D7 Male - Miles Wilson - Task 5 [TeamQuirky]

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 Miles lay on his back staring at the roof of trees above them. He was having difficulty sleeping. He could not help but think about home. He missed his friends so much it hurt. Or it could be the key lodged in his chest but he liked to think it was the longing for home. Buck licked at his wrist where he was cuffed to Tobias.

 “Can't sleep either, eh, buddy?” Miles muttered, gently taking the little dog and letting him sit on his chest. The little dog licked his neck and chin wagging his tail, frantically. He thought about those he loved who were still back in District 7. He thought especially about Occisora had said about Howey. Did Howey really have feelings for him? How did Miles feel about his best friend? He just wished he could get back home to talk to him about it. And Missy. Suddenly he could not let himself feel the same way about her. She was Howey's sister. If Howey had feeling for him he could not shack off with his sister. Howey and Rodney were like brothers to him. They had played, lived and worked together for most of their lives. Rodney who always seemed to be the strongest of the three of them, who had saved Miles' life...

 Tears stung Miles' eyes and he rolled over. The hand cuffs yanked on his wrist for a moment before he could find a comfortable position that didn't involve rubbing up against Tobias. Finally after long last he managed to fall asleep.


 Miles woke by being dragged over the ground by his wrist.

 “What's going on?” he asked, getting to his feet.

 “Damn you are a sound sleeper,” Tobias said. “We need to get to the flag if we want to make it out of here alive.”

 Miles nodded rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He didn't pay attention to what was going on around him and before he knew it he was being dragged along half asleep. He woke up slowly as they walked.

“I think we'd better wait here and see what's going on before we walk out into the open,” Lumen said, halting at the edge of the tree line.

 “Why? I'm pretty sure we are the biggest alliance still standing. The others would be mad to try and attack us.” Miles muttered.

 They all jumped when a large clock at the top of the flag pole chimed.

 “I guess that means it's twelve now.” Amabel said as the clock chimed a few more times. At the twelfth chime Occisora appeared on the other side of a deep and wide ravine. She smiled widely her eyes sweeping over their surroundings, looking at people they could not see. They all tensed at the sight of her.

 “Hello, my dears. You have come a long way and you are very nearly there.” she said beaming at them. Miles could guess what every one was thinking, what he was thinking. Could they find something that could that could reach far enough to kill her.

“Behind me are nine doors, one for each of you.” she continued. Miles looked around. There were only nine of them left? A mix of fear and relief flooded through him. He was still alive but the end game was nearing. He looked at the people he had allied with. How long would it take for them to turn on each other?

“The only way across the ravine is by using that wire,” Occisora said. Miles had the feeling he'd missed something she'd said. “Some of you will fall to your deaths but if you stay on that side of the ravine you will certainly die.” Of course. There was always more to it with this woman. “when that clock strikes one 'o clock the woods and everything in it will explode. You have one hour to all make it to safety.” Her eyes flashed with malice as she smiled at disappeared.

 Slowly Tributes appeared from between the trees making their way quickly and cautiously to the single crossing point. After a nod from Lumen they followed him. Miles had been right their alliance was made up of more than half the survivors and the other Tributes did look a little worried as they approached. All of them considered each other for a moment deciding weather it was safe to turn their backs and try to cross the ravine.

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