D12 Male Michael Jameson [Megamike42]

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Name: Michael Jameson

Age: 13

Gender: Male

District: 12

Volunteered for my 12 year-old cousin

Looks really good with glasses.

I love to play games and write and ESPECIALLY play music. I don't like to fight, but when someone attacks me, tackles me, or hurts me in any way, I get at them back. I make it known to them that I am not a fat nerd who looks good. I am MUCH more than that.

My character works very well in groups. He likes to get everyone pumped up, but loves to talk strategy. He's very skilled at persuading people to join them in an ultimate team effort.

Often times, my character makes friends too quickly. He can join the wrong clique or get in trouble with a group that he didn't do anything wrong in. He is too open. He trusts people WAY too quickly and has been back-stabbed multiple times. But everyone enjoys his company because he forgives, and never holds a grudge. Except on many of the people of the Capital, and the people who designed the Hunger Games. He hates seeing people die.

Weapon of choice: Bow and arrow

Strengths: Very good with a bow and bear hands, can take pain at a very high level

Weaknesses: Very gullible, can't really hide, gets on people's bad sides sometimes

Family and friends:

Mother: short; kind, average intelligence. Father: Tall; very intelligent

Older brother: Nice enough, but rather some a bully to his brothers; tall; supportive; overall good enough

Little brother #1: Very loyal, and can get very annoying sometimes; overall a great person to be around; rather small; intelligent, and overall kind

Little brother #2: 10 years younger than him; very inspiring; loving, kind, and especially, very cute; incredibly smart for his age

Friend #1: Always has my back when the going gets tough. I have other friends but he's special. Short; intelligent, yet also bullied.

Cousin: I have many cousin bout there is one just like Friend #1, kind, supportive, happy.

The person I'd say is most valuable to me would either be my first friend or my cousin. I can't say a for-sure about either of them, although I would volunteer for them both. If only they were both boys. My cousin is a girl.

Token: A pocket-sized personal journal in a waterproof bag protected where no one can see it.

Occisora: "GAG. your sweet little family life makes me sick. Don't your friends and family have names? Not that I care but I looks a bit weird. All I can say is I hope you don become the victor in my games and by the looks of it you wont."

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