Task 1: A Feast FIt For A King

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  It seems like the last two male Tribute spots are not going to be filled any day soon so I thought we will go head and start without them. If the spots are filled before the deadline of the first task great if not then they will just become dummies that can be killed in the first killing round. I am going to upload the first task. For those who still want to hand in their bonus task you can until the deadline of the first task.


As Morus walked into the room every one momentarily froze. At seeing it was not Occisora conversation resumed. A small group of people is whispering about Occisora and quiet down as Morus walked past. He almost sat in a chair near the middle of the table before remembering he is deputy head Gamesmaker now. He looked around to make sure no one noticed. The other graciously pretend they didn't as they chat amongst themselves. He takes the seat to the right of where Occisora will be seated.

 “I heard Ms. Crudelis has something special planned for the reaping,” a mousey looking woman said, leaning in to talk to Morus. He looked back uncertainly and shrugged.

 “I have no idea what she is planning.” He answered. The woman sits up straight and still as faint clicking echoed through the hall. The rest of the people in the room follow suit and sit in stony silence until Occisora Crudelis walked into the room. At the room she paused.

 “Good morning, every one,” she said, her voice as sweet as honey. Every one looked at their folded hands on the table as they answer, “Good morning Ms. Crudelis.”

 “Yesterday was easy. We were just getting to know each other,” she said, walking around the table, “Today we have real work to do. Tomorrow is reaping day. We have a lot to plan,” She turned to look at Morus, who was the only person in the room looking at her, with her piercing green eyes, “What do you think, Mr. Fortibus? Do you have any ideas?”

 He furrowed his brown and thought for a moment.

 “That depends on what you want to achieve,” he answered. Occisora Smiled widely at him.

 “I like you. You have proven I was right to choose you to be my right-hand-man,” she turned back to the room at large continuing to walk around the table, “I want the Tributes o know that I am not their enemy. I am just earning a living, I am just doing my job. I am the one who keeps them alive. We are the ones who keep them alive,” she swept her arms wide gesturing at all of them, “I want to make the time they have in the Capitol the best time of their life. After all, they don't have much time left.”

 Occisora looked at the people in the room, who had looked up at her speech but quickly looked back at their hands when her gaze fell upon them.

“How do you plan on convincing the Tributes of this?” Morus asked, his brow still furrowed. She turned to him and smiled. A light smile, unusual to her face. A smile that wasn't malicious and didn't strike fear or unease into the hearts of all who saw it. She is human after all, Morus thought.

 “A feast,” She whispered. If Occisora had not been in the room a hubbub of confused mutterings would have been heard in the room but as Occisora was in the room the Gamemaker team just looked at each other.

“A feast in the Capitol. They will be able to bring all of their friends and family on the train to the Capitol and they will get to see the sights that are to be seen and after a relaxing night in a Capitol bed they will all be pampered and cared for. Then when the evening arrives there will be a feast. Food fit for a king. And entertainment and music and dancing. And to top it all off, the food that is left from the feast will be divided and brought back to the Districts.”

 A tangible silence hung in the air. While telling her story Occisora had seemed like a girl carried away in her fantasy. So full of enthusiasm.

“I think that should do it,” Morus said, finally.

 “Of course I will not be able to over everybody but that is just the way the world works,” she muttered. She clapped her hands. “Well, get to work. There is a lot to do,” she said, “Mr. Fortibus, you come with me.”

 With that she strode from the room, Morus hurrying to follow.

The Task:

 Write about the reaping. After the reaping you will be taken to a small room in the justice building where you will have to wait. No one comes to say good bye and when (or if) you ask where your family and friends are the Peacekeepers will say no one has come to see you. After about ten minutes your will be taken to the train. You will see no one on the platform either. You will go on to the train where you will see all your friends and family (and those of you District partner). You will travel to the Capitol where crowds of cheering people will greet you. You will all be shown around the Capitol. You, your friends and family, your District partner and their friends and family will share a floor in the training centre. The next day you will be allowed to do what ever you wan as long as you are escorted by a handful of Peacekeepers. In the evening you and your friends and family will get new clothes and go to the feast. When every one is at the table Occisora will stand up and make the following speech:

 “My dear Tributes. Friends. Family. We are gathered here to celebrate the lives of these brave people, many of who will, unfortunately, die. But not today. Today we shall live. We shall cherish life. We shall cherish the company of those we love. With good food an music I hope to make these last moments before the games pleasant moments. I want you all to know I am not your enemy.” She looks into the crowd looking beautiful and not in the least bit intimidating, “I want to help you. Every one of you. And as a sign of my good will, the left-overs from this feast will be divided and bagged so that each of your family and friends will have food to take back to your District. Now let's eat, drink an be merry.”


 No one will die this task.

  You can send the bonus task together with or before the first task.

 Due date: December 7th 11pm GMT

E-mail your entry to nickolabrinx@hotmail.com

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