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"What the hell?" I whisper.

I don't listen to any noise outside.

I try to get free from the ropes. After a while after trying I gave up. The ropes were very tight.

I can barely feel my legs and hands. My head is killing me and I'm hungry.

I try wiggling to make the ropes lose. O get the little knife and start cutting the rope from the inside. It took me about ten minutes to cut through all of the rope. I quickly untied my legs and carefully walked to the door. Just in case Jai was here I got the little knife ready. I know it won't do anything but that's the only sharp thing I can fine.

I try to open the door but it was locked.

I slid down the door and wait for Jai to unlock it so I can try to escape.

One hurt

Two need to go down

I was very confused on what/who was saying that.

One hurt? Two need to go down?

I get up and look for a light switch.
I find one and turn the lights on. it was very dim but I can manage to see everything.

There was a desk on the corner so I walk over to it.

There were pictures.
Of me.
Other people.
Dead people.
Body parts.

I looked on the drawers and found a notebook.

'198 down. 2 more to go'

Names that he needs:
Mark Jones
Nick Stevens
Jessica Mars
Bethany Brooke
Luke Brooks
James Yammouni
Beau Brooks
Melanie Ramirez

My eyes widen when I was everyone's name. Including mine.

Wait. So is Daniel not in here?
I looked down on the paper to look for his name.

On the bottom it said

Or Jai.

Who is he? And what does he want?

I continue to open the other drawers to see if I can find something that can harm him if he comes.

I found a box on the last drawer so I took it out. I was scared to open it. I took a big breath and opened it carefully.

When I opened it, it was covered with a piece of paper. I take the paper out and drop everything I have in my hands.

I get furious at what I'm looking at.

There's pictures of me. Naked. Half naked.

This makes me sick. Makes me want to puke. Makes me want to hurt someone, and by someone I mean Jai. why the fuck would he do this?

I ripped all the pictures. When I got to the bottom there was two keys. Two weird looking keys. I got them and placed them in my bra. I got all the ripped pictures and put then back into the box.

I walked to the door once again to see if I can hear anything outside. That's so weird. I know Jai, he would never leave this place unless it was an emergency.

I tried to kick the door open but it was no used. I continue to look around the room. I open a closest next to the door.

There was another door behind that so I walk in. I hope he isn't in here.

I walk in and see absolutely nothing. It's pitch black. I look for a light switch.

Jai's POV

What happened to my best friend? [L.B]Where stories live. Discover now