Chapter 31

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Maddy's POV:

I woke this morning and felt as if I might could fly, even though I knew my place was in the water. Even now as Jeanie helped me get ready, and Gemma watched on with a smile on her face I still felt as if I was soaring in the clouds above rather than sitting in front of the vanity mirror brushing my hair.

"Alright, enough brushing Maddy. Let's see if I still have it in me to style hair?" (J)

I smiled and nodded, knowing that Jeanie would be able to style my hair in such a way that I could only dream of being able to manage. Jeanie started snapping her fingers and styling my hair in different forms staring at each style for a moment or two before shaking her head and trying a different one. My attention was drawn to little Gemma as she let a sigh leave her mouth before looking at us in the reflection of the mirror.

"When are you going to tell Seth that his your pearl so that you can both live happily ever after in your kingdom?" (Gem)

I almost dropped the brush I had been using only moments before as she asked me that question. Jeanie looked at her in surprise for a moment before she rolled her eyes and muttered a few things in Arabic before looking back at me. She shook her head at my current hair style she had given me, before snapping her fingers to have it appear in an intricate braided fashion before she looked at me again.

"Her favorite bedtime story is a 'Mermaid's Pearl' or something to that effect. Emmett was is always asked to read it to her before bed. So in her mind, you and Seth are moving too slow." (J)

I saw Jeanie roll her eyes as Gemma started to pout a bit at the same time. I couldn't help the noiseless laugh that left my mouth, Jeanie soon smiling with me as I looked back at the young genie. I handed Gemma my notebook after writing in it and watched as she read it before rolling her eyes exactly as Jeanie had only moments before.

"What did she say Gemma?" (J)

"She said that 'When the time is right I will tell him, but not until then.'" (Gem)

"I agree with her decision Gemma, now if you're going to Emily's tonight to bake with Claire I suggest you be off now. Quill is waiting outside with Claire in three, two, one." (J)

As soon as Jeanie said one I heard the loud rumble of Quill's engine, followed by Gemma's squeal of excitement. She gave me a quick hug, wishing me luck on my date with Seth tonight before skipping out of the room at full force. I heard Emmett shouting at her to behave as she left the house, Jeanie only smiling and rolling her eyes again at her lover now as he shouted 'bye' once more.

I watched and heard Jeanie let out a sigh of relief as she watched her go before she turned back to face me, nodding at my hair in the intricate braid with some of it being left to flow down my shoulders. She finished up the little bit of eye makeup I had asked for help with by hand before she smiled at me again with another nod of her head.

"I love her I do, but Emmett and I are finally going on a double date of sorts with Kate and Garrett. We needed a night off." (J)

I nodded in understanding, smiling at the fact that Jeanie was having date night the same night I was. I closed my eyes as she directed and didn't open them again until I heard her say she was finished. I opened my eyes for a final look in the mirror smiling at what Jeanie had helped me decide on for my date. It was an aquamarine blouse with sand colored jeans and flats that she made the same color as the blouse.

She had decided to leave my hair in the intricate braid style, leaving in the pearls but taking out most of the shells. I would have preferred a few more shells be left in, but I knew that for the sake of appearing more human during the date they would need to come out. Jeanie had completed 'the look' as she said with a subtle hint of eyeshadow and mascara. And as I looked into the mirror, I almost felt like I belonged here on land with Seth rather than the sea.

It was a thought that both thrilled me and terrified me at the same time, but I had not time to dwell on my thoughts as I heard another car coming down the driveway as Emmett yelled up to us.

"Ay! Your date is here Princess!" (Em)

I heard Jeanie let out another sigh as she rolled her eyes at her lover's shouts from downstairs. But I didn't mind. I couldn't take the smile off my face long enough to mind. I practically raced downstairs before stopping at the bottom step, seeing Seth waiting for me in the hallway. He was wearing a black button down polo and khaki shorts with black vans. His hair still looked windswept but none of that really mattered as I got lost in his brown eyes again as he smiled at me.

"You look beautiful Maddy. Are you ready to go?" (S)

I felt my face heat up under my blush but I managed a smile and nod of my head as I walked over to him. He took my hand into his as I reached him and I swear it felt as if my smile might break my face before the end of the night. I waved goodbye to Jeanie and Emmett as we walked out the door, before my attention was on my pearl once more. He opened the door of his car for me, and shut it gently behind me after I climbed in.

I had already done the buckle thing by the time he climbed into his side, smiles still on both out faces as he started back down the driveway. I knew it would be mostly a silent ride to dinner and the movie, since it wasn't exactly safe to have him read everything I was writing but I was ok with that mostly.

"Would you like to listen to some music? Jeanie said you liked pop?" (S)

I looked at Seth in surprise just a bit before I nodded my head. He smiled again as he turned the radio on and soon I heard a song coming through the speakers that I recognized. I started singing along with it, catching him doing the same after a few minutes, and any trace of nerves I might have had concerning this date melted away.

Seth's POV:

I had watched in surprise as she started to sing the song that was playing on the radio, and again I was filled with the deepest desire to hear what her voice sounded like. I would have to ask Jeanie why she couldn't do something to give her a voice, or give her voice back if she had one but lost it. But tonight, I had more important things to think on, the first making sure that she didn't lose that smile on her face for the rest of the evening.

I soon found myself singing along with the song and saw her smile grow some, and I was almost sad to see that we had arrived at the restaurant I had picked out for us. It wasn't a super fancy place, rather casual really, but they had a lot of vegetarian options so I hoped that she would like it. Emily had been the one to help me find it, and said it would be perfect. I could only hope she was right as she usually was about stuff like this.

I rushed around to open her car door, but I wasn't fast enough as she was already climbing out of her open car door. She only smiled at me as I shut her door gently behind her, kissing me quickly on the cheek before a blush seemed to cross her face. I knew that I must have been pouting at not having reached her door in time, but I didn't care as it got me a kiss from my imprint.

I held her hand in my own again as we walked inside and were seated at a small corner booth. I already knew I was going to get the bacon burger with extra fries, so I got to watch my imprint's face as she stared at the menu. I smiled as I watched her because it looked as if she was taking it so seriously. She finally gave a slight nod of her head before she looked up, blushing as she caught me staring at her.

"So, find anything that sounds good?" (S)

I watched as she nodded before she pointed at her menu, picking out the kelp and seaweed salad with calamari. I scrunched my nose up a bit at the kelp and seaweed part, but smiled as she seemed to laugh at my reaction. I didn't have time to say anything as the waitress came to take our orders. I ordered for both of us, before I looked back at Maddy.

She was biting her lower lip as she stared at me, blushing again and I realized that I had found another mission for tonight in addition to keeping her smiling. I wanted to see her blush as much as I could.

"So Maddy, tell me more about yourself. Siblings, hobbies, allergies. What should I know about you?" (S)

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu