D3 Female Ki Jepto - Task 2 [ScarlettDragone]

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I sighed and clambered out of my dress. The speech has bugged me ever since. It's there, nagging at the back of my mind, forcing me to feel its presence. The way her eyes reflected a thirst for chaos. It reminded me of Eno. They could get along like two peas in a pod...

Knock. Knock.

Jerking my head towards the door, I secured the last button on my pyjama shirt.

"Come in!" I invited.

Porcia slid in the room, smiling wide. I was beginning to warm up to her now. Unlike before, her smiles were now real and full of love. However, caring for us too much was a mistake. 

"I just wanted to tell you about your schedule," she sat herself down on a beanbag near my bed, "You'll have to fight next. Prove yourself. You have a lot of potential. You and Jay."

"Thanks!" I beamed, my hand instantly traced the ring on my right hand.

"Where did you get the ring from?" she asked, eyes filling with curiosity.

"I found it," I explained, twisting it off my hand and letting her look at it, "It reminds me of him. My boyfriend."

"You must miss him a lot," Porcia sighed sympathetically, "He was a great boy he was. I liked him, that Jack."

I winced at the mention of his name. It hurt. Even thinking his name hurt. His voice rang in my head. What he said the day he left me, I could still hear several years on.

"I love you, Ki!" he whispered, "But if I don't make it, don't let that pull you down."

Something within me clicked, but it didn't do anything. Strange...

"Well," she sighed, standing up, "That's all I have to say. Good luck!"

Porcia waved and walked out, clicking the door shut behind her. I snuggled into my bed, pulling the covers close around me.

I will survive. I can feel it.


As the tube brought me up, the courage I felt from last night had evaporated into thin air. The new environment had no cornucopia, a relief for me, but that didn't help my nerves. So far, I had not seen anyone and I hoped not to.

I made my way down the room, letting the colours of silver and black wash over me. From what I could tell, the room reminded me of an office.

A hand yanked my arm, footsteps receded and I felt hands close around my neck. Air was blocked and everything became fainter and fainter...

I felt a sharp jerk and the pressure on my airways lessened. I could finally breathe again. Even though the whole scenario only took a few seconds, it had felt much longer. A hand appeared in front of me and I took it, getting to my feet.

"Thanks!" I mumbled, my blurry vision coming into focus.

"Don't go thinking I'll help you out again," a cold voice replied, "You and I are teaming up. Don't get any ideas that you're special either. You just seemed like someone agreeable and anyways, I need someone else to help me through the door."

Rolling my eyes, I stretched. My eyes travelled my saviour from toe upwards. He had raven black hair that seemed to grow in a naturally messy way that drew you in. I also noticed he was equipped with piercing, emerald green eyes that seemed to freeze your very soul.

At my guess, he was 15- 14 maybe. Older than me. That's what mattered. Anyone older than me could have a possible advantage over me with life experience. I must not let that happen.

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