Chapter 21

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The door swung open and smoke hung out into the alleyway. The cobblestone street was hidden away from sight in the shadows of the buildings surrounding it. As I looked up at them I noticed no windows faced our way. I knew this place was sketchy, it made me smile.

The air seemed to hang low in the room as we entered and the lights were dimmed all the way down.

At the edge of the room little alcoves with booths were lit with candles and lined with water smoke pipes. They were tall and foreign looking as various people inhaled and exhaled out the smoke that lined the room.

In the booths were a variety of people who all looked like they were up to no good.

I leaned into Eli to whisper in his ear "She's here?"

"I'm sure. Why do you ask?" I could see the smirk on his face even without any real form of light in the room.

"I'm not sure what I was expecting really, for a second to your court this place seems well, illegal."

His smirk turned into a grin.

"Well technically speaking it is but my father decided decided to turn a blind eye rather than face Amren's wrath. It's the only place that will serve her favourite drink."

We had reached the back of the room where the alcove was a little larger than the others. Amren was draped across the booth, drink in hand.

She didn't even look up at us as she drawled "I didn't expect to be seeing you two again so soon."

I decided to let Eli do the talking

"we need a favour Aunt Amren,"

"Then I guess you shall sit,"

Eli beckoned for me to go forth and then he followed.

I smiled at her "I would go into the effort of explaining but I have a feeling you already know,"

"You are a smart child." She gave Eli a sly look and continued "Correct, I sensed your power before I sensed you. It runs almost as deep as mine. Tell me child are you God blessed?"

I snorted "I'm more likely to be Cursed,"

She gave me a look that told me to elaborate,

"My mother is known as many things to my realm, God killer is one. If they have survived I think the last thing they would do is bless me,"

Her red lips curved into a smile that only she could understand "It could be said that one who has the power to kill the Gods replaces them,"

I laughed "As much as I think my mother would agree, she is flesh and bone."

"But the question is are you?"

Eli interrupted "Amren, can we please get to the point,"

"Hush boy, finally some interesting company around here and you start interrupting, why don't you go and flash your muscles to someone, keep yourself entertained."

I giggled.

"I can still feel my powers but when I reach for them they do not answer. It's like they are sleeping."

Amren pondered for a minute.

"Meet me back at my apartment in an hour, I have to prepare."

"Prepare for what?" Eli asked leaning forward

"To get her powers back of course,"

With that Amren tipped back the last contents of her glass into her mouth stood and walked away. Even the walls seemed to stand straighter in the presence of her being. I laughed.

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