he put on her face didn't leave until you suggested I go after him." (Kate)

"Oh we all know I would never really ask you to go after him Kate, but I need Maddy to know that even if Seth is her pearl I expect him to treat her right. Besides, that tactic worked for you and Garrett." (J)

"Oh sure it did, sure it did Jeanie dear. Except for the fact that I was sore for months after your shenanigans. Then it worked perfectly." (G)

I felt myself eventually relax as I realized they were joking and found my smile returning as I watched Jeanie and Garrett mock each other with faces for a few moments as if there were siblings before they both rolled their eyes and turned back to their partners. I couldn't help the silent laugh before wondering how Jeanie and Garrett met as I knew he was a new friend in the last decade at least if not less than that. I grabbed my notebook and wrote down my question before passing it to Jeanie, a smile of her own coming over her face as she read it.

"Maddy here wants to know how Garrett and I met. Well, it's a somewhat funny story I suppose. As you know already, Kate was my person. We have a bond like sisters, which is unfortunate for me as you would know if you had been around her enough." (J)

"Oh shut up you old wish hag." (K)

I watched in slight surprise and amusement as Jeanie and Kate both stuck their tongues out at each other before laughing. It was true that they seemed to act even more like siblings than Jeanie and Garrett and the genie bond that they had between them was beautiful, even if it was confusing to other species like myself at times.

"Ok well as I was saying. Gemma and I were visiting Kate and her coven in Denali, what four years ago now I guess." (J)

"Four years, two weeks, and three days. If you want specifics." (G)

We all stared at Garrett for a moment as he seemed to puff up like a proud rooster before he looked around and saw that we were all staring at him like he was a bit mad.

"What? It's only the best day of my life, the day I met my mate. Can't I remember how long it's been without it being weird?" (G)

I saw Kate roll her eyes even as she leaned her head against his shoulder, his arm going around her and pulling her closer into his chest for a moment. It was a sweet moment between the two and I saw Jeanie's smile at them grow for a moment even as she rolled her own eyes at them in a playful way.

"Such a weirdo and romantic at the same time. Lucky me. Please continue Jeanie, we're coming to my favorite part." (K)

"Yes, well I had just come across Garrett here while Emmett was hunting. I had been checking on a few old acquaintances while he did. Garrett had tried to be a bit fresh with me shall we say. And then was downright rude." (J)

"Aye I was, but I was unmated at the time and thought I would see what happened." (G)

"Hmmm don't remind me of that love." (K)

"Well, when I got back to the Denali's I told Kate what had happened as she could see I was annoyed and she decided to teach the 'rude jackass' as she called him a lesson." (J)

"And she did just that I'll say. She came running up to me and I thought I had somehow made it to heaven only to be put on my ass by what felt like lightning coursing through my body with her yelling at me for a solid half-hour." (G)

I felt a smile grow on my face again as they all laughed at Garrett's expense. It wasn't until Kate kissed his check that he finally smiled and looked at her before looking back at me. Their love was easy to see, and they reacted towards each other like two magnets, something I believed that Seth and I would one day have with one another. 

"And after I was feeling less achy a day or two later, I asked her out on a date. Love at first zap I suppose." (G)

"Love at first zap indeed." (K)

I smiled as I nodded in agreement with them. It was a wonderful mate story, but I knew it would never compare in my mind to my own with Seth. I finally heard Jeanie tell me I should go to bed and I nodded as I waved goodnight to them all, my mind already swirling with tonight's date playing in my mind again. Seth's smile making itself at home in my mind as I laid down to sleep for the night.   

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now