Chapter 10

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 Maddy's POV:

I woke up dry, a feeling that left me slightly uncomfortable as I breathed in air instead of salt water. I looked around the room and saw a tub large enough for me to swim in and painted walls resembling the reefs back home. I stood up from the bed and briefly wondered how humans slept on such things without currents brushing through their hair, before I wondered where I was.

I had just made it to the open door of the room when I was knocked to the ground by Gemma laughing as she ran through it. She looked at me in surprise for a moment before she squealed and hugged me tighter than I could imagine a girl of her age could.

"I'm so happy you're awake now! Uncle Emmett said you were but I wasn't sure if you actually were 'cause he likes to play jokes a lot. Do you want to play dress up with me and Aunt Rosie or maybe have a tea party or we can watch the little mermaid movie together! Aunt Jeanie never watches it with me but I would love to watch with a real mermaid princess! Do you like living in the ocean? Is it cold down there? What's the largest fish you've ever seen? Can you talk to fishes?" (Gem)

My head started to swim with the little girl's questions as they seemed to be endless and non-stop. I felt a smile on my face as I realized just how young and innocent this little genie was. She was still asking question when Jeanie walked back in with a smile on her face, rolling her eyes as she saw us on the floor and Gemma talking a mile a minute.

"Gemma, what did I tell you about bothering Princess Madeline? Besides you know what we talked about earlier." (J)

"Oh I'm sorry. Yes, Aunt Jeanie I just wanted to see if Princess Madeline would want to play later." (Gem)

I made a face at Jeanie as she smirked a bit, knowing that I hated being called Princess Madeline. I prefer Madeline or Maddy, my title only made others act differently around me when I'd rather they just be their self. I stuck my tongue out at Jeanie and she started to laugh with Gemma staring at both of us in slight confusion before looking at me again with a sad look on her face.

"It's ok if you don't want to have a tea party or play dress up. I just thought it might be fun, but it's ok." (Gem)

I watched as the little genie's face fell and my heart went out to her. I smiled before I tapped her on the shoulder and nodded my head before looking for pen and paper. I may not know English but I'm sure if I write in Atlantian then Jeanie can translate. I wrote down my response to the little genie before giving it back to Jeanie.

"What language is that Aunt Jeanie, I don't recognize it." (Gemma)

"That little Gemma is Atlantian, one of the hardest languages to learn in both the written and spoken tongue. I can only read and write it, but perhaps you can try to learn some while Maddy stays with us. Because she says she would love to have a tea party with you." (J)

I felt another smile cross my face as Gemma let another squeal and hugged me again. I hugged her back before I realized that my own laugh was soundless and the weight of the deal I made with Witanica hit me full force for the first time. I saw Jeanie look at me and nod her head with a grim look on her face as she saw my realization come across my face.

"Gemma, why don't you go see if Esme will help you prepare a few treats to eat at your tea party. And Maddy will be along in a just a bit after I talk to her." (J)

"Ok!" (Gemma)

I watched as Gemma ran out of the room and then heard a door shut after a few minutes. I heard Jeanie let out a sigh before she motioned for me to follow her, and I did. We walked out of the room that I suppose was mine for now and into a kitchen.

"I made you some salt water to drink, you'll need to drink as much as possible from here on out just to make sure you don't become too weak. I've also got some sea cucumbers and kelp pods if you're hungry. I thought we'd take it slow introducing your body to human food." (J)

I took the salt water gladly as it seemed to make my dry throat feel better, and even took a small plate of food from Jeanie before I saw the letter from Witanica open on the table. I pointed towards it as I ate some of the food, waiting for Jeanie to tell me where my pearl was before I saw Jeanie let out a harsh sounding chuckle as she put her head into her hands on the counter before looking up at me.

"That witch, she tricked us. Your pearl was in the very place you came to. He is either somewhere in Forks or on the nearby reservation. We've been living here for nearly 6 months and she had to have known that." (J)

I felt my heart stop for a moment at the thought that I made the deal uselessly had I only waited a few days here with Jeanie. But then I realized what she said, he was already nearby. My heart started again at the idea that I would get to meet him sooner than I had thought, and I was hopeful that the deal I made wasn't as pointless as I was worried it was.

I grabbed the pen and notebook again as I hastily wrote in it, already wondering how I would be able to meet my pearl. I gave it to Jeanie before taking a long drink of the salt water, feeling just a bit better as salt hit my tongue.

"We've been discussing it with the family. We think you should try attending Forks High School to begin with. And I will be introducing you to the shapeshifter's on the Reservation so you'll have permission to go onto their land freely." (J)

I wrote my response, wondering how I was going to be able to attend a human high school when I couldn't write the language and I couldn't even speak it at the moment. Jeanie seemed prepared for that question though as she barely glanced at it before turning her gaze out the window and into the woods, answering in a calm voice.

"There is a teacher that will be your English teacher, she's aware of the supernatural and has agreed to help you learn while you're here. The rest of the school believes you are mute and has agreed to give you extra days to finish assignments, so Edward and I will be helping you when you come home." (J)

I felt a moment of annoyance pass over me as I just wanted to find my pearl but they seemed to want me to live as human entirely while I am here. I see Jeanie turn back to face me and a slight smirk crosses her face before it disappears as she looks at me.

"I know you just want to find your pearl, but my family and I must act as human as possible to stay here as long as we can. Not to mention for Gemma's sake. If anyone was to suspect that she was a genie, there is only so much we can protect her from and only so many ways we can keep her bottle locked away." (J)

I see her eyes glance over to the photographs of the young genie playing with Emmett, or her, or another of the family members on the fridge. She lets out a sigh before looking out towards the woods again.

"It's so rare for a genie to have anything resembling a normal childhood, as most end up with a master before the age of ten. When I was Gemma's age I had already been serving Sultana Nenatte for three years. We've been lucky, so lucky, but for that to last we need to appear human to anyone and anything that is near here. So all I'm asking is please do this for me, for Gemma, and I will help you find your pearl in any way that I can." (J)

I heard the promise in her words as her bright blue eyes met my bright sea green ones. I let out a sigh before offering a slow nod, hearing her whispered 'thank you' just as little Gemma rushed through the front door with a smile on her face followed by the vampire I knew now as Esme.

"Are you ready for our tea party yet?!?" (Gem)

The Mermaids' Pearl: Semi-Sequel to Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now