Scores! and In Loving Memory...

81 4 8

Jay Calder: The beginning is a bit forced but it flow better once the story continues. There are a lot of mistakes in spelling and grammar. 7

Amabel Trython: Quite a short entry. What there is is good but you stopped before the survival part and the "good" bits. I would have liked to see how she would survive while having been stabbed. Keep an eye out ofr a few mistakes. 8

Tobais Haycraft: Very, very good. I loved that you made the key bit into a riddle and they way the characters interacted. Hats off. 11

Seaver Perish: Very well written. Thye last sentance made me giggle and would have brought a smile to Occisora's face (though for very different reasons) There are a few mistakes. 9

Miles Wilson: Keep an eye out for spelling and grammar errors. Very good work! 9

Octavia Kingston: Your grammar and spelling need a lot of work, so do your storytelling skills. It is too short you are not telling the complete story it's like those teaser chapters at the end of books where you can read the beginning of the next one but they stop before getting to the good stuff. Keep working at it and Iḿ sure you will get better. 6 (-2)

Dead Tributes:

Jet Flash

Ki Jepto

Mira Matthews

Evelyn Jenson

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