D5 Male - Lumen Wye [SoupForBrains]

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Name: Lumen Wye

Age: 15

Gen: M


Reaped- Lumen was shocked into stunned silence. At the moment his name was drawn from the pool of male names, he suddenly realized how much he'd miss everything he had.

Appearance: Lumen is a pretty young man. His skin is the palest white and flecked with brown freckles all over, and his shoulder length red hair (which is usually tied up) lives up to his name of 'Lumen'. He is thin, rather tall and has an infectious, maybe even flirty smile.

Personality: Lumen, at home in D5, puts on a cocky act. He is the boy that smooth talks his way out of detentions and is either loved or hated, depending on who you ask for their opinion. Despite this, Lumen doesn't particularly have a group of friends as such. The truth is, Lumen only really cares for his girlfriend, Burd.

Background: Lumen is an orphan (I know; very cliche, right?) and has lived in a children's home since he was four years old. He doesn't remember much about his parents, just that they were geologists killed in a landslide and their names. He has a box of their photos and possesions but doesn't value them much. He'd rather think about what he has now, not what he has lost.

Alone/in groups: Alone

Trusting?: Lumen always follows his gut instinct. If he thinks you'll betray him, he'll avoid you.

Weapon: Interestingly, Lumen did not inherit his parents' passion for geology. He is much more enthusiastic when he is designing, engineering or repairing something. A mini toolkit or some simple wires and batteries would surely give him the upper hand.

Strengths: Likeability (for gaining allies and support from the public), wits and his ability to work as well with or without allies.

Weaknesses: Inability to swim, a lack of combat skills and little knowledge about surviving in the wild.

Fam/friends: Just Burd, really...

-Lumen is completely smitten with Burd. She is his childhood sweetheart and fellow orphan, though the boys and girls were housed in different parts of the orphange. Whenever they were allowed to play, Lumen instantly gravitated towards Burd. No one knew why. She wasn't particularly pretty, but she enchanted him. Her hair hung from her head in depressed, orange curls and she always looked as though she'd been crying, with red bags under her eyes like she'd rubbed them vigourously. Prettier girls had loved him before, but he'd never been interested. When they were ten years old, he and Burd got married in the school playground and cemented their friendship and partnership right then.

Person of importance: Still Burd...

Token: He couldn't decide whether he should take something of his parents or from Burd. He solved the issue by putting his mother's locket (containing a photo of his parents) onto Burd's cheap metal charm bracelet.

Occisora: "I can't say you impress me. The only thing I can think of that might make you useful is as target practice. I don't care if the whole world is at your feet kissing the ground you walk on I make the rules, I decide to give you weapons so likeable is not a strength when it comes to me."

Lumen: "You're just playing hard to get, Occisora. You love me really, you know you do. And, let's be honest, who can blame you? If I was a chocolate bar, I'd eat myself."

Occisora: "I'm wishing you were a chocolatebar."

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