Twenty nine

280 15 4

I love you all for reading this. It actually means a lot to me.

If you want to talk, message me.

Oh and my dog ate my school English book, i don't know what to do now😳😫.

Sorry, that was random. you can continue reading now.


I was on a look out for the place that Megan and Anthony told me to look for.

I've been walking for hours and I don't see shit.

That Anthony kid looked oddly familiar, It's like I've seen him but I don't really remember.

He must have one of those faces.

I made it to an old town, most of the places looked abandoned. Dirty. Run down buildings. Trash everywhere. I continued walking and hoping to fine the place. I made it to the end of the town but none of the house looked like they described.

A yellowish house, The doors were whitish. There was a number Six on it or the word SIX I'm not sure. That's were Jai would be. Or Luke?

Shit. I don't remember. It was just a couple hours ago. They should've gave me everything written down. I walked for another three hours. I got pretty tired so I stopped under a tree. There was a lake so I walk over to it.

In the distance I see a house. I look to the right and see another one. I swear they weren't there. I sat down by the lake and looked at it. I must've been looking at it for too long because I didn't notice someone standing behind me. I quickly get up and turn around.

There was a man standing there around his 30s.

"Are you lost?" His voice was deep.


"Okay, jut making sure because I've never seen you around and you've been here for a while" he said.

"I'm just here admiring the beautiful scenery"

He left and I was alone again. I get up and continue walking. I walked towards the town I can see from afar. No house that is yellowish.

Was it the number seven? Or six? Or 76? I can't remember.

Hold up! What am I doing here? Where is this place?


I somehow found myself at a house that I've dreamt of so many times.

Why would I dream of a house?

I passed the house not knowing what to do, I stood about ten feet away from the house.

Should I walk in or not? Knock maybe?

I stayed there for about five minutes. I honestly didn't know what to do.

The house didn't described what.... someone told me. I can't remember. I remember someone telling me about a yellow house? But I can't remember who and when they told me this.

It seemed to be empty so I just continue walking past it.

"Mel?" I hear someone say. I turn around but nobody is there.

"Who's there?"

"Okay good it's you" I felt someone tap my shoulder from the side. I jumped as a reaction and quickly got ready to hurt someone.

"Fucking hell Luke!"

"I'm confused, what are we doing here? Where is this place? How did we even get here?" He asked.

"I got here by someone telling me to continue walking straight, I think"

"I never seen this place before"

"We aren't in the US Luke"

"What?! We aren't?"

"Fuck the hell? Aren't you the one that like ... how did we get here?" I ask him.

"Come on! I've been hiding in this yellow house down the street"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the direction of the house. He acts like he's normal, and that he doesn't know what is happening. I honestly don't know what is happening. This is more confusing than a puzzle.

We went through the back to use the back door.

"This whole town is freaky. For some reason I don't want to leave, but I do"

"You make no sense" I look around "oh yeah, have you seen Jai?"

"Say his name one more fucking time and I'll fucking kill you"

I backed away from him. "chill"

"Whatever. Wait?! Is Jai here too?"

"I don't know, that's why I was asking"

"This doesn't make sense" he says.

"What doesn't?" I ask.

"The fact that we barely remember things, all three of us are here. I want to kill Jai for some reason, I want to hurt you also, but I won't. It's like something is controlling me. I feel like someone is watching us, but that could just be me. The fact I found you in this big, wait where even are we?"

"I think we are ... uhh... shit... Brazil?"

"Okay. We need to find Jai. He must be doing this shit"

"Wait no! Someone told me that someone was after me. And that you and Jai had to get along in order for me to figure out who this person is. it's not one of you two"

"Where could Jai be?" Luke asked.

"Doesn't he always find us? He'll come.." I say.

I tried to think who was doing this, and why was I forgetting things. I don't know how I got here? I don't know where we really are?...

I look out the window and see a tall figure standing outside the window. I fall back because it scared the living hell out of me. Luke came to help me up. I went back to the window but it wasn't there. I looked around carefully to check if I wasn't imagining things. I saw whoever it was standing next to a house watching us.

"I think you were right about the, 'someone is watching us' part" I whisper to Luke.


"See that guy by that whitish house?"

"The one guy"

"Yeah, he was standing right in front of the window. It scared me that's why I fell back" I said.

"I've seen him a couple times" Luke says.

I move out the window and move away from it as possible.

"Jai needs to hurry" Luke says.

"We can get out of here before it's too late"

"Who told you this whole thing?" He asked.

"That's the thing I can't remember, I'm not even sure it's actually true or what they said" I answer.

I can tell Luke is getting annoyed because he keeps walking back and forth.

I'm pretty hungry since I haven't ate.

"How is Jai suppose to find us?" He asked.

"He will, he always does" I answer him.

I look at him tapping his feet. It hasn't been that long and I already want to punch Luke in the face, he's so fucking inpatient.


I can't really tell if this is long or not. I been doing this for the past week, but only for like five minutes each day. I'm really busy and it's annoying.

Follow my
Vine: fablukex
Twitter: fablukex
Instagram: Fabluke
(That's all I have.... Very social person I am)

If anyone want to talk about anything I'm always here. Message me on any of those sites, or even here.

I was also planning on making a YouTube account and doing edits there. Who would watch?

Comment: Nutella

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