Thirty seven

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I ran up the stairs to searched for windows or any way to get out this house but I found none.

No fucking windows. What house doesn't have fucking windows?

It was absolutely way to quiet for my liking. I try to control my breathing.

I feel the wall to see if there is any part that can be broken and jump out, no matter what but I will get out. I banged on the wall but it was like its bricks. I swear the outside was wood.

Where is Luke? I hope he is alright. If it's one of us that should get out of here it should be him. I'll probably die here. 'Stay positive Mel, stay positive' I tell myself.

I walked to the hall and saw nobody. I went back to the room and put things in front of the door and sat down. now nobody could come in. And I'm pretty sure nobody is here in the same room as me. I feel nobody breathing and it's quiet. It's creepy.

I remember not so long ago I was reading a book, or watching a movie? Shit! Why can't I remember?

Something like thing happened? I can't remember the ending. Was it a dream?

"MELANIE?!" I heard someone yell out. I look at the door and try to hear the voice again.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I look around and get whatever I can find, which was a wooden chair leg. I stayed silent and looked at the door like it was my job.

"Melanie?" I heard that voice again. I get up and walk closer to the door.


"Luke?" I call out.

"MELANIE? Where are you?" I hear him again.

I start taking out the things I placed in front of the door. "here Luke" I said removing everything.

"Where? Keep talking" I hear him.

"I'm in a room, I'll come out" I said. I open the door and look around. I looked to the left and he wasn't there I turn to the right and there he was at the end looking at me.

"Oh god!" I felt a bit relieved that it was him and not me just hearing things.

"How did you get in here?" I asked.

"The door?" He looked at me confused.

"But, they are blocking the doors and windows" i said.

"No they aren't"

He pulled me down the stairs. I looked at the room and nobody was down here.

"Stand here" He said before walking towards the corner. I was confused on why he was going to the corner.

"Look" He said.

I was distracted by something outside trying to get in.

"Look" He said again. I was more focused on the door.

"LOOK!" He yelled. I quickly looked at him but quickly at the door.

"Melanie?" I heard Luke call out, but from outside.

I looked at the over to Luke who was facing the corner. What the hell?

"MELANIE!?" I heard his voice again from outside.

"Melanie come here" I heard Luke say from the corner.

I stayed were I was. I backed away from him.

"COME HERE" He yelled. I was shaking.

"Melanie? Are you okay?" I heard Luke from outside.

I felt like I was being pulled towards the corner. The corner where Jai killed himself. I tried to walk backwards but it was hard.

What happened to my best friend? [L.B]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora