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I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what is happening.

50% is that I'm going crazy
40% is Luke trying to fucking fuck me up for good
8% this place is hunted
2% someone else is doing this.

Luke is still mad about his camera. He said that he had 'evidence' in there but I don't know what he is talking about. It was a week ago and he still thinks I did it.

He hasn't left my side since then. It's annoying. He thinks I'll break something else. He even sleeps in the same fucking room, bed, same blanket and it's fucking uncomfortable.

That wasn't the only thing strange this week.

I keep hearing the doors being opened and closed. I swear once I heard a dog bark, But that could've just been me because I was thinking about Jai and how much he loves Dogs.

Can life get better? Not really, well for me at least.

Luke gets up from where he is sitting.

"Did you hear that?" He asked looking at me.

I stayed silent to hear what he is talking about.

"No" I looked at him Confused.

"Come here, I think there is something in here" he holds out his hand but I don't take it.

He looked at me. "I must of just imagined it"

"Yeah" I rudely said.

And that's when I heard something fall from the kitchen. Both our heads turn to the direction of the kitchen. I get up and try to look really closely. From the dark window I saw a dark shadow, in the house.

I walk closer to Luke.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked him looking at where I saw the figure.

"I don't know" he starts walking to the kitchen.

I walked behind him. One because I was hell of scared and two because I was scared and didn't want to be killed. So basically the same thing.

He grabs the nearest thing he can find which was a lamp that wasn't being used. I walked a distance from him looking really closely at the surroundings.

There was a movement where we were. I turned around and looked at the couch. The cushions were on the floor.

I run to Luke. He still hasn't noticed.

"Luke look behind us" I whispered. He looked at me for about two seconds then looks at towards the living room.

"What the hell is happening?" he whispered.

"I'm scared" I whispered to him.

"Pussy" he smirked. "Don't worry I'm here with you. Nothing will happen"

"You're so fucking deep"

We looked at each other.

We checked around the house but everything was in it's place and it seemed that nobody was here. We walked back to the living room and everything was back to normal. I was getting pretty scared by now.

"Okay Luke, If this is one of your games stop it now" I told him angrily.

"It's not me" He defended himself.

"How do you explain this shit?" I asked him.

"Someone or something is out here so we will leave. Pack your shit and meet me here in 10 minutes" He walked to his room. I stayed there waiting for something to just come out and take me away.

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