Twenty Eight

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"Is this wonderland or something?" I joked.

"You can say that" the kid said.

"What's your name?" I asked not trying to sound creepy or anything.

"You can call me Anthony." he says still looking up ahead.

We walked in silence. "Here we are" I heard him say.

He ran to the door and knocked on it.

The door opened by itself and he walked in. I walked in after him. He seems pretty excited about being here.

"Lucas!" A female voice was heard through out the whole house.

"And Melanie" he said.



I heard the clanking of high heels getting closer and closer. I got nervous.

"This dream feels so real" I laughed.

"You still think it's a dream?" Anthony asked.

"Why did she say Lucas? I thought your name was Anthony?" I asked curiously.

"She's the only one who calls me by that name."

"Oh okay"

A beautiful lady stood in front of me. She wore a light purple dress that went past her knees.

"Hello, I'm Megan" she smiled and extended her hand for me to shake.
"Melanie" I shook her hand.

"Come with me" She said. I looked over at Anthony and he nodded his head for me to go on.

I followed her. She didn't say anything for the whole walk to who knows where.

Anthony disappeared half way through the walk.

"Here we are" she opened the big white wooden doors. she walked in and I did after her.

She continued walking. We went into a room that I'm guessing was her office.

"Sit" she pointed to a chair.

"Thank you" I sat down awkwardly.

"So you might be asking what am I doing here" he laughed and I nodded my head.

"Well, you need help with Lucas, I mean Luke and Uh Jai" He started


"You see. Luke and Jai are very good friend of mine"

"They are?" I was shocked at this information.

"Yes. I know they very well. And I knew that you're were the one who could do this" she said. I was now more confused.

"Could do what?" I asked her.

"Someone is controlling them. Someone is after you. So that person knows that Jai and Luke were important in your life so they made them this way. I don't know why they are after you but all I know is that whoever is doing that is waiting for you to break."

"That makes no sense and I'm done with this" I said annoyed.

"If you don't help them, they will end up hurt of even killed. Do you want that?"

"No. But this isn't true. This is just a fucking dream"

"Is it?" She questioned me.

"Yes" I said unsure of the answer.

"You are distended for this. To save your friends and to discover who is after you. You will end up hurt and badly if you don't stop it. only you can do this"

"What do I have to do?" I asked her.

"Here" she handed me a remote control. "turn it on"

I did as I was told. The whole room turned on. There were about 100 or even more screens in here. Every screen has a specific plan. I read some scenarios and the 'results'

"So I'm suppose to find Jai and Luke? And try to remember something that happened a long time ago?"

"That's only step one"

I continued reading. Wen I finished I kind of got what they wanted me to do.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"What?! I'm doing this now?"

"Yes. We can't waste more time. If Luke and Jai find each other they will kill each other"

"In case you haven't noticed but I was almost killed by both of them at some point"

"Because that's what they were commanded to do"

I rolled my eyes. "eat before you go" she said.

I thought it was urgent. Some lady brought in two trays of food. One for Megan and one for me. I finished all if it since I haven't are in a while.

"You need a better outfit" she said.

Well geez. some people can't afford to get changed and showered when you are being kept captive.

"Come with me" she got up and I followed her. We ended up at a closest full of clothes. She picked out an outfit and gave it to me. She pushed me into another room. It was the shower. I took of my clothes and turned on the shower. When I finished I changed and walked out.

"Okay. now it's time to go"


We walked outside her huge house and she told me where to go and how to get there.

"You'll find Jai. Try to get to him first since he's the one who is harder to put any sense into. Then Luke will come in and see you. You'll have to keep Jai and Luke away from each other after step four.

"Good luck"

And with that I started walking.

I'm just going to fuck this up. I doubt that anyone is after me.
Who wants me hurt?

I walked in the direction Megan told me too. She said it can take days to get there if I walked slow so I walked fast.

I walked and walked and walked and I only saw the same things. Trees. trees.
and more trees.

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