Chapter 5

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Jeanie's POV:

I felt a sense of dread come over me as soon as I snapped my fingers and watched the room disappear in front of us. I swayed a bit on my feet at the amount of magic that left my body but felt Emmett's arm wrap around my waist to steady me for a moment.

"You good babe?" (Em)

"I'm fine Em. Promise. Come on it's just over there." (J)

He kissed me gently on the forehead before letting go of my waist and taking up a position behind us. I felt Maddy's grip on my hand tighten again as we crossed the street from the dark alley we had just arrived in. A heavy sigh left my lips as we walked to the outside of a graveyard just a few blocks over from Bourbon Street.

I sensed the magic that surrounded the place and felt another sense of dread rush through me. It seems we couldn't arrive directly at the address because Witanica was smarter than her deceased cousin and had protections up against that. Pity and a danger to us to go in knowing that others couldn't get here to us any faster than we just arrived.

"Umm babe, you sure we're at the right place?" (Em)

"Unfortunately. Dark witches often live in places wrecked with sorrow or horror or both. Might as well take up residence in a graveyard." (J)

I saw Emmett nod his head in slight understanding, knowing that one day I'll have to explain the differences between white witches and dark witches, something I had skimmed over in my explanation of each race at the Peace Conference a few years ago. But for now I had bigger problems on my mind.

"Are you sure it's safe?" (Em)

"Not at all. But I sent Gio a message about where we were going just to be on the safer side." (J)

I felt Emmett stiffen beside me before he started scanning the entire area. I saw a look of fear cross Maddy's face and even Emmett's eyes before I forced my own to remain as stoic as possible. I will be damned if I give Witanica any satisfaction thinking that I'm afraid of her.

"Stick close to me Maddy. Em, be my eyes and ears behind us. If someone is going to sneak up on us, I'd like a bit of a warning at least." (J)

I watched as Em nodded and Maddy clung to my hand like a baby octopus. I looked around the graveyard, not at all surprised that Witanica had her practice up and running here of all places. I mean Welustia had hers up and running in an underwater cave with an air pocket in it that was only a few hundred yards away from a ship graveyard that had claimed hundreds if not thousands of lives.

We neared the exact address within the graveyard and I saw it was a huge tomb with a door on it. I went to push it open before it opened by itself. An eerie laugh seemed to float up towards us and I knew that Witanica would be just as dramatic as any witch, white or dark, in existence. Maddy's grip on my hand seemed to tighten even more as we stood at the top of the stairs.

"That was creepy." (Em)

"Just wait Em, I'm sure it's only going to get worse." (J)

I let go of Maddy's hand and led the way down into the tomb. Maddy was behind me as close as she could be and Emmett was only a few inches behind her. I could just hear what sounded like a rock jazz mix playing around us, and I soon recognized it as the same music Welustia played. I felt bile rise I in my mouth as I pushed back the flashback of my last dealing with a witch.

Once we reached the bottom of the steps we were in a surprisingly nicely furnished room, considering where we were. I looked around the room before my eyes met her own black eyes brightly shining even in the well-lit room. Her black hair seemed just as unruly as Welustia's had been and stood out in a stark contrast to her pale white skin.

If her reputation held true to her, then she was every bit vile and cruel that Welustia had been, but the difference was it seemed that she was smarter. It also appeared to me that the smile she wore didn't possess nearly the amount of venom in it. Oh it had some venom in it to be sure, but not as much as most dark witches. None of that put me to ease though, knowing how it could all be a trick and she was smart enough to pull it off if it was.

"Ah! Princess Madeline of the Pacific, Jeanie of the Egyptian Genies, and Emmett Cullen of the Cullen Clan. My friends told me you were coming tonight." (Wit)

"Friends?" (Em)

"Yes, on the other side. I know why you are here of course little mermaid, but you should know all I can do is give you the location of your pearl. His name and face are as unknown to me as they are to you Princess." (Wit)

"But you can tell me where he is?!?" (Mad)

"All in good time my dear. Jeanie dear you're looking well, what's it's been.......4 or 500 years hasn't it?" (Wit)

"642 actually." (J)

"Ah yes, still salty about the last deal you had to witness for, aren't you? No pun intended of course. Though I will admit it was a nasty deal of my cousin's, horribly handled, and didn't do her any good in the long run did it?" (Wit)

"Wait, you two know each other?" (Em)

"Oh she didn't tell you yet? Well don't feel bad lover boy, when you've been alive for over 2000 years everything starts to run together or fade away." (Wit)

"Later Emmett. I'd appreciate it if you'd leave our previous history out of this meeting Witanica." (J)

"Of course, we'll keep things civil won't we. Wouldn't want both our councils stepping in to interfere with our work after all. Now, let's talk about the deal shall we little mermaid." (Wit)

"What do you want?" (Mad)

"I like you, spunky little fish isn't she? I will tell you the location within 30 miles of your pearl, and in return I want your voice." (Wit)

I felt my own grip on Maddy's arm tighten as I heard her proposing what seemed to be the exact same deal that was once offered to Milania. The only difference was that mermaids had since then discovered their own spell to gain legs, so she left it out of her deal. I saw Witanica look at me and then Maddy, seeing the hesitation on Maddy's face and no doubt anger on my face, before she offered another little smile.

"Oh don't worry little one, I'm giving you as much time as you need no time stipulation at all. I'll even toss in the added bonus of telling you if your pearl changes location." (Wit)

"What's in it for you Witanica? I know it's not out of the 'goodness' of you heart as you have none." (J)

"Oh now let's not start being nasty Jeanie when we were both being sooo civil to one another. Besides if we started playing mean with each other, well we both know who would win that." (Wit)

"Well let's not do that then. What do you want with my voice then?" (Mad)

"Oh it's quite simple my dear, see while I have your voice, it will mean you can't shift back without help from a genie. But even then it will feel like as if your tail is being ripped off one scale at a time, or so I've been told. Without your voice, your pain will be unheard to all except me." (Wit)

"Besides enjoying that for your own sick pleasure, why would such a deal appeal to you Witanica?" (J)

"Simple. I need painfilled screams for a little something I'm working on. Don't look so worried Jeanie, we all know that the witches have a truce with everyone, except each other." (Wit)

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now