Task 5 Quarter FInals: Brace For The Fall, Together

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Welcome to the Quarter Finals! Congratulations! you have all handed in great work and may be proud of yourself! no! you must be proud of yourself. good luck! this is going to be hard for me...

Occisora watched the Tributes slaughter each other with a wry smile on her face. It was going exactly to plan. She counted on her fingers for a moment.

“That makes, if I am not mistaken, fifteen dead Tributes,” She chuckled. Morus, who was the only other person in the room, looked up.

“I've been wondering, Why did you not heal the wounds?” he asked. Occisora looked around not having heard the question. The look of confusion made her look almost like an innocent child.


“We have the means to heal the scars on the Tributes chests and yet you had them stitched rather crudely. Why?”

Occisora turned away from him and focused her attention back on the screen.

“Why not?” she muttered, “I have a feeling that if I had haled the wounds on their chests they would not have believed me. Or at least some of them would not have believed me. They don't trust me. So why if there was no sign of proof would they gut each other to get free.”

Morus considered that for a moment. “What now?”

“Now, we enter the end game,” she said, smiling wickedly, “it's going to be quite simple. Simple but deadly, how I like it.”

The Task:

If the person you are cuffed to is still alive you will remain linked together. You stand at the edge of a deep and wide ravine by the flag. Strung across the ravine is a thick metal wire. Occisora will appear at the other side, smiling.

“Hello my dears,” she says, “you have come a long way and you are very nearly there. Behind me are nine doors, one for each of you. That is, if you can make it this far. Behind the door you will be safe but first you must reach the door. The only way across the ravine is by using that wire. Some of you will fall to your deaths but if you stay on that side of the ravine you will certainly die,” she points to a clock, “when that clock strikes one 'o clock the woods and everything in it will explode. You have one hour to all make it to safety.” She flashes a smile and disappears through a door.

So while you are linked to your buddy you will have to walk the tightrope to get to the other side. You will have to work together or both of you will perish. At the other side are keys for you to unlock the handcuffs and each go through the door with your name on it. Behind each door is something from your District something you recognise and/or remember. Make it something original.

There are nine Tributes left at the end of this task three will die.

Due date: Feburary 15th 11pm GMT

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