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Okay everyone I'm like really thankful for those who are reading this and vote for this story it makes me smile.


"Kill her" I heard the voice say again.

I stayed completely still. Not making any movements. Maybe the voices will go away.

I looked at the little girl. She was about 6 years old. I shook my head.

"Are you okay?" I heard the little girl say to me.

I gave her a fake smile.

"Yeah" I tried not to sound worried.

They want this beautiful little girl killed, I can't do this. No I can't.

"Kill her"

I backed away from the little girl and looked for Luke.

"Luke we need to go" I said grabbing his hand.

"But I still need to get something" he said.

"No time" I pulled him to the door. He dropped the basket and we walked out.

"Damn, what the fuck is your problem?"

"They told me to kill that little girl, and I couldn't" I said crying.

"Shhh it's okay" Luke tried calming down.

But he doesn't know that if I don't do it, he'll end up being the one who gets killed.

That night I told Luke to lock everything up and to not bother me.

I went to sleep and woke up early in the morning.

"Kill that little girl"

"Can't I kill someone else."

"Kill her"




I walked to the window and hopped out of it. I don't know how I did it but I did.
I walked down the little path we usually take to make it to the road.

I watched cars passing for a while. I just sat there.

"The next car"

I looked around. I walked down the road farther away from the cabin.

More cars started passing. It was late. Probably 2 in the morning.

I sat again at the edge of the road and just watched.

I felt a really bad pain in my stomach.

I didn't know what got to me and I don't remember what happened next.

The next morning I woke up in the living room.

"Melanie what are you doing sleeping in the living room" I heard Luke's morning voice.

Shirtless. Morning voice. Messy hair.
I can just kiss him right now.


"Oh sorry." I looked around. How did I get here?

I got up and looked around.

"What's that?" Luke pointed to my shirt. I looked down and saw stains. Stains?

"I don't know?" I lied.
The memories were coming back.


A car stopped a few feet away from where I was sitting. I observed the people in the car and saw a male that looked around the early thirties and a female around that age too.
I saw a teenage girl and a teenage boy.
They were laughing. I smiled at how happy they were.

What happened to my best friend? [L.B]Where stories live. Discover now