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"Melanie?" I heard James from the other side of the phone

"Oh my god James! I need you" I say in a whisper

"Where are you? I'm so worried about you" he said.

"I'm in Maryla-" I heard footsteps getting closer.

I hung the phone and pretended to be doing nothing.

"Hey" I heard Luke

I looked up at him and have him a fake smile.

"Hey" I said back

"Ready?" He asked

"Ready for what?"

"You have to learn how to take them out" he whispered like he didn't want anyone to hear.


We walked outside to the woods and we just stood there.

"All you have to do is, not be afraid" he told me.

I nodded

"Also forget about the world. Just think about what you want to do" he said

I looked at him like he was fucking crazy.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Think about my soul"

"Your soul?"

He nodded his head

"Think of what's in me. The good and the bad. Separate them and it'll come to you. You'll know what to do after they're separated" he said

I was even more confused.

We stayed trying to do this but it didn't work.

Now I'm thinking that he's fucking lying to me.

"This makes no sense" Luke said

"What doesn't ?" I asked him.

"This." He said. "You did everything I told you to do but nothing worked"

I didn't say anything because right now I'm thinking that he's even more mental then I thought.

We walked inside.
After a few minutes I heard the door slam.

I looked at the door and didn't see Luke.

I walked to my room and stayed there.

I remember that I was talking with James earlier.

I turned on my phone and saw 126 phone calls from James and 248 messages from him.

I read some messages and he sounded really worried.

To: James
Hey. Don't worry James. I'm okay. Don't worry about me I'll be okay. I have to do some things and after I'm done with the things I'll be back. I miss you and love you Jamesy:)

I sent the message and instantly got a message back

From: James
MELANIE! I fucking miss you. I need you. Damn how could you just leave me like that? You had me worried. Have you talked to Jai by any chance? I haven't seen him around and he promised me that he'll come help me move into our new place

To: James
No. Can you please stay away from him? I'll explain everything later. I got to go. Bye. Love you<3

From: James
Miss you! Love you! Bye.

I turned off the phone.

For some reason I believe Luke.

And for some reason I couldn't let myself tell James

It's like something was stopping me and controlling my mind.

My body started feeling strange.

I started shaking.

I walked to the kitchen to see if we had any medicine but we didn't have any.

I waited for Luke to come back.

After a few hours I stopped shaking and then two minutes later Luke walked in.

"Why are you still up?" He asked.

"I wasn't tired" I lied

I obviously was but this shaking thing got me nervous

Should I tell him about it or just keep it to my self?

I decided not to say anything.

It looks like he's been crying

"What's wrong Luke?"

"Nothing just fucking leave me alone" he Spat

I was taken a back when he said that.

"I was fucking trying to help" I yelled at him

"Well stop." He yelled back

I got up from the couch and stomped to my room and slammed the door.

I could hear Luke breaking things and I didn't care one bit.

What the fuck is wrong with him?


The next day I woke up to a loud sound.

I got up and walked out of the room.

I walked very slowly because I didn't hear any noise.

I kept walking.

All I saw was the living room being a mess so I walked to the kitchen.

My eyes widen at the scene.

My heart was about to come out.

I saw Luke smirking.

I backed away from him

"Scared yet?"

I shook my head.

"Don't worry it was nobody important" he said licking his hand.

I just wanted to pick right there so I ran to the room and locked it.

I could hear Luke laughing.

That poor girl.

I started crying.

"Why?" I asked myself.

Luke cut her in so many pieces.

Her head still had the hair so I could tell it was a girl.

Her arms and legs were also cut out of her body.

He was cutting her in half when I got there.

I started shaking. But this time it was because I was afraid.

I heard footsteps coming closer and I back away from the door. I jumped over the bed and waited for Luke to come kill me.

But he didn't come.

I wait and waited for him to pop out of nowhere and slice me into so many pieces.

I couldn't sleep that night.

Luke tried getting me out of the room but I refused to get out.

I tried relaxing but it turned out me panicking.


Sorry this is a short chapter but I just felt like updating since I'm shit at updating soon.



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