Thirty three

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It feels like we have been walking in circles. We keep seeing the same things.

"I'm getting tired" I said.

"Let's stop to rest" Jai suggested and I agreed.

We sat down on a big rock by a river. Jai looked around and so did I. Luke was too exhausted. I feel bad for Luke, he looks like he's in so much pain.

"Isn't that the place we stayed last night?" Jai said pointed to the big tree.

"Fucking hell! We walked in a big circle for no reason" I said annoyed.

"We went north. Let's go east now" Luke says.

We stayed there the night again.

The same events happened from last night. I was stilled scared. It's creepy. I just want to cry and cry but I can't because I don't want the boys to see that I'm weak.

Luke was freaked out and he panicked a bit. Jai was nervous and I was on the edge of passing out.

The screams from the children stopped when the sun started rising.

I started to cry because I was tired and scared. I wanted to get out of these woods but I don't know where we should go.

"Shh. It's okay" Luke rubbed my back.

"Let's continue walking in a different direction this time" Jai said.

We walked for about an hour when we saw the same tree and lake.

"We've been walking in circles" Jai said.

"What the hell" Luke looked around.

I just sat down and put my hands between my legs.

"How do we keep walking in fucking circles?!" Jai was getting angry now.

"I have no fucking idea" Luke responded to him.

"Let's go back where we came from" I got up and grabbed them both and started walking in the direction where I remember coming from.

We walked and walk but we still ended up in the same place. I was getting frustrated with all of this. Every fucking direction we went to we end up at the same place.

It was getting darker and the children's screams started again. At night it's freaky.

Third night. We are dehydrated and hungry. Our food was running out and I don't want to die here.

"Do you hear that?" Jai asked us.

"Hear what?" Luke asked him.

"The children screaming?" I asked.

"They are calling my name" he got up.

I listened closely to it but nobody was calling for him.

"Jai, you're hearing things" I said. and Luke agreed.

"No! You don't understand, they are calling for me" He started walking outside the cave.

"Jai come back! Whatever that is wants us to get out, so come back inside" I tried pulling him back in.

"No! You guys don't hear it but I do" And that's when he ran. I got up and so did Luke and we ran after him.

"JAI COME BACK!" I yelled. He ran even faster.

Luke was a couple feet away from me since he can't run as fast as he usually does since he's hurt.

"JAI?" I called out.

"I don't see him" I start sobbing, Luke catches up to me and takes big breaths.

I grabbed him and helped him stay on his feet.

"I can't find him." I say.

"JAI?!" He yells but no response.

We continue looking for Jai.

We walked past the rocks and more were added.

"I think we should go back. He knows where we are" Luke said holding his side.

I wouldn't have gone back but he was in so much pain so we went back.

When we got there nothing was there, only our phones that were dead and the backpack itself.

"No no no no" I said looking for the little food we had and the first aid kit.

"No!" I sobbed.

Tears started pouring out of my eyes.

We didn't sleep anything last night. The screaming from the children stopped. Jai still hasn't come back and I'm fucking scared that something might've happened to him.

"Let's go search for Jai" I said.

We searched for Jai and continued to walk west. We ended at the same place. No new places.

Luke grabbed a stick and grabbed a rock and started making a pointy side to it.

I was thirsty and hungry.

Luke finished whatever he was doing. He walked into the little lake and searched for whatever he could find to eat. Thankfully he caught a fish. It wasn't big but it wasn't small either. Luke made a fire with rocks.

I got some twigs and used that to cool the fish. It's not cooked like we would back home but this will do.

We ate it in silent. I was hoping Jai would come back any time but he never did.

Luke and I were facing the lake, we heard a female clear their throat.

We slowly turned around to see who was behind us.

I looked over at Luke and he looked over at me with wide eyes.


So I didn't go to school today because I'm a badass.

Lol jk. I wasn't feeling too well and my lip is so fucked up in the moment, long story short I got into a fight.

Sike nah! But I honestly don't know what is wrong with my lip, it's like swollen. I'm just gunna to the McDonald's drive thru to get a hot chocolate or something.

I wrote this today because I was in bed all day and I had nothing better to do, except cleaning my room but after that I had nothing to do so yeah.


Seriously vote guys.

I love you all so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so mucho!

Si Los amo mucho!

Yep, that's the only two languages I know.

Como estan?

Anywho, go read my other story.

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